Ep 2794b – The ‘How’ Will Be Hard To Understand For Most, Focus On The ‘Why’, The ‘When’ Is Now
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Trump and the patriots are building the offensive, the process is almost complete, the latest piece will be the midterms. Sometime you need to show the people that a trial that follows the rule of law can only happen if you remove the corruption. People do not need to understand the how, they need to focus on the why and the when is now. Trump sends a message about 11.3, is he letting us know that this is coming into play right now. It’s almost time to expose and bring down the entire [DS] system.
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People have to look no further than Canada to see what will happen with Federal Red Flag laws.
1. The DOJ (and other Agencies) build a database of the suspected accusations.
2. Of Course you can’t buy a firearm or ammo.
3. You are put on the No-Fly list.
4. You are put on the No-Sail list.
5. Your Bank Account is Frozen for fear of Flight Risk.
6. Your Passport is suspended.
7. Your Income may be Garnished.
8. Your Tax Returns are frozen.
9. Your Health Insurance (if medicare or obamacare) is cancelled.
10. Your Government Assistance of any kind is cancelled.
Essentially… they will take your livelihood and not care about your family!
Considering Durham is looking towards conspiracy charges for the whole lot. He is not done with Sussman. He can, later, circle back, and charge him in the conspiracy.
Trump needs to put a end to this. Just my opinion but the military is getting restless, people are getting
killed especially children, the food supply is being destoyed & even Putin cannot understand what Trump is waiting for. We cannot wait until NOVEMBER. Will be little left to defend.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many of Trump’s endorsements are Rinos like McCarthy? This time around we need true friends of freedom and no friends of the establishment.
What is a “night market” … If the grocery store doesn’t have power thus lights and you need to use your super spiffy infinite “zero point energy” magic black box, their cash registers aren’t working and they’re very likely closed after sending employees home… Are you proposing using the device you’re hawking to “shop after hours” ????????
Where can I get Q posts I have looked everywhere for his information. Has his site been deleted?
You might want to check out this site…
If you haven’t already.
In Law of War Manual , the 11.3 section is Labeled “End of Occupation”
From the Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 10:15 ” …I must needs destroy the secret works of darkness, and of murders, and of abominations.”
God bless you Dave
So after telling us for 4 years that they need to build the case and make it airtight so that when it goes to trials, it’s irrefutable, now you say it wouldn’t work in the courts.
Like a flag in the wind.