Ep. 2790b – Confirmed, Durham Got What He Needed, Election Fraud Exposed, Down She Goes
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Durham got exactly what he needed, Barr confirms this. Durham is now moving onto the next phase. Election fraud is being exposed and it is getting worse for the [DS] and the fake news is trying to spin as much as possible, but this will fail. Trump and the patriots are moving forward, each step of the way exposes the [DS] agenda, the people are waking up like we have never seen before. It is almost time to bring down the entire [DS] system, down she goes.
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- ← Ep. 2790a – The [CB] Agenda Is Falling Apart, The People Know The Economic Truth
- Ep 2791a – [JB] Has Nothing Left Except Economic Propaganda, Big Fail →
I tried to contact you before. I have tried to contact various national government individuals without anyone responding to my pleas.
I was briefed on the CIA SPYGATE associated program before 2016. I saw immediately that it was illegal and questioned them. I was asked to leave and not come back because of that question. No government individual or organization has shown any interest in hearing what I know. Maybe Mr. Durham knows enough and does not need my information, but I find it interesting that I never get a response when I try to tell what I have seen.
I was a mid level program manager at Ft. Meade. I held two IC wide management positions where I ran IC operations. I am a known or knowable person. I ran big programs at NSA. I also have limited pre pandemic information about my dealings with CIA. No one has responded in the past and I am beginning to believe no one really wants to talk with IC personnel who lived through those years. This will be my last attempt to contact you. I do not want to cause further harm or trouble for anyone especially those try to do the right thing. I just cannot understand why no one will hear what I have to say.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I can share my last unclassified resume with you or anyone who would be interested. My resume indicates that I should or would be someone with knowledge of these things.
Did you know Amazon warehouses have CIA rooms, I built the place and it is true…
Hey Dave I too am at the precipice. We have heard for too damn long how WE HAVE IT ALL WE HAVE THEM ALL and then nothing. I think if this BS continues that we the people will do what needs to be done ourselves. It is time to end this crap. Some people will never wake up and those of us that are awake and have been from the start have suffered enough. IT IS TIME, DO IT.
The only way is the military…. In the UK We the People have no guns, we need you guys and gals in the USA to lead the way for us. The military need the people on their side when they make their moves, too many still not awake, at a guess the military will make small moves to secure the elections and big moves to drain the swamp entirely. 2022 and then 2024 (I know it seems like forever!)
The military will need the people to actively demand secure elections, the military need the people as much as the people need the military. The momentum IS building, can you not feel that? Biden had to take the presidency, Trump had to let him. The more YOU are exasperated at the seeming lack of action is proof of the build up to the precipice.
If you are becoming disillusioned (and you are because you are here) the more others are, particularly those that never realised the problems going on, they need it spelling out for them, they need to be shown!
And you can add CHOICE anywhere.
At every stage you are required to make a choice, including the choice to be aware of something. Awareness is often accidental, conscious awareness is the result of a choice to be aware of something.
To know or realise you are aware of something is the result of choice, accidentally forgetting something you have been aware of once is not unusual nor is it unforgivable.
It is not possible to choose not to be aware of something you are already aware of. It is possible to choose not to be consciously aware of something you are already aware of.
Choosing not to be aware of something important or noteworthy, abusive or disrespectful, and so on is willful ignorance.
If you can memorise the list and the principles of it, you will no longer have to consciously go through the list over and over, it will instill your mind in such a way that your complete awareness and understanding of a subject will be with you always, leaving time to make a conscious decision, more leisurely.
Love Peace and Respect
Wonder if the whitehats/Trump will be able to stop Biden from packing the courts and changing the 2nd amendment.
Wait!!!! 2023…??2024..???2025??… I thought it was GAME OVER!!!! Another bullshit hurry up and wait but..but…but. GAME OVER….A G A I N!!!!!!
New Zealand has not been totally disarmed ( YET ) but NZ’s
“beloved leader” Horse Features has plans to tighten the screws. Registration is the next
step in 2023.
She’s ticking most of karl Marx’s 15 boxes on “how to destroy a democracy”.
Another great show Dave! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻When this nightmare is finally over, the American patriots owe you a debt of gratitude. You’ve smoothed out the confusing facts of what Trump and the military are doing to expose the Deep State, and many Newbies have been woken up. Thank you for all your hard work. God Bless You Dave.
*Oh, Barr confirms this, does he? Interesting.
It’s hard enough to maintain rationality, at present. Do try NOT to mess with continuity of meaning.
“The deep state is/are panicking right now. They’re a little worried about this.” Do you believe these ideas – or emotional states – are the same? (@2:45-2:48). I assure you, they are NOT.
“WE just found out who ONE of them ‘WERE’ (sic @11:55~). Oh, yeah: The “kernel” is fulla ‘corn’. Hope ‘they’ know their job’ better’n he were mayke a senatence’.
Sorry: Make that start time about 11:36. “WE just found out who ONE of them ‘WERE’ (sic @11:55~). Oh, yeah: The “kernel” is fulla ‘corn’. Hope ‘they’ know their job’ better’n he were mayke a senatence’. Yes, that certainly is a “Queery”.
Deborah Birx still talking. That’s amazing, considering.
All of our fears … like Jericho walls … gonna come down, come down, come down,
“And the mountains shall be thrown down, and the cliffs shall fall, and every wall shall tumble to the ground.” Ezek 38″20
“upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matt 16:18
Yesterday on WJR760 AM, I heard that the World Economic Forum is now in Michigan. There is a LOT of 5G towers being set up everywhere. Very concerning.
Hello Dave.
Last spring My car experienced massive exceleration and my cruise control, which I was using, was stuck. I accelated from 50 mph to 100 mph in time I didn’t know my 12 year old honda was capable of. Thank heavens I was driving in the countryside, but there was an approaching stop light. All I did to disengage this unplanned aceleration was to put my car in neutral, the car hit the rev limit instantly, the engine backed off. I am not saying this was triggered for any reason, I feel it was. Please let others know. I didn’t know but figured it out but in a city I would have hit something, I would have been more terrified. Instantly I knew this was the solution once my engine disengaged. It is cars that don’t have the level to disengage that will may not work. These people are homicidal, death clot shot, so on. Please spread to others, that this might be a solution if used. My car is operating normally now. But I know now how to solve this even quicker, if it happens again. Jesus, he saves, I credit him. I was listening to Infowars at the time my car did the sudden, unexpected death vault.
something is wrong.What happened to the military taking back what the communist are destroying! our country ?Murder ,poison in the food ,poison in the medicine,poison in the JAB, poisen in the air,destroying our food sources ,flooding the country with mercenaries carrying lethal drugs .What the FUCK is next ??IT looks like we are already at WAR !!The people who really care about this GREAT land need some TRUTH to be told,and SOON!!Too many lawyers and far too many NWO traitors running our country ,if we still have one.
Biden said ” how much more carnage are we willing to endure! What he should have asked” how much more carnage are we willing to inflict? If he was honest he would feel bad about it. He doesn’t. Kill them all and don’t tell them why. They know why!