Ep 2748b – The Big Lie Is The [DS] Big Lie, The Crime Of The Century Is About To Be Revealed
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The big lie that the fake news and corrupt politicians have been telling is about to be revealed the same way the HB laptop was revealed to be true. The crime of the century is now being produced and the [DS] is going to throw everything they have to stop it. They are now trying to bring back covid, they are pushing the bird flu to push food shortages. They are trying everything they can, this is all going to fail. The people see the plan. Next round is about to hit the [DS], buckle up.
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- ← Ep 2748a – [CB]/Biden Admin Panic, Great Reset Agenda Imploding
- Ep 2749a – The Good Guys Have Set It All In Motion, The Economic System Will Return To The People →
OMG! the truth finally totally exposed re origin of covid and it is shocking. It is in the jabs-snake venom genome. Dr Ardis starts and beginning and details to the end..unbelievable. they are now putting it in the water. MUST GET THIS OUT.
If the people are the key to bring out all this corruption, crimes and murders by the deep state, then We the People need to be part of deciding on the prosecution and sentencing (with extreme prejudice) for High Treason. How about televising the executions. I am a Christian, but what these people have done to the entire world needs to have International Tribunals, and not the mini-Nuremburg few results.
Dave, I just discovered that I can leave a message. THANK YOU for all that you do for us !!!! It is greatly appreciated ! When I feel like giving up, all have to do is listen to you. You keep me calm. God bless you and your family.
Plays for 15-30 seconds then quits. Plays for 15-30 seconds then quits. Why am I paying to subscribe for this???
Hi Dave,
Great program tonight. However, I wish there would be a way to stop the Deep State from using fear because fearmongering is very damaging. It really bothers me that they would try to bring back the Coronavirus to push fear. I wish there was some way to put a stop to it. I think propaganda should be treated like pornography. Anyway thanks again. Hope all is well. God bless you. Where we go one, we go all.
raitor. Murderer. Pedophile. Luciferian. Clinton co-conspirator. John Podesta was the embodiment of evil—“was” being the operative word. On Tuesday morning at precisely 8:00 a.m. GITMO time, a military firing squad composed of Marine volunteers gave Podesta a 6-gun salute—center mass.
Two hours earlier, military police had awoken Podesta and asked whether he wanted a final meal. A tearful and trembling Podesta reportedly refused a last repast, saying he had no appetite while whining about how Donald J. Trump and the U.S. military had convicted an innocent man.
Shackled at the wrists and ankles, Podesta was placed in a Humvee and driven to a clearing a kilometer southeast of Marine Hill, home to the fictional Lt. Col. Nathan R. Jessup in the film A Few Good Men.
The clearing was featureless except for freshly trimmed grass and a cement wall that measured 6’x6x2’. A small group of both military and civilian onlookers watched as two MPs removed Podesta from the Humvee and escorted him to the cement barricade, demanding he stand motionless before it.
The most recognizable attendees were Rear Adm. Crandall, who prosecuted the military’s case against Podesta, and, surprisingly, Marine Corps General David H. Berger, who recently assumed the role of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff after unseating Gen. Mark A. Milley, who now stands accused of treason.
Six marines, rifles at their side, faced the barricade—and Podesta–at 20 yards.
“If the condemned has any last words, or wants Last Rites, now’s the time,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.
“I don’t want to die. I didn’t do anything. This is an aberrant violation of due process. I don’t want to die alone like this,” Podesta said.
General Berger spoke up: “You needn’t worry about dying alone. Hillary’s waiting for you, wherever you’re headed, and we’ll be sending plenty more company your way.”
Asked whether he wished to be blindfolded, Podesta said, “Does it matter?”
Rear Adm. Crandall addressed the firing squad: “When I give the command to fire, you’re to fire your rifles simultaneously, center mass. The magazines on your rifles hold only one round each. You will chamber that round on the ‘ready’ command. One cartridge holds a blank. If any of you soldiers feel guilty afterward, just convince yourself that it was your rifle that fired the blank. Remember, you volunteered for this duty.”
He gave the ‘ready’ command, and the Marines raised their rifles and chambered their single round of ammunition.
“Aim,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.
The Marines drew a bead on Podesta’s chest.
Podesta called out to God.
“Fire!” Rear Adm. Crandall ordered.
At once the six Marines discharged their weapons, and Podesta’s perforated body slumped forward and collapsed to the ground. A physician present felt for a pulse and placed a stethoscope to Podesta’s blood-stained chest, then declared him dead.
Dave you are so awesome!
Just want to bring to your attention the correct pronunciation of D’nesh DSousa’s last name:
Souza — say SUE–ZA and that will be right!
I listen to every X22REPORT Broadcast — really appreciate You and your work/your service.
Thanks very much.
Sue M.
You know, I was starting to get back into this again. And now we’re talking about mid-terms?!? It keeps getting pushed farther and farther into the future. It reminds me of the carrot before the horse. I’ve been to Trump rallies, voted for Trump twice, donated to his campaign but I’m really starting to lose interest in this stuff. I’m thinking we’re just being led to the slaughter. And I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels this way. I know the swamp is deep but we’ve been lied to so many times in the past it makes me think what makes this any different? It’s almost as if we’re being fed just enough to keep us hanging on. Trump is going to lose people that are plain old getting tired of being strung along. 80% of the people voted for Trump, how many more do they need?!? We are already the majority, and not a close majority either! So what’s up? And I think I have an excellent point. The military needs to go in if they have it all like Trump says. It doesn’t make sense. This is getting old. I’m sorry but just how I feel about. We’re already the majority.
Kind Regards.
Very interesting you talk on bird flu, as of today in Alberta, Canada there are headlines of:
Bird flu found at 3 more poultry flocks in central Alberta.
More than 160,000 farm birds dead, destroyed as avian flu sweeps through Alberta.
Canada’s food industry making adjustments amid large bird flu outbreak
These stealth jackasses are welcome to put a stealth million dollars in my account. I’ll agree to buy only stealth products – you know, quiet boots, masks, sound suppressors, McStealth burgers for McLunches, and coils of silent rope for stealth unpatriots. A quiet revolution.
Have you seen this.. horrendously EVIL.
Watch the water:
Sorry.. the video is on Rumble
Whatever became of the U.S. Army’s Covid vaccine?
Dave, If you haven’t seen on Stan Peters channel, the video called ‘Watch the Water’, you should watch it asap! Its really good. I knew there’s something ‘in the water’ and that’s why I haven’t been drinking tap water or even water that’s been filtered in our refrigerator’s and homes. Its not good. I’m also questioning bottled water too!! I love your website and videos/podcast on it too. Keep going!! Even after they are all taken down, keep posting videos and everything!! I support you all the way! Thank you so much for doing all of this!!
Rachael Whitmore
A True Patriot from Alaska
If they already have it all as they say why do they still have to investigate. Make the arrests starting at the top not the bottom and produce the truth in a court of law. I really think Americans have endured enough. The ‘hopeless’ factor is high because we know the crimes and there has been no arrests, no accountability and no consequences.
Thanks Dave for all your work on these report.
Thanks Dave for all your work on these reports.
Good Luck getting MY weapons Newsome, you twat!
You better tell POTUS that his 80 plus executive orders are not laws and you better tell the people/the citizens the same thing because we certainly are walking lock step to those stupid orders
They want to breakup the US as they intend to do with Russia.
Please! Someone decertify! People are dying because of these A((((s
It would be nice if the Michigan legislature would agree that there was huge fraud in the election of 2020. Even though Guiliani, et al., came and testified and gave the proof needed, the Senate committee decided that there wasn’t fraud. RINOS? They KNOW it was fraud. They KNOW it was the dominion machines. They KNOW that the count was a big fraud… now what?
We have been hearing this same BULLSHIT for days and days upon days,…”…”its about to drop,…the truth is about to come out,…the same BULLSHIT will be pumped out tomorrow,…and the next day,…and the next.