Ep 2738b – Did Trump Reveal A Clue? Do You Attack And Remove Queen Mid-To-End?
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The [DS] is now in panic mode. The fake news was forced to broadcast the [HB] laptop story because they were tipped off that indictments are on their way. They are trying to spin it as best they can. Soon as more info continually drips out and then turns into a flood they will need to shut it all down. Trump sent a clue, and let us all know the direction of the plan. @Q sent a message, and displayed the Queen card, the Queen protect the King, when do you remove the queen mid to end.
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Page 6 of 248
- ← Ep 2738a – Conspiracy Is Now Truth, The [CB] Agenda Is In Trouble
- Ep 2739a – A New Economic Reality Is Taking Shape, Globalism, [CB] Are Receding Into The Past →
How does that saying go again?… Oh yeah, “These People Are Stupid”
Hello… I’m having a problem with your tone. Every time a video of yours comes out, you yell at us as though we are kindergartners. You describe things as though we have no clue as to what is going on. You know more and more people are listening, paying attention, and researching. Please if you are going to get excited about something that irritates you, remember we know, we understand. talk to us as though we are adults please.
Great video as always. Not letting me share said abusive. You are over the target. I love you all INSURGARD
I think when Trump said they haven’t gotten into Taiwan yet, he meant the info on Hunter and Taiwan isn’t being dripped yet.
Wow!!! I’m so glad you’re here to break down and explain the Q posts and Devolution details. I have some concentration issues due to a medical condition and Dave, I would be lost if you didn’t do what you do. Thank you ❤️🇺🇸
Your podcast is always pertinent information involving the DEEP State however, the GOALPOST continues to be moved and NO ARRESTS are EVER made, and the main players continue to RULE and keep control of the Media platforms!!! FB, Twitter is NOT suffering loss because the PEOPLE of this World continue to support them. Biden remains in the house; Pelosi remains in power and the two parties are truly just ONE PARTY and THAT party is the party of DEATH! All the Digital soldiers that are posting and converting the PEOPLE, yet it’s not making any difference in the RULE of LAW in our Govt!!! I’ve been silenced by FaceBook several times now and it seems to just be OK and we weave no power against our adversaries and we watch this nightmare continue!!! How much longer are we to sit here and do NOTHING as WE the PEOPLE remain STILL, waiting on the Military DO THEIR JOBS and REMOVE these MONSTERS??? Are WE being PLAYED by BOTH sides? They have it ALL and know WHO to ARREST, JUST DO IT!
Hi Dave, Great work! Dr. Sherri Tempenny has come out and said the DS next plan is release of hemmoragic fever a.k.a. Ebola virus. God willing, plans are foiled!
Stay well, Jane
I believe it is very important that people are informed of the nature of a solar flare and that on this planet it is not as invisible as people have been led to believe.
The Van Allen Belt helps protect the planet from the solar wind and ipso facto solar flares. The stronger the solar activity the stronger the Northern Lights . The Aurora Borealis. If they say a solar a massive solar flare has knocked out communication and people as far south as Illinois and Iowa can’t see the activity in the sky…. it’s time to cry FAKE ! and bring this fact up.
It would be tough to fake and they would probably assume the we are just a bunch of ignorant clods anyway.
Funny. They want Thomas taken down because of his wifes texts, but they dont want Bidet removed because of Hunters texts.
First time I’ve heard you getting wound up Dave… High five for all the good work you’ve been doing.
Hello Dave,
I have been a proud listener to the x22report for at least two years now. I was raised a democrat , (now an independent) but realized many years ago that the democratic party does not represent hard working American families!
Trump has done a great job as well as patriots like yourself exposing the ramped corruption at all levels of our government state and federal!!! The following agencies have all been weaponized CDC,FDA,FBI,CIA,DOJ,DOE,NIH and local board of health depts as well, all used “against the American People”. The information the x22report provides “True Americans” is invaluable, providing information to patriots that care about this great nation.
Thank You
From Massachusetts (Another state that needs our all elections investigated!)
The Washington Post also confirmed the legitimacy of the Hunter laptop.
@41:00 The US citizen was hurt…. Here’s another BIG point … Try to rent an apartment… 2008 hurt the real estate market right up to this time… Apartments/houses were not being built … Our citizens can’t find a place to live or rent … Homelessness is skyrocketing all across this nation … And Biden is bringing in MILLIONS of new people who will need a place to live … I feel for the refugees but our people need to have a place to live ..(or is this Klaus Schwab “You will own nothing and will be happy” Yeah … dead and happy in the next life)
X22 … Do you even read these messages???? Where do you post the comments???
Dave, have you listened to this YouTube video?
Due to the nature of it, I am surprised that YouTube allows this short video. Perhaps YouTube is permitting it to stay online in order to scare us into mass psychosis or a civil war.
Anyway, the video states that a “false flag” event will occur in NYC on April 18, 2022, where a truck bomb will be set off that will kill around 2000, and that if this bomb goes off, then Russia will be blamed, and that WWIII will shortly convene.
Could this video be a credible warning? Or is it fake to get Patriots to identify themselves as “Guardians” and thus be killed by the Deep State, CIA, & DOJ.
I tested a report that showed someone with a cell phone with bluetooth turned on; holding it next someone who has been vaxxed trying to sync with an unknown device. Since learning this, I have turned off my bluetooth unless I want to listen to music in my car (not often). I turned it on and held it next to a vaxxed co-worker who uses the word ‘Venus’ in her password. My phone synced to a ‘device’ starting with the word Venus. When I moved away from her, the link disappeared. I tried it on another coworker …the device name had not come up when I tested the first coworker (Venus). Again, another unknown device showed up but the Venus device was not there. When they both stood together, both of them showed up.
Sasha and Melia were in some of those pix on the laptop. Did Obummer traffick his own kids? Or, were they just stupid teenagers without proper guidance caught up in the intrigue? Either way, it’s horrible.
Endless Praises to my Heavenly Father, Yehovah and His son, Yeshua, our Redeemer,
who chose you, Donald Trump to be responsible to lead the enormously huge, complex, difficult and most important task on planet Earth in 2000 years which you have diligently and brilliantly without ceasing, achieved according to Yehovah’s “Will” Not only that but you carried on through constant danger and numerous attempts on your life and the lives of your family members, in order to accomplish this very special role given from our Heavenly Father, who has never taken His hand from your safety.
We love you and appreciate you enormously President Trump, best, bravest, most genuine, brilliant and hard- working President of the USA, ever!!
The more I see your faithful, responsible, World-Wide efforts, the more I understand why Yehovah assigned the leadership of the entire Earth to be your responsibility for the regaining/recovery of this Earth from evil forces, that we may worship in the freedom Yehovah gave us, but we unfortunately neglectfully erred and lost to the evil fallen one.
I pray that multitudes will heed the call of the Holy Spirit to become faithful followers of Yehovah, as Yeshua shed His blood to pay the penalty of our sin, making eternal life possible, if we choose to cease sin, repent and follow Him.
May You, President Donald Trump, be blessed above all earthly Leaders; and may the millions of prayers for you and your family continue, unceasing among all Believers around this earth, that finally, we will regain the religious freedom given to us by God himself to worship Him and be smart enough to guard and protect by our faithfulness, the precious gift of Freedom to worship, especially that given to the United States of America.
I am Grateful God chose you and we chose you, and you have faithfully fulfilled his Will! The USA is Blessed and so is the entire world, by your faithful service.
Prayers and gratefulness to you!
Virginia Gallaher