Ep 2443a – [CB] Makes Their Move On Cryptocurrency, Watch What Happens Next
Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA
Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^
The [DS]/[CB] infrastructure plan is failing before it begins, people are beginning to realize that this is not about the infrastructure and more about payoffs, climate funding and taxes, everything the people do not want. Trumps economy has taken off since states and business opened. The [CB] now sees Crypto as a threat.
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- Ep 2443b – Years In The Making, Flynn: Forget About 2024, Think Election Fraud →
Dear David,
I’ve been listening to your X22Report for about 6 months and each day look forward to your postings. I realize that yours is opinion-based commentary, but it seems to me that you’ve taken great care to research your ideas and logic is behind your assessments. So much of what you share seems pretty plausible.
Of all of the “alternative” sources of information that I’ve sampled and review daily, I turn to your opinion as my key source to help gain insight and perspective. We live in a very troublesome and interesting time. My hope is that your evaluations are close to what will happen. Time will tell. If this isn’t a gigantic sting, then the road forward will be fraught with real pain and suffering in our country. It seems that even if this is a sting operation, there will still be much pain and suffering because we will need to expose and remove all of the corruption, treason, and control by bad actors.
Please keep up the great work. When all of the smoke clears, those in power should recognize the contributions that folks like you have made. You have my vote.
Best regards,
Please reset my password on the app I paid for I cannot access it anymore for some reason
Regarding Ep 2443a, the IRS is after small crypto currency investors while overlooking the trillions that the DS players have laundered through their NGO’s, like the RC, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, etc.
Dave, why don’t you do a session on the requirements for taxation: Representation, transparency, sustainability. This is really important, especially with the Biden budgets. No input from taxpayers/citizens, no accounting or reporting budget versus actual, debt is not sustainable and more. This means that taxpayers have a right to not pay any taxes until the government starts satisfying prerequisites for taxation.
Where can I buy Bitcoin
I have taken a close look at Bitcoin. It makes no sense. The explanations as to how they come into being, how those who sell them do so , how to buy them, how to know you are getting anything at all, them being no more secure than your device and internet connection, these explanations are incomplete and seem made up. No person would trade the security of precious metals ownership for this if they were useing their head. Those who are preaching Bitcoin, Bitcoin, are offering no logical information as to why this is a good idea, no complete picture, and this includes X22 Report. If you are using the Bitcoin fad to illustrate the disatisfaction with the Fed Dollars , fine , but don’t tell us to run out and buy them without telling us what they really are. To me, Bitcoin seems like a big scam, and I would not go near it based on the information available now.
It will be curious to see if Delta airlines stays in GA. after their tax breaks are stripped away
X22 I love all your reports… totally great can wait for the return of Potus Donald J Trump
What do you see for Canada?