Ep 2745b – Do People Really Believe The Biggest Scandal In Modern US History Will Go Unpunished?
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The [DS] is using everything they have right now to fight against the patriots. This is an information war, Trump is a war time president. The [DS] is doing everything they can to protect their crimes from reaching the public, this has already failed, they do not have control over this. AZ AG reports fraud but is not doing anything about it. The people must push and demand justice. When you overthrow a government and cheat your way in and you get caught, laws, nominations are revoked because the puppet government did not have the authority to issue these.
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My god they killed the sitting president of the United States and never got punished u dum mother fucker who killed Kennedy and if u tell me Oswald u r dummer than don lemon and I c ur prediction of kentanji won’t b confirmed was balls on accurate fuck u and ur buddy jo Biden
It’s obvious to me national security prevailed, question is who’s security? And to stop what? The truth is apparent. It lies in what you see and in essence is in what they don’t say, those who deceive and manipulate the masses, for their own subjective endeavor. In god we trust, not man. What happened in the 60’s ! Space. Moon. Nasa and Russia collaborate. Initiated by Kennedy. Obviously our pres.@ that time considered the greatest threat to EA. NOT RUSSIA, WE ARE AT WAR IN SPACE SINCE PROTECTION OF HUBBLE, as witnessed by the lAST live tellivised sts mission in the mid 90’s. lens reversal mission. Originally Installed backwards. NUFSAD. as above below, aliens or fallen angels, Lord of host, JESUS will soon return to subdue evil. We are with him or against. GOD IS TRUTH.
“The biggest scandal in modern American history”. Which one? There are SO many!!
Hi X22
You say ” it has to come from us, we the people at the ground level”
But when “we the people vote At The Ground Level” OUR VOTE NEVER COUNTS because the VOTING SYSTEM DOESN’T WORK… THEY CHEAT… How is it up to us??? We vote… It doesn’t count! Period…
The left is already working to soften the word groomer. As in We have a grooming business that is both brick and mortar and mobile trucks for pet grooming.
We have many salons open for bikini waxing and grooming.
Visiting angels offers Seniors many services including food preparation, cleaning and grooming.
Conservatives MUST include the word “CHILD” before every statement. A Child groomer. Child Grooming and eventual Pedophilia!
Even Trump wouldn’t overturn Judge Jumanji from SCOTUS. The bottom line, The Senate put a Pedophile Enabler on the supreme court. PERIOD!! The enablers must be defeated, but they won’t be. Who really thinks Susan Collins or Mitt Romney will lose??
Murkowsky is always a vote from losing. For some reason, Alaska, a Red State, keeps voting for her regardless. She’s like the battered wife!
Yes, we do believe it will go unpunished–have watched it since MoveOn. org was formed in 2003 and the pace has now quickened to an absolute lightning speed now overseen by the UN, WHO, WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM. If anything is to be done, it needs to occur quickly as local Prosecutors are now seeing the Voter Fraud but are not prosecuting anyone and the next election is near
Also Jen Psaki also got covid both times she was supposed to go abroad with Joe Biden.
It is a damn shame those Patriots that Went into the Capitol Building on Jan 6th were not armed to the teeth and managed to dethrone those Lying, Cheating, Fraudulent , SOBs and hanged a coupe hundred Democrats !
Sure would have been quite a site to see Traitorous Democrats swinging at the end of a rope or shot dead when they were caught !!
Some how and at some time we must take back our Government … the Democrats have stolen way too much of our tax dollars !
If it takes force and violence then let it be so … but we need must take our Government back !
Someone needs to publish a list of people NOT to vote for. I will not vote for any democrat. Joe Manchin can go to help after voting to confirm that unqualified , pedophile loving sob!
It’s COMMS. They are relaying to one another that they are caught and can’t run like roaches when the lights are turned on. Even if it’s a spouse that “tested positive,” the safe thing to do is self-quarantine until everyone in the family and staff are “tested.” Did anyone notice how they used virtually the same language in their disclosures?
Here’s what I want to know:
Has A G Bronovich been presented with valid evidence of election fraud? Is what Wendy Rogers team and Karen Fann discovered presented irrefutable?
How can Bronovich deny any of this evidence if it is irrefutable?
Lets just hope to God that he will acknowledge as valid the evidence and prosecute instead of try to water everything down.
Let’s hope that the ongoing investigation is building up to more prosecutions.
If he is more concerned about his political career and moving into the senate, he might be compromised, in which case Arizona is screwed.
There’s lots of rhetoric in this video explaining the process and whether wrong doers will face punishment. It’s only rhetoric until the time the indictments are issued and the players go to trial. Show me the money!!!
The Deep State has methodically infiltrated every branch of government in key positions, including the legislative branch. All of these individuals will need to be eliminated from government roles where they no longer have influence. We don’t know the identity of most these individuals. We already know who they are in the legislative branch. No one does anything about test people because the vote has been highly compromised and no one willing to go the extra step (i.e., Arizona Atty General).
Hi Dave!
Alerting you . . .
Ep. 2745b did not show-up on Rumble. It did show-up on Bitchute which is lousy with trolls.
It looks a little anemic when I click on it at your web site, too!
trash and lies
dave you are delusional
yes do Believe they be Unpunished.
When the criminal Democrats and any of the Deep State traitors announce that they have COVID,
it usually means they have been arrested. I believe Nancy Pelosi has already been arrested.
AMG-News.com – Arrests and military tribunals. Also go to Real Raw News Archives.
In God we trust.
I normally watch on Rumble. This Youtube channel has been using your audio.
Dave,i have a theory about those in the government who have tested positive for covid and it goes like this.They have tested positive for covid mean they have been arrested,then released.They have tested positive for covid and are in the hospital means,they have been arrested and jailed.They died from covid means,they were arrested,tried,convicted,and executed after they were convicted for their crimes against humanity/children.Makes sense doesn’t it?
Yes, absolutely people believe that this scandal will go unpunished and we have no reason whatsoever to believe otherwise. Most people I know now believe that our government is completely corrupted and that the election was stolen. No one, except us hardcore anons high on hopium believe that anyone will be prosecuted. Even the Hunter Laptop has changed no minds as the response is that he will just get pardoned and that no one will prosecute. Please don’t bring up Durham as that investigation only further proves that these crimes will be investigated forever with no consequences. The years of delay, only further enforces that perception and there is no valid reason or evidence to believe anything different. I quit listening to X22 because it is always hopium and the events we a want are just around the next corner. To date, thing has happened of any consequence that will persuade anyone
Yes, absolutely people believe that this scandal will go unpunished and we have no reason whatsoever to believe otherwise. Most people I know now believe that our government is completely corrupted and that the election was stolen. Many have known that for years No one, except us hardcore anons high on hopium believe that anyone will be prosecuted. Even the Hunter Laptop has changed no minds as the response is that he will just get pardoned and that no one will prosecute. Please don’t bring up Durham as that investigation only further proves that these crimes will be investigated forever with no consequences. The years of delay, only further enforces that perception and there is no valid reason or evidence to believe anything different. I quit listening to X22 because it is always hopium and the events we all want are just around the next corner. To date, nothing has happened of any consequence that will persuade anyone
Yes it will go unpunished. This has always happened. That’ is why the USA is fatally damaged.
I love watching the show !!..Question: What ever happed to the diary when will the Biden pedophilla be exposed from it !!
Jack is legit.
2745B didnt’ appear on Rumble for some reason
Great and thorough report as always, Dave. Love it all — “a complete and utter disaster” as you put it, is exactly the dark pit the DS has dug for themselves. Can’t wait to see all the usual suspects routed out and rounded up. It’s coming.
Losing hope,…that was lost,…when trump walked away from the election steal,…and on to the golf course,…abandoning his supporters.
The answer to the question of the day,…YES. There is no reason to believe that anything that trump and the so called patriots are saying,…has any truth behind it all. trump had the people on board,…even after 4 years,…of the lies of indictments coming SOON,arrests coming SOON, military tribunals coming SOON, jailing in Gitmo coming SOON,…then trump walks away from the election steal. What is amazing,…is trump and the patriots,…keep pushing the same narrative,…the same propaganda,…and are expecting a different result,…people walking away from trump.
Same BULLSHIT propaganda,…nothing new here,…to hear.
I was listening to the x22 report yesterday 2745b, and suddenly the sound sent off even though I can get sound on all other things I tune into. I tried again today and still no sound on 2746b either. Is there a problem on your server? Or is this another issue?
Wow. More nothing happened, but it’s all a part of the plan. You’re a liar. You used “I do believe” many times. That’s the same as “I feel”. You’re like the legacy media, all feelings and no facts. You’re just making all of this up. You are an evil person. Bronovich does nothing and somehow, it’s all good. It’s the plan! Lies. Your three and four year “deltas” are time markers of when NOTHING HAPPENED. But of course, now the psy-op called “Q” is correct and the deltas are real. Liies. Red October, March Madness, April Shows, August is gonna be hot etc, all lies. Nothing happened.
Guess what We the People are getting tired of this FUCKING SHOW. It looks like we’ve been played again . We the People don’t get the “inside news” you just tell us be calm trust the plan. Fuck that show us the plan show us your in charge . Keep dicking around and People will clean things up. And guees what you’ll be on the cleaning list. The People are tired of government .
ALL of these polititions KNEW,KNOW or ott to have KNOWN what was happening and THEY did NOTHING.NOW they are finally speaking out because the ELECTION is coming up.These people are ALL GUILTY of TREASON and WE have to GET RID of ALL of them and get a TOTAL batch of NEW blood in the government.
Dave, please watch. I am messaging this to everyone I know. Please watch the whole thing. THEY ARE POISONING US WITH COBRA VENOM!!!Danger!! Danger!!