Ep 2741b – Drops Will Go Fast, Everything Is Planned, Old Guard In The Process Of Being Removed
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The [DS] is panicking, the drop will speed up and the fake news will struggle to keep control. This was planned years ago, Trump confirmed that the people needed to see it, once the people saw the true agenda of the [DS] they would demand the old guard be destroyed. The people are taking back the country and the [DS] players are panicking trying to stop it, it’s too late the people are awake.
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- ← Ep 2741a – [CB] Warns About Bank Runs, They Have Lost And The New System Is Being Born
- Ep 2742a – The Biden Admin/[CB] Have Failed, The People Will Lead The Way To A New Economic System →
If zelensky needs weapons he can go get the equipment Biden left in Afghanistan
How do I sign up for your reports everyday? They are fabulous!!
We constantly hear about the Durham report and the unsealed indictments. Let’s keep in mind that this narrative is a BIG nothing burger until indictments actually come out. Until then, it’s all pie in the sky thinking. We’ve been hearing about indictments for a couple of years and so far really nothing has happened except for one FBI agent and lawyer. Show us the money!!!
The desperate push for “more weapons” strikes me as odd–is this a ploy to support a crumbling narrative? If Putin’s goal is to destroy the Nazi’s & biolabs, what happens when mission accomplished? Answer: Putin withdraws troops & releases the information obtained.
Proving weapons–on the surface–not only creates a narrative that “this additional weapon support stopped Putin” (resulting in retreat) but also enables the bad actors to visually stage a war zone as well as destroy any remaining evidence. What happens if Putin withdraws before weapons are received? Is this a race for the narrative?
Hi Dave,
Another great post (2741b).
I have a question…
Maybe you can look into it and find the answer for us.
A bill was signed regarding an anti lynching law, recently.
I was under the impression we had a law like this on the books.
Could it be something enhanced by the DS, to protect them from the woke mobs once the entire truth is let out of the bag?
Thanks for all you do Dave.
Listening EVERY night.
Bob H.
Pelham, NH
Neither Hillary or Michelle (Big Mike) could ever serve as VP, or anything else because they are dead! Executed after military tribunal.
You keep saying that the deep state is panicking. All I see is mass media covering for them and everyone in the world lapping it up like sycophantic dogs. I see zero awakening from anyone toward what is happening. The fragile egos of the never Trumpers will never allow any of them to admit that they were wrong. They would rather ride the train all the way to hell than admit they were taken in by propaganda. Admitting that “I hate the president because the tv told me to” just is not going to happen. If media will not cover corruption, judges refuse to hear the important cases, and fragile egos would rather die than accept that maybe Trump was right, there is no way for this to progress in favor of The People. It does not matter how bad it gets, how high inflation goes, or how many millions of illegal immigrants flood our borders for free government handouts off the backs of the working class, cognitive dissonance will not allow them to rethink their anti-Trump sentiment. They will continue to cheat and continue to get away with it. Free elections are over. They will falsify votes until there are more votes than the population of the country, and everyone will stand behind the vote suppression narrative until they are trampled underfoot by the very system they worship so ardently. They will likely die with propaganda rolling through their minds like Orwellian double-think. I have followed you for years. I had hope. I believed. I thought equal justice would reign over the tiered oligarchical system. I just can’t believe any more. If “the military is the only way forward”, then why do we have to go through the pain of “seeing who they really are”? We lost. Freedom is in the ICU and about to be taken off the ventilator. The saddest part is that the deep state so successfully indoctrinated the children to hate America, they will probably cheer when it crumbles under the weight of the infiltration. Let this comment go live and post a rebuttal. If it gets moderated out, then I will know that there Is No Rebuttal. Againm I ask to stop giving people false hope. The deep state are criminals, but if it takes 10 years to prosecute 1 crime and hundreds more are committed to cover them up, we will always be playing catchup. Soon we will buried in the depths of history as an extremist group with barely a mention in the history books because they are written by the winners of wars. I welcome debate. I do not want to feel this pessimism. Convince me that the good guys will win. Right now, all I see is evil triumphant and no one giving a damn. Don’t want users to see contrarian view points? Respond directly. An email address is required to submit the form.
Dave, Barack Obama, Michele Obama/aka Michael Levon Robinson and the Clintons are all gone.
Another winner show, thanks Dave. Say dave , how about we get rid of the teachers unions and all the teachers that Obama brought in who ended up teaching CRT. We could start right here in Florida. I’d vote for that.
They went through Obama’s Race to the Top program and not a College 4 year degree
Thanks for listening Dave
Dude I love listening to your shows, but for God’s sake why are you so terrible at promouncing people’s names??!! Most of the time they are popular poeple’s names you mangle, do you not listen or watch any other of forms of media or do you only read stuff? If you were to listen or watch you would hear how everyone else pronounces names. Drives me nuts!!!
The 25th and 22nd amendments are going to be used to bring back Obama for the last two years of Biden’s term. This was never about Trump coming back. It is about Obama. KamelHo is going to move up and Buckwheat will become VP and eventually President. A puppet government if they last that long.
If you are right, per a previous episode that the black queen has already been taken which means Pelosi flipped, then it makes perfect sense. Trump has been telling us this all along and eliminating all our guesses for his return during recent interviews.
Thanks for doing this Dave.
Dear Dave,
I am a devoted fan, and have followed you from the beginning.
Could you take a few moments and look in on ‘Aim4Truth’ aka ‘American Intelligence Media’ with Michael McKibben, Douglas Gabriel et. al.
Their latest video:
Michael and his Team dive in, deeply and thoroughly, and discover Truth beyond your imagination.. Please have a look..
History was written by The Brits, and is mostly Fraud. They have never given up control of America.
We have never been free of British rule.
Best wishes and thanks so much for your uplifting assessments of what is… Connie
Disney was created by the CIA and they are a EVIL company.We need to put them out of business and investigated for CRIMES against children and should NEVER have had a special statics.They should be like any other company.