Ep 2771b – Pieces Have Been Moved Into Place, Treason Doesn’t Pay Well In The End
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Durham is making his move, [HRC] and company are now panicking, the pressure is on. 2000 mules have been released and the people are seeing how the election was stolen. The criminal syndicate used the same technique that the cartels use to smuggle drugs. Those individuals how were the mules are the same individuals who were in the BLM riots. The pieces have been moved into place, Musk says he will reinstate Trump on Twitter. Treason doesn’t pay well in the end. The storm is approaching.
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Page 237 of 252
- ← Ep 2771a – [JB] Falls Right Into The Trap, Setup Complete
- Smoking Gun Evidence – 2000 Mules Full Review →
Mike Lindell also showed, even more, proof of the election being rigged, in MANY ways. MANY!!!! Dead people, illegals, people from other states, and other COUNTRIES, like China, Spain and others.
Aloha Dave,
Did you get the news that Terry Mullins’ pcr tests were originally designed for venom and the tests were available before the pandemic even began?!? Do you still believe vaccine science or have you looked into the incidences of salks’ polio vaccine and the correlation of numerous cancer cases?!? Please check out small pox inoculation science and the hoax it turns out to be to push poison on the goyim and jews alike?!?I
Aloha oi,
You keep mentioning that these private companies are not subject to the first amendment. I disagree wholeheartedly. Going back to the Jim Crow laws the federal government knocked down discrimination against persons of color in motel/hotel and restaurant usage. These were private companies. However, the courts ruled that such discrimination affected interstate commerce. Therefore, the government had an interest in insuring that such commerce and the freedom to travel, were not negatively impacted.
It is very clear that the internet is actively engaged in interstate commerce. Therefore, it appears that such is the case here today.
Dave – I can honestly say I don’t know if you are shoveling it or believe what you say. I’m tired. This information war in and of it self seems weak. The Left flip flops all the time, I do not think they care about what we know about them, as long as they can get away with it.
I hope you are right, but I can just as easily, next year, hear you saying how, Trump was never going to be reinstated that the election was never going to be turned over. I guess we will see. Assuming we still have a country.
The audio is much better than yesterday. Yesterday’s audio was not good.
Why don’t I get your nightly episodes sent to me anymore. Every night Sunday through Friday between 7 & 8 pm I would automatically get you daily episodes sent to my inbox. Then I would oust the format where I would like to see and hear it. And I had access to all the past episodes also. NOW I have to go searching for your nightlys…… pls fix this back to the way it was. Is was so automatic and easy …. Now it’s not ….. pls help !!!
Thank you , Dave. Great reporting. Keeps me positive.
When are you going to talk about the WHO and the crap they are trying to shut down for we the people?
I just wanted to commend you on your wonderful X Files which I enjoy listening to each evening while I make dinner.
I just wanted to help you with people’s names. Mark Elias: pronounced…E LI AS with the accent on LI…or on the second syllable, and the “i” is long….so it says it’s name…I
The second one is Dinesh…..Di nesh…so the i is short, like the i in it
D’Souza….Da Sooza.
I hope that helps, Dave.
Thanks, Pattie C
I am a subscriber😁. Yep, I’m and OLD school teacher…..
I did see it for free. Jeremy Herrell has the link on LFA on his Telegram.
KLAUS ( satan’KLAUS ) SHWAB’s N.W.O. Globalist Stooge *** ( ” PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE ( World Economic Fourm ) CURTAIN “*** The WIZARD of OZ !!!
I want to make sure I receive the X22 report daily…I found the post 2771b on Rumble…it should have been in my inbox at [email protected] but it wasn’t there today…how come?
MARK LEVIN of FOX in the SWAMP so called ” conservative news ” FOX NEWS , NEWS MAX Sell outs to the DEEP STATE PUTIN HATERS.
THEY must be the FLY MONKEYS of KLAUS SHWAB’s WIZARD of OZ apologist.
Any body who works for a Telco and specifically in the mobile phone area will tell you that the system works from the GPS Satellite system. If you got an extended phone bill your geo positioning will be on the bill. I used to work for Telstra and I was a trouble shooter for the Mobile Network Systems.
These so called “fact checkers” are just ignorant and know nothing.
2000 Mules is being banned from MSM including Fox and News Max. For all that effort, no one is going to see it and/or cares. For all the hoopla and hollering about how this film was going to prove the fraud and change everything… it’s done nothing. It will have zero influence and/or impact on the narrative. It’s “‘unsellable”‘. Nice try. Back to the start again. The Fraud will be just as big in 2022 election except now they know that they are being spied upon. So they’ll just change tactics. A criminal always adapts.
People are the last in the chain ,too many people acquiesce instead of saying no to tyranny ,a lot just go along with it knowing underneath something is just not right .
For people who are not anoraks, like us, it is overwhelmingly confusing. This creates an impotence to do anything. I feel the same here in the UK. I know my Government is corrupt and brainless. I understand their game but, I do not know what to do. Demos don’t see to have any impact. We have had thousands of them but the elites ignore them. They still march on and like a parasite, they are leaching our wealth, our rights and our dignity. We need a leader and. where are such people? The ones we have are all in league.
Hey Dave – can you find out how many people went to the hospital and was connected to a vent & died?
Just listened to long, uninterrupted interview with Bernie Kerik about his and Rudy’s attempts to “Inform” the contested states’ senates, house and city/county commissions on examples of voter violations. We were not there to Accuse but Inform and the media and democrat members turned it into a circus.
We worked diligently to gather information and intelligence through the Public in the forms of complaints, affidavits taken under Oath, and Whistleblower information. We went to Georgia, then moved to Michigan. In Michigan, it became apparent that Jenna Ellis, a legal representative taking Affidavits and Whistleblower information was leaking the data. She then became combative trying to dissuade the participants.
Then she went on a Fox News parade trying to undermine Rudy’s integrity and trust with the public in an attempt to keep people from coming forward. In the end she resorted to saying that Election Fraud did not exist and Trump and Rudy “Just need to get over it”!
Then, we noticed that working with the RNC was totally two-faced. Romney’s family (RNC Chair Rona McDaniel is Romney’s Niece) and Kevin McCarthy (the House Minority Leader) along with Ellis were doing everything they could to oppose Trump!
Any Trump supporting candidates were suddenly stripped of Funding and their opponents were receiving the funds. In small districts, that was devastating… and led to not only losing as they did in 2018, but growing the Democrat members in the House. For some reason, people aren’t seeing that McDaniel and McCarthy lost the house, McDaniel and McConnell lost the Senate… but these people are still there!!!!!!
Kerik said that he and Rudy met numerous times with Trump and warned against his appointees, but for some reason Trump just kept appointing Swampers. He was being misled by his Inside administration he trusted… but were total Deep State operatives!! He didn’t mention names, but did mention that when Sessions Recused himself… Rudy told Trump to let him go immediately! Why would you want your Justice Department led by a Part-Time employee? That position is arguably your most important and you’re being led by Incompetence!
The rest is History!
I saw a report yesterday that stated that some drop boxes in Michigan did NOT
have cameras watching them!!!! Michigan eh?? what a surprise!!!!!!!!!!
The news media are knowingly ignoring me me because I’m not a Public figure or a celebrity. The news articles written about “Q-anon are misinfornation. The news media all know I exposed Nancy Pelosi in the underground rooms of Epstein island, caught on the security cameras. They also know I exposed all the names in the flight log. I spent sleepless nights researching and downloading the declassified documents and files. I was given Q security clearance to the sensitive declassified information. Many in Hollywood and the government swamp worshiped the pagan god moloch(satan). I exposed their dirty little secret drug exported from China. The drug is derived from adrenalized blood of victims experiencing painful trauma. I’ve been viciously attacked and persecuted for exposing all the demons. The Vatican and royal family were also involved. This was never about democrat vs republican. It has always been about the children and precious blood. I suffer with the most painful disease known to mankind RSD/CRPS. I’ve endured twenty years of trauma surgeries requiring many units if blood. I was entrusted to expose everything for a reason. President Trump told me to trust the plan and justice was coming. Q-anon🌹🦁🇺🇸 #MAGA