Ep 2750b – FISA Brings Down The House, When Do Birds Sing? Panic In DC
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The [DS] is now trapped in their treasons crimes. Durham is on the hunt and Sussman is now trapped. When do birds sing? Will Sussman turn and sing a like bird. Most likely yes, he is not going to take the fall for the puppet masters. The patriots are now showing the people the infiltration from within, the avalanche has begun and nothing can stop it, nothing.
- ← Ep 2750a – The People Do Not Believe The [CB] Narrative, Game Over, Panic
- Ep 2751a – Trump Confirms The Economic Direction, The People Are Seeing The Truth →
In the early hours of Sunday morning, Cedar Rapids, Iowa had its first mass shooting in our towns history. 15 people were shot, 3 killed, by one of the victims jilted boyfriend. This happened at “Club Taboo” in our downtown area. This club is a Black club and all victims as well as the shooter were black. Police were sitting outside of the club in squad cars BEFORE the event occurred, yet, the shooter was not apprehended until the next day, less than a mile from my house. And guess what? Their cameras werent working either. Just thought I would let you know.
Hi Dave,
I just want to be one of the first to say, “Sussman did NOT kill himself!”
people need to watch this on rumble of Stew Peterson Watch The Water movie. it is a eye opener.
Just a heads up from Australia. I have been an avid recipient of of your fantastic website & have been inspired by it to study the whole spectrum of our political agendas around ‘OUR’ world.
recently your google upload has not been working on my phone. Just a black screen.
Maybe I’m just not a good cell phone operator, just a 71 year old without proper training, however I don’t believe that’s the problem.
I now look up x22report on my laptop & watch you on the big screen with superb sound quality.
As stated many times by those of us in the know, “these people are stupid’ if they think that they can censor free speech.
The political turmoil you are dealing with in the US is extremely concerning, given my sister lives in Dallas but we have similar issues here now with our national elections imminent.
Fortunately there are a few new parties standing against the traditional lame duck pollies with their back room controllers I.E. The cellar-dwellers like Obama, HRC, RB, RCC, Disneyland etc. etc. etc.
Like many of your followers, I await the release of Donald’s new website so that free speech can be restored to it’s rightful position in all democratic societies in the whole of our God-given universe & we finally remove all of the serpents from our Garden Of Eden. (ref. Dr Fauci- CV).
Dave check out fox 17 news wxmi Grand Rapids Mi police involved shooting police cam footage came out 4-13. Another George Flyod His lawyer is helping the family. Had protest to days in a row. When police came out in riot gear they were throwing things at them BLM was their and Black panthers. Pay attention to this
Why doesn’t this damned site download like it should?
I still think we ought to lynch them all! Jurisprudentally , of course!
President Trump and the military DEFINITELY have Piglosi’s emails and Mayor Bowser’s.
I sure hope Sussman has great security! I don’t want to see another killary suicide…Do you know if he does? If not, pls. suggest he does!! He won’t take the fall & SHE KNOWS IT, so what does she always do???? Catch my drift/ ! I KNOW U do!
Seriously who cares if 12months later these people are proven innocent? The news has already been created and the normies already indoctrinated. The damage has been done already. Even if they apologise for the false article, they put it on page 13 in some small box so no one reads it. The left don’t read, so unless the apologies are on CNN, it’s irrelevant IMHO.
Why aren’t you telling people True Social is a slow roll out is because the lead tech there worked on the Lincoln Project? Trump continues to surround himself with enemies.
We didn’t forget how to play the game … WE BECAME COMPLACENT AND COMPLIANT!
Didn’t Nancy’s laptop get taken on Jan 6th? Wouldn’t you think the drive was copied?
I dumped all my Disney Stock … I do not want anything to do with those Leftwing Nuts !
Hope Sussman makes it too the trials!! ??
Please tell us why the russain ship “Moskwa” has sunk.
One Race, One People, Humankind is not made up of ” different” Races. Divided we are weaker, United WE ARE POWERFUL !!! C’MON MAN !!!❤️⚖️❤️🙏❤️🕯️🦋
X22 keeps pushing the same propaganda,…day after day, week after week, month after month,…year after year.