Ep 2774b – It’s Time To End The Horror Show, The Truth Has Been Right In Front Of Everyone
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The [DS] is now being surrounded, there is no escape, Trump and the patriots hold all the cards. It is now time to end this horror show, enough Americans are awake and have the information. The truth of election fraud, infiltration from within was always right in front of everyone, all we needed to do was look. Now people are looking and the [DS] is panicking.
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- ← Ep 2774a – The [CB] Cannot Stop What Is Coming, The Economy Will Expose The Truth
- [5.12] Stonks & Crypto CRASH, 2000 Mules Success, Baby Formula Crisis + More →
Aloha Dave,
I think to amend the constitution you would need 3/4’s of the state’s affirmation; and the extra 1/12th might make a difference?!?
Aloha oi,
P.s. The war is with Israel and their Zionist agenda of the 7 noahide morality laws; and the antichristian propaganda, off with their heads for idolatry!?! It was passed in March 1991 and made into an u.s.a. Inc. Law!!!
Hi Dave,
Great show as always. It’s good to know that the nightmare will soon come to an end. Just wished that you stop using the term “normies” because it is annoying and offensive. Thanks again for the program. Hope all is well. God bless you. Where we go one, we go all.
So, Dave, please wrap stuff up. Is Trump coming back and fixing everything ie, supply shortage, fuel shortage, food shortage? Is Hillary going to hang? Go to gitmo? Is Hunter going to matter? Do we need to stockpile food? Ammo? Are there going to be FEMA camps? All you do is point out discrepancies. Yes there are. So what? Two more years of Joe is the end of us. “Be Prepared”? Sit and Trump will fix it? When? Ukrain doesn’t matter, yet you talk about it all the time. Money laundering, bio labs, child factories, politician kids work there, so what? Gas prices, store shelves, millions of Mexicans. What about this stuff? Talk about something relevant.
I am only responding to your title. Yes. I’ve already gotten sucked into Daily 107, Techno Fog, WinRed for $15 a month. Yet, I get 50+ texts asking for more money. I make less than 35k/yr and am a patriot. I am done with the GOP in MI But, i still plan to become a precinct delegate. there’s some shady shit going on with the ban of Matt Maddock from GOP committee assignments. Nobody seems to give a shit about MI, but our leadership really sucks. no effort is being made to promote GOP in gov. race. these people in GOP need to be run out now.
I want to once agin let you know what is happening with the Emergency Broadcasting System on TV.
I live in California & have cable TV. We are experiencing 2-3 Emergency Alerts daily on every channel.
Compared to the past this is most unusual & think something nefarious is going on.
Once agin this is a DAILY OCCURENCE!
Hi Dave, Thank you for your tremendous work. I never miss an episode. Question: you always say at the end of each episode that links to the content are on the X22 website. I’m assuming you mean links to articles, twiter, videos, etc. I can’t find them. My eyesight is not that great and ofter I can’t see your graphics well enough. Could you please tell me exactly where these links are?
Thanks and kind regards,
Elaine (KittyKu)
Thank you Dave for alleviating my worries over the WHO being able to override our government. Thank you for all you do for all the patriots. I listen every evening and enjoy it so much.
“>>>>>It wont come from Israel?”
LMAO you jacquards are still blowing it.
Big Pharma > Israel
Porn Industry > Israel
DC Puppets>Israel
War Machine> Israel
ProPedophilia >Israel
9/11> Israel
Don’t dance around it ,..like a band of bitches.
RISE to the occasion.
The judge presiding over Hilary’s case is not allowing key evidence. Does this mean she’s going to do community service, and not be held accountable?
Wow! Holy Schlimolians, WHAT a bombshell BioClandestine has posited. But, it makes sense that the Deep State ghouls would, in fact, unleash the plannedemic in just such a manner as it developed. They could have sent a someone like a Fauci or other immunized lackies (familiar with handling dangerous materials like biowarfare agents) to Wuhan, China to deposit their death dealing dose where Chinese citizens would encounter it ignorantly. Then, those people would become the vectors communicating it around that region. Thence to the world. Then, China could get all the blame by the DS.
Xi may have told the facts near the beginning that Americans who had been there brought it to China. It would be very interesting to learn that other labs outside China were/are developing the same pathogens and infected China. If our leaders engineered the pandemic and that becomes widely known the U.S.A. will become a pariah state.
If it’s true it would be worth knowing and knowing WHO for sure.
God sees and hears all that that happens in our nation. He knows what they have burned, buried, hidden or destroyed in any other way. It is nothing for God to restore all the evidence that will bring them all down, including documents to stand trial. God can have personal encounters with them or send angels to deal with corrupt judges and lawyers. God can remove them from any position.
God loves this nation. Those who have committed treason, human trafficking or other crimes need to repent along with telling the American people the truth before it all comes out.
WE CAN APPRECIATE the BRILLIANT WH HEADLINE, “RETURN OF THE MAGA KING”. DAMN STRAIGHT. NOBODY COULD SAY IT BETTER. (Also amusing to see a p-p-puppet slit his own throat so publicly.)
Isn’t it a little strange that the VAERS is no longer managed by the CDC? It is now managed by the HHS secretary. VAERS was created by FDA, then in 2021 went to the CDC for updates, now is under the HHS. Why the hot potato? To track who’s inquiring?
Even stranger, the VAERS is reporting over 24,000 deaths from the Vaccine Makers (primarily Pfizer-Bio and Moderna) and they are all still in Production… under EUA. Even though J&J stopped production of the single dose Vaccine, it was not pulled, but will be used until supply is exhausted.
Yet (2) deaths by “Suspected” contaminated baby formula (apparently autopsy was inconclusive) and the Baby Formula industry is shut down??
24,000 deaths by Vaccines = good. 2 deaths by baby formula = bad??
I love X22 reports, the information is top notch. Right now I am concerned about the criminal element ( team Biden) moving to give our nation’s sovereignty away to the World Health Organization. This is scary. I am hopeful Dave will include this in a report soon.
Rand Paul is my Hero!!! Just behind President Trump!
Just sayin!!!
Love Dave and they X22Reports, I listen to them all. However, Dave your misleading everyone with your opinion of Bitcoin and digital assets. As a licensed financial professional working in one of Wall Streets top 3 firm. Bitcoin will have no future. It’s very slow and very expensive and bad for the environment. The more people using the network the worse it gets. There are alternatives such as XRP and XLM which will lead the great wealth transfer for digital assets. Please look into the Quantum Stellar Initiative along with the XRP lawsuit in which it was suppressed so the elites could prosper from the BTC and ETH explosion. Please stop mentioning Bitcoin as the alternative to the dollar. Your wrong and misleading people and we are all in this together to make a better future.
I enjoy your channel. Sometimes I think you’re you are peddling hopeium for Patriot conservatives, but a lot of what you’ve been saying seems to be possibly happening. The one point in your narrative that inspires skepticism is your take on the CCP, Xi Jinping & Taiwan. In my opinion the CCP is, and has always been the most oppressive, murderous regimes. Please clarify how Taiwan is a villainous deep state player. Have a good day. Trump 2024 or sooner !
What is being done to stop the amended Geneva vote to put Tedros medical terrorist in charge of our government response to global pandemic declarations?
Netflix only came out with this new back peddle bullshit, is because they see the loss in $ since we turned our back on them, thus means what we are doing is working, KEEP IT UP! They haven’t changed who they really are! Don’t let the lie from these evil people cloud your minds!
sadly Dave, I can’t share …this needs to be played/watched by all and fb won’t let the truth be heard/shared…thank you Patriots…at DJT rallies we need to play x22 reports