Ep 2753a – [JB]/[CB] Buckle Under The Pressure, Transition Is Happening In Realtime
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[JB]/[CB] are in trouble and they are trapped, the polls numbers are against them so they need to control the situation, so the Biden admin decided to resume oil leases, this will fail. Biden are some desperate they are still talking about cancelling student debt. The [CB] plan is failing, the people are transitioning in realtime.
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- Ep 2753b – A Deep Dark World Is Being Exposed, The Truth Won’t Be For Everyone →
Just observed ballot 🗳 harvesting behind my old gas station ⛽️ in Warner Center on Canoga Ave in Woodland Hills Ca, Los Angeles County. Vehicles would pull up in back , open trunk and pull out large mail like container FULL of mail in BALLOTS! PUTTING them in the back of vans … I was putting air in my tires . Some were uncomfortable 😕 with my presence, the main guy just smiled at me … THEY NO NOTHING IS GOING TO STOP THEM ! THAT ANY EFFORTS TO WILL HAVE NO EFFECT … WE HAVE NO COUNTRY . POINT, your vote 🗳 will be VOID-ED AT EVERY TURN ! I don’t see any point in going in to what it is like being a VETERAN going to the V.A. hospital [ no point in going ] ! A list of UGLINESSES Growing in all facets of daily life is to extensive to put in this post 📫.