Ep 2778a – The [CB] Is All Talk, Watch Their Actions, Become Self Sovereign
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The people see the corrupt politicians for who they are, 40 billion Ukraine aid bill has been revealed. This bill is 8 times larger that the budget for the border. The Fed is saying one thing and will do another. People need to become their own [CB].
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- Ep 2778b – Conspiracy No More, Treason At Highest Levels, It’s A Marathon Not A Sprint →
Truly so many think that Trump is the massiah When Messiah waits for us to enter into a contract with Him. YHWH (God) allowed the messiah to die for our sins. Trump was just to be the trumpet. Is Trump even a true Christian? or a man of power God (YEHWAH} used to prepare Yeshuahs (Christ’s) path? Revelation is there. A study of the path of man in the end times. Satan and his minions will be cast down into the fires and there will be the unrightgeous who will live in darkness after the Judgement, as well as the righteous, good · virtuous · upright · upstanding · decent · worthy · ethical whos spirits will live with God for n eternity who lived on this earth until their parting from this life. Heed these words Only those who use the Holy Spirit through Christ are Able to reach the ears of God (YehWah).
Okay, first of all many of us do not understand bitcoin because it sounds like a ponsi scheme. Every time I read/listen to information on it, it still sounds like a ponsi scheme and very unstable. Second, most of us do not have the kinds of money you people are talking about to purchase this. I certainly don’t. Third, none of us know what Trump’s plan is for future financial security. Fourth, what makes you think we trust what you and the bitcoin people say? Oh, and I don’t have money to buy gold – I grew up poor, put myself through college, worked all my life and still live hand to mouth. I want to know what the patriots have planned after they take down the CB. I have no problem with losing the CB and all its parts. I do have a problem with not knowing how my checking account is effected!!