Ep 2730a – Banks Accumulate Gold, The [CB] Is Using The Playbook From The 70’s
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The [CB] has fallen in the 70s trap. They are now using the same playbook, they are telling people not to use their cars, they are talking about lower the speed limit. Banks are now accumulating gold, why now, is something about to happen.
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Dave, have you ever heard of the QFS (Quantum Financial System)? I’ve been hearing about it for over 3 years now and how its going to take over our banking and voting systems and eliminate fraud and is supposed to be implemented on April 4th, 2022. Also, if you have any crypto, it will be poof, gone and worthless and is supposedly goea hand in hand with NESARA/GESARA. Curious as to your take cause Ive been in a dust up with an “insider” in GAB. Thanks.