Ep 2761b – C Comes Before D, The Next Phase Will Bring Justice, Buckle Up
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The [DS] is struggling to stay alive, they are fighting for their lives. JS sends a message, the letter “C”, C comes before D. Justice is coming. The bullhorn has been taken away from the [DS] and they panicking because the people are going to learn that they have been living in a propaganda illusionary world. The majority was always there but the [DS] tried to mask it with the their [DS] machine, this has come to and end, the next phase will bring justice.
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- ← Ep 2761a – WEF Trapped, The Globalist System Is Dying Right In Front Of Their Eyes
So.. I’m 70 yrs old….. things are never going to be normal again…………
I’m sick of hearing all the rhetoric! I want action! I’ve been telling everyone things are moving along and there is NOTHING HAPPENING!!
Aloha Dave,
Fact check, I don’t think the constitution was ratified in 1776???!!!
D’ Sue-zah.
Not D’Sow-zah. Have you even watched any of his vids???
The Election fiasco in France is the beginning fracture line that brings down the whole Deep State house of cards of the E.U. & N.A.T.O.
The Jerico walls come tumblem down.
Thank You Dave
I am sure the Deep State will try to ban Dinesh D’Souza’s film, but not if Truth Social and Twitter are fully functioning for Patriots. Everything else will come to light on those platforms and it will be game over for the criminals.
Hi, Dave. I really appreciate your news & views. Today, you talk (e.g. at 15-18 min.) about the censoring on Twitter. It is unconstitutional – against the U.S. right of free speech. You SAY that adults can / should / do protect themselves from or ignore movies & opinions they don’t like. I appreciate your passionate presentation. Big news, though: THIS PLATFORM – RUMBLE – and also Bit Chute, have been censoring my comments for several years. FACT. Some remarks they delete or don’t publish. Or, my comment predictably goes to the VERY BOTTOM of the Comments list; a reply to a comment, may just disappear. I know, I know – I write sentences and don’t usually swear. I usually include a fact or two. And I can spell. All very objectionable. Also, I’m not obliged always to be “nice’. Especially with obvious trolls. Life’s tough. I’ll believe the world is controlled by Constitutionalist adults when I’m NOT banned.
AH, after posting the above, I get a 500 notification – service not available. How coincidental.
Ya know Dave, in the same way that I believe it is close to stupid to assume that we can win everything back in the next vote by out numbering very heavily the leftists and the deep state without eliminating the dominion voting machines, why do we talk about the constitution as though it will save us when corrupt judges and politicians who are still in there have been ignoring it and stepping on it for the last 10 to 50 years and are continuing to do so? Look at what just happened to Marine La Penn in France. We know that France is not that closely divided for her to have lost the way she did. What do you think will happen to our election with the dominion voting machines? We strongly believe that France, Italy, Canada and Britain were complicit in the 2020 U.S. election presidential Fraud. None of them have been truly exposed or brought to justice. They will most likely support another fraudulent election in the U.S. I just do not believe that taking all this time to wait for the sleeping American public to wake up has been the right tactic. I hope that I’m wrong about this.
Love your show every day… it is pronounced
dih-NESH duh-SOOZ-uh
Made several great films and was sent to prison by OBAMA… he would be a great interview for the weekend
A QUIBBLE about a FACT – the CONSTITUTION from the Founding Fathers WAS NOT “a piece of paper”. PRESERVED ORIGINALS ARE, I believe, on PARCHMENT, which is an ANIMAL SKIN, prepared for writing on). (For the rest of us, the copies may be on paper OR electronic representations of the original writing.) But yes, the written words & ideas of the Constitution do preserve the EXCEPTIONAL RIGHTS & FREEDOMS of its American custodians -and for MILLIONS of us NON- Americans, too!
You keep mentioning the founding fathers and how they knew about dictatorship n stuff. Didn’t they come in the first place because they weren’t free?
As Truth Social ramps onto the Twitter ramp with a solid infrastructure ramp..rename it #TWEETINGTRUMPET
This propaganda has been going on at least from 1900’s when John Swinton an editor who retired and was toasted him for free speech and he commented that if he or any other editor would give his honest opinion in the news would be out of a job by morning.Do the research and see what ALL he did say about free speech. John Swinton.