Ep 2799b – Trump Gives The [DS] An Ultimatum, When Do You Play The Trump Card? Timing Is Everything
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The [DS] has lost the narrative, no matter what they do the people are not believing. The [DS] is struggling and they are fighting for their lives. Trump gave the [DS] an ultimatum, they know he has it all and he will use it in the end. When do you play the Trump card, when the [DS] goes all out. Kash gives us hint that the timing was left up to Trump and this is confirmed in a post. The [DS] does not have a chance, nothing will stop this, nothing, timing is everything.
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- ← Ep 2799a – Do You See The Economic Plan? The Plan To Bring Down The [CB] System
- “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” – The Latest Cover For Vaccine Side Effects →
Not only Virginia.
Remember New Jersey… Murphy was losing to an unknown until one of those special “Spikes” in the eleventh hour of 100% to 0% to suddenly pull the race off.
People were so infatuated with Virginia’s overwhelming ballot count that they overlooked New Jersey. Virginia would have taken 2-3 “spikes” to overcome the election. Plus, Republicans posted themselves at the majority of the Drop Boxes and took video. Many cars showed up, but the crowd of cameras kept the people in the car. Who would show up with legitimate ballots and not put them in the boxes?
Anyway… Virginia’s success tool the attention away from New Jersey and resulted in another Cheat-to-Win state.
Q codes:
Trump’s Birthday/Flag Day – 06-14-2022 = 6+1+4+2+2+2 = 17 !!!
J6 committee cancelling 06-15-2022 session (?) why? = 6-6-6 = 666 !!!
See something, say something. WWG1WGA
Today, June 14th, is President Trump’s Birthday. 🎂🎂🎂🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉🇺🇸🇺🇸
Did Truth Social really permanently ban Dr Sherri Tenpenny? Does Trump know this happened? If so, how can he say he supports free speech?
Update from the “Berlin Carona Committee’s” investigation! Over 10,000 doctors and an estimated 1,000 attorneys are filing “Crimes Against Humanity” charges against to include, but not limited to media personalities, doctors, cooperating nurses, fake death certificates, etc. Too much more to list! This includes the fact that the PCR Tests used in every hospital throughout the world were rigged. To explain, according to the late inventor Dr. Kary Mullis the PCR Tests cannot diagnose sickness illness and/or any type of virus. The criminals also ordered the test in 2017 and 2018 under the invoice name covid 19. In 2019 Fauci was also caught on video planning the pandemic along with the Rockefeller Foundation.
Video # 1 Investigation
This is an absolute must watch. The investigation started with well over
100 doctors. Now they have an estimated 10,000 doctors as well as virologists. The video below from the “Berlin Carona Committee” explains their findings in great detail. Their findings show covid is fraudulent.
Read line 3.
Irish government admits covid 19 is fake.
Spanish courts find covid does not exist.
If you still think covid is real, watch this…
Absolute must watch and share with everyone!
Fall of the cabal part 18 https://www.bitchute.com/video/IjgzKGI0CcAp/
Africa files charges against their president for not doing his due diligence AKA PCR Rigged Tests, etc.
Which Dems AKA NWO puppets attended their pedo parties? Their obviously being blackmailed. They all know covid is fraudulent and the vaccines are deadly Genocidal weapons.
Graphene/5G Created to Murder Millions. Not a Peep from any News Source.
Dems NWO Pedo Parties Blackmail
I’ve done hundreds of hours of in depth research and what I found out is beyond disturbing. This information as well as criminal charges will be coming out soon! Things are not how they appear!
This genocide was planned by the Elites AKA NWO many years ago and they spent the time from then and now planning, blackmailing and putting the puzzle pieces together. To explain, they had pedo parties to trap politicians. It didn’t matter if they took part, they had video of them attending. These politicians allowed themselves to become very vulnerable to being blackmailed.
Now, the NWO/China is puppetteiring all of them into cooperating with them to take over almost every country. Since the start of covid, they’ve been manipulating governments into implementing vaccine and mask mandates. China, wanted people to wear masks and be tested 3 times a week, if they refused the vaccine. This is because they laced everything with PFE, Graphite Oxide and Mogellon Disease, plus much more. The Graphene is directly tied to the 5G Towers. To explain, Graphene is like having razor blades in your blood vessels and is activated by frequencies.
The 5G was created to provide the frequency to kill millions of people. Their goal is to get as much graphene into our bodies as possible.
Biden, is being blackmailed by China, reference the 3 pedo filled Hunter Biden harddrives. The harddrives also prove Biden, was laundering money through the Ukraine, plus much more. Russia, went into the Ukraine to destroy the bio weapon labs that the Biden, crime family financially funded. To date, they’ve rescued over 35,000 trafficked children. Their actual goals were to destroy the labs, liberate the Ukrainian people from the NWO and save the trafficked children. According my sources the children were found in tunnels under the labs. The labs were developing weapons to deploy on Russia and the United States. Make no mistake Biden, was going to kill as many Americans as possible per the NWO and China. The NWO has openly stated they want the world depopulated from our current 9 billion to 500 million. The children were being used to extract Adrenochrome from their bodies and provide elite pedophiles. For those of you not familiar with Adenochrome this type of Andrenalyn occurs in children when they are terrified beyond human comprehension. In most cases they are killed during the process. These people are evil and sick beyond belief. A large majority of Hollywood has been addicted to it for many years. They are also blackmailed similar to the above mentioned politicians.
Disney, recently came out in support of pedophiles, trans gender and the equality act. Disney has been slipping in a lot of pedophilia signs in their movies. There’s strong rumors they are also into Adrenochrome as well as child trafficking.
I started doing missing children research many years ago and I was beyond upset at what I found and it inspired me to write a crime blog. I am very proud to say my blog has physically saved lives. There are no products to buy. Please share, it could mean the difference between life or death.
Our beloved President Trump (the BEST President America has ever had!) should absolutely receive the “NOBEL PEACE PRIZE” the very day he returns to his rightful position at the HELM of America! 🇺🇸🔥👍✝️👍🔥🇺🇸 SOON VERY SOON 🇺🇸👍🇺🇸
Updated investigation 12/15/21
Covid is a result of inept PCR Tests. The inventor, the late Dr. Kary Mullis has stated numerous times that the PCR Tests used throughout the world to diagnose covid 19 could not detect sickness, illness and or any type of virus. Now, the CDC shown below has stated that the PCR Tests cannot distinguish between the flu and covid. The truth is they rigged the PCR Tests to diagnose covid every time someone tested positive for influenza A or B. See crimes against humanity trials below. See complete investigation below.
I’m an Army/Air Force Police veteran and former veteran civilian police officer. Too much more to list.
Due to several personal events, I conducted an 8 month investigation into the legitimacy of covid. I found that Covid was based on rigged PCR Tests that were actually sent out to every hospital in 2017 and 2018 under the invoice name covid 19.
To explain, the doctors were saying covid was real, but the independent labs shown below said it was fraudulent. The missing piece of the puzzle was what tests they were both using. I found out pretty quickly that the doctors were using the PCR Tests.
That immediately made me suspicious, because I was aware that the patent for the Covid PCR Tests were owned by Fauci and Gates. These were also the same 2 people who said the world needed to reduce its population by 2 billion people. Then they also stated that during Trump’s presidency he would face a coronavirus pandemic.
Now, I firmly believed that the virus was an absolute hoax. However, I still had to account for how the people died in the hospitals. My research revealed that the hospitals were getting approximately $14,000 for every patient diagnosed with covid and $36,000 for every patient they put on a ventilator. Then they got even more money for every covid death certificate. Then I discovered that 75% to 85% died. The major contributing factor was the toxic medicines prescribed AKA “Remdesivir”. As of December 3rd 2021 Gilead, recalled 55,000 vials of Remdesivir due to glass shard contamination.
I also investigated the PCR Test inventor the late Dr. Mullis and found that he passed suspiciously in August 2019 of pneumonia complications. I watched quite a few of his videos and I found he was extremely down to earth and highly respected in his field. He was also a Nobel Peace Prize recipient.
While investigating the inventor, I found that he wasn’t a Fauci fan whatsoever. Dr. Mullis had told numerous people on camera that the PCR Tests could not detect sickness, illness and/or any type of virus. He also stated that Fauci was an absolute liar and he had tried to get Fauci to debate him numerous times, but he refused. Fauci constantly lied about the PCR capabilities and Dr. Mullis called him out.
Please note that effective December 21, 2021 the CDC has admitted that the PCR Tests cannot distinguish between the regular flu and the imaginary covid virus which has destroyed jobs, marriages, and actually caused thousands of people to commit suicide.
I also have a video below showing Fauci and the Rockefeller Foundation planning covid in 2019.
Evidence of everything mentioned above is listed below. Please pay special attention to the Nuremberg Trial # 2 and who’s going to be criminally charged for this absolute debacle. My notice to anyone promoting and/or administering the vaccines it would definitely be in your best interest to stop. Nuremberg #2 is going to criminally charge anyone who actively participated in the hoax. The amount of people who were killed by the vaccine is estimated to be 200 million with hundreds of millions injured.
Any employer who would even consider mandating these deadly vaccines are absolute fools! First, you are mandating vaccines for an admitted fraudulent virus. If you decide to do this, get ready to be sued by everyone. The masks you mandated were manufactured by China and they laced them with several extremely toxic materials including graphene oxide, PFE which has been compared to be breathing fiber glass. The swabs and test kits are also extremely toxic and have many of the same materials. All of you should have done your due diligence to protect your employees. The masks also cause viral pneumonia, strep throat, food poisoning, hypoxia and much more.
The vaccines are lethal and contain many toxic substances, that has killed millions of people. All of these issues are being hidden by the main stream media. Think, not one broadcasting network has said one negative thing about these deadly vaccines. According to a 30 year⁰pom in virologist the vaccinated have 2 to 3 years to live. Their immune systems are being dangerously lowered dramatically daily. The vaccines make women infertile and men sterile. The vaccines were designed to be Genocidal weapons. They intentionally put men’s DNA into women’s and women’s into the mens. This is whatO rex you call playing God.
Within the next several month based on all my in depth research, I sincerely believe the evil people behind this genocide will be criminally charged and faced serious penalties under the crime of treason, crimes against humanity, etc. My guess is the perpetrators are as follows Klaus Schwab, Rothschilds, Gates, Soros, Bloomberg, Phizer, Moderna, J & J. I believe evidence will surface that they’ve been poisoning us for a very long time.
The vaccine manufacturers all have extensive horrible criminal records, so why would anyone allow them to inject something into their DNA that cannot be removed. There is much more about the vaccine manufacturers below.
Clues left by the Covid Criminals…FB keeps removing my physical investigation from my fb page, so I wrote this short outline.
1. The vaccine manufacturers have extensive horrible criminal records, so why would anyone allow these criminals to put something into their DNA that cannot be removed? The vaccines were made based on a fraudulent virus, using rigged PCR Tests explained below. Fauci and Gates are also the patent owners of the covid 19 PCR Tests.
2. The CDC is financially sponsored by The Gates Foundation, Pfizer and Moderna, etc. I believe this is a major conflict of interest. They are also suspected of beings owners of Pfizer.
3. Gates, stated in 2016 that Trump would face a coronavirus pandemic during his term as president. Gates, must have an actual working crystal ball and/or he had something planned.
4. In 2016 Gates and Fauci both stated that the world needed to reduce its population by 2 billion people.
A Pay Check for your Soul
As I’m sure you are aware, hundreds of media personalities have walked off their jobs, in protest of vaccine mandates. Those intelligent people realized that the vaccine mandates are really an attempted genocide of hundreds of millions people.
The people behind it are as follows Klaus Schwab, Rothchilds, Soros, Gates, Fauci, etc. They’ve all openly admitted it on various videos. Also, numerous videos prove that they planned this for many years. The MRNA/DNA vaccines are believe to be the mark of the beast, due to the fact people allowed these criminals to put something into their DNA.
The vaccines were also created to remove people’s constitutional rights. To explain, many videos have been released showing that people who submitted to the MRNA/((DNA)) vaccines are now to be known as transhumans and no longer have right under the constitution. They now have their own transhuman constitution and bill of rights.
Given everything that’s transpired, I believe this was a major part of their plan from the beginning. Klaus Schwab, openly admits everything, he wants the world’s population depopulated from 9 billion current to 500 million.
You media personalities are currently working for the NWO to lie to every American citizen 24-7. You people are directly responsible for the Covid 19 scam as well as the millions of people who submitted to the deadly vaccines for an absolutely fraudulent virus. Your minor celebrity status caused many people to trust you. You people should have known something was seriously wrong when you all were saying the same things verbatum on every news source. Every one knows that’s propaganda, not news.
I’ve been told all media sources are going to shut down very soon. That means, you will all will be out of job and later on face criminal charges.
The MRNA/DNA vaccines contain many lethal toxic substances. The masks, test kits and swabs contain many of the same. These substances include Graphene, PFE and Morgellan disease. The 5G will cause the graphene to activate, which has been compared to having razor blades in your blood stream. Their goal, which is obvious is to get as much graphene into all of us as possible.
5. The blue masks everyone’s wearing are manufactured by China and then being sold in almost every big box store throughout the United States. Now, according to hundreds of doctors, the masks cause viral pneumonia as well as many other serious health issues. Now, from the beginning I suspected that China laced them with something toxic. Now we know that China made them with graphene as well as teflon like particles that have been compared to breathing fiberglass.
6. Congress voted not to allow the American people to sue China for civil damages. Nothing to see here unless Congress was involved and/or they were protecting themselves as well as China. Now, the truth is the virus was fraudulent and they simply went on every TV station and yelled fire. They continued the hoax by using rigged PCR Tests. They sent those Tests out to every hospital throughout the world in 2017 and 2018 under the invoice name covid 19.
7. During the alledged deadly pandemic, I found masks everywhere parking lots, grocery store aisles, etc. If this was a real black plaque pandemic, the billions of masks being worn throughout the world, would have been disposed of in bio hazard waste bins. Now, if you have gum disease, abscessed teeth, you are breathing dangerous bacteria. This is the same if you have heart disease, lung disease and/or liver disease. Case in point, when you get a flu shot the needle is immediately disposed of in a bio hazard waste bin.
8. The doctors sent people home for 10 to 14 days after being diagnosed with an alledged deadly virus to infect their entire families. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, only if you were physically trying to get your covid statistic numbers higher.
9. Normally when you have viral pneumonia, the doctor gives you antibiotics and tells you to avoid laying down. This is to prevent your lungs from filling up with fluid. This time they followed the CDC’s Protocal and put thousands of people on ventilators. Now, using ventilators and prescribed medications 75% to 85% died. The hospitals at this time were getting $36,000 for every patient put on a ventilator. That’s a real motive to intentionally kill a lot of people. The medication in question was Remdesivir. As of December 03, 2021 Gilead the manufacturer of Remdesivir recalled 55,000 vials due to glass shard contamination.
10, Then every hospital used PCR Tests to diagnose Covid 19, however according to the late inventor Dr. Kary Mullis, the PCR Tests could not diagnose sickness, illness and/or any type of virus. The same test is still being used in every hospital throughout the world to diagnose Covid 19.
11. During the alledged pandemic they layed off thousands of nurses. They acted as if the hospital were packed and overflowing with patients. According to one of my FB friends who was retired going from state to state checking the validity of the story, he said they were all lieing.
To close, effective December of 2021 the hospitals can discontinue using the PCR Tests and resume using their in house labs. To me, this is extremely suspicious, especially when it was used to diagnose Covid 19 throughout the world. They used it to destroy businesses, destroy lives and make people wear toxic masks that were made by our non allie China.
My story is my wife and I got viral pneumonia in January 2021. At the time we had a family member who had just returned from China. We beat it with 2 rounds of antibiotics and by using a nebulizer. That’s what made me start my investigation. My wife then got viral pneumonia again and that’s when I figured out that she got it from prolong use wearing the masks. This was confirmed by doctors when I cornered them with the facts.
2200 European Celebrities And Elite Paid Money To Be Fraudulently Registered As Having Taken The Covid Vaccine!!
Morticians Reveal Disgusting Vax Findings
Mortician shows tentacle-like fibrous blockages that were growing in people previously vaxxed
similar things.
Undertaker Describes Vaxxed Horror Show!! Orange Blood Clogs Machines, Yanking Out Clotted Strings From…
This is not the first time someone is showing us proof something is being injected that has nothing to do with what they told us.
German Study. Parasites in the vaxxx lay eggs and hatch on screen.
The question remains, do these organisms have anything to do with ‘sudden adult death syndrome? My feeling is that these organisms would compromise the immune system, and also cause physical blockages.
Pentagon Quietly Admits Funding 46 Biolabs In Ukraine After Months of Dismissing Russian Allegations As Propaganda
Watch the Capitol police escort Trump supporters into the building.
A Pay Check for your Soul
As I’m sure you are aware, hundreds of media personalities have walked off their jobs, in protest of vaccine mandates. Those intelligent people realized that the vaccine mandates are really an attempted genocide of hundreds of millions people.
The people behind it are as follows Klaus Schwab, Rothchilds, Soros, Gates, Fauci, etc. They’ve all openly admitted it on various videos. Also, various videos prove that they planned this for many years. The MRNA/DNA vaccines are believe to be the mark of the beast, due to the fact people allowed these criminals to put something into their DNA.
The vaccines were also created to remove people’s constitutional rights. To explain, many videos have been released showing that people who submitted to the MRNA/DNA vaccines are now to be known as transhumans and no longer have right under the constitution. They now have their own transhuman constitution and bill of rights.
Given everything that’s transpired, I believe this was a major part of their plan from the beginning. Klaus Schwab, openly admits everything; he wants the world’s population depopulated from 9 billion current to 500 million.
You media personalities are currently working for the NWO to lie to every American citizen 24-7. You people are directly responsible for the Covid 19 scam as well as the millions of people who submitted to the deadly vaccines for an absolutely fraudulent virus. Your minor celebrity status caused many people to trust you. You people should have known something was seriously wrong when you all were saying the same things verbatum on every news source. Every one knows that’s propaganda, not news.
I’ve been told all media sources are going to shut down very soon. That means, you will all will be out of job and later on face criminal charges.
The MRNA/DNA vaccines contain many lethal toxic substances. The masks, test kits and swabs contain many of the same. These substances include Graphene, PFE and Morgellan disease. The 5G will cause the graphene to activate, which has been compared to having razor blades in your blood stream. Their goal, which is obvious is to get as much graphene into all of us as possible.
Dave! You’re crackin’ me up dude!
You’re splice on ad makes it sound like ” use Promo code(s)X20
(take a moment, let that totally sink in…) 😆😆😂😂
Wanna stop random shootings? Get rid of the commies now running the country into the ground!
You are saying it is about optics. So, if Trump (and the patriots) know they are committing all these crimes and they are letting it happen…I’m not okay with that. If you know a crime is being committed and you are in authority, it is your job to stop it. If the military knows, something should be done…letting this go on is also treason. The evidence is there, and it’s way past time to release the information. Not doing so is also treasonous.
Comment from a guy called “LockTrumpUP”
“”Fake subs”, like Steven Crowder and Mark Dice? Or are their subs conveniently real and unsuspicious? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I did watch 2000 Mules, and it was thoroughly unconvincing. The guy in the documentary literally even says that they “smoothed out” the map data LOL. They cut everything off their route but the ballot boxes to make it look like that. Also, they never once show ANY of those “mules” going to more than 1 dropbox, even with their “brazillion hours of security video”. When people pointed this out to Dinesh, his response was to post a picture of the same guy going to the same ballot box! HAHAHAHA! And the guy is a care worker WEARING SCRUBS, in a state where they are allowed to deliver ballots for their patients LMAO! xD If 2000 mules is such amazing “proof”, why didn’t they take it to court instead of making it a documentary that he sells to fill his pockets from his flock? You put all this thought into “reading between the lines” of your enemies, but put 0 critical thought into your own people lmao. Even Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro aren’t convinced by it. Tucker won’t even have Dinesh on his show! LOL”.
Something is going on very soon!! I got 2 EBS alert texts tonight saying just checking to see if this system is working properly and I never got the other ones last year!! I have an Atnt phone with ATnt service now and last time I didn’t have an atnt phone!! Plus, SCOTUS’ decisions are being announced tomorrow!! idk if anyone else got the alerts though. I assume they have/did though!! I pray its starting to happen!!
What’s a 95 grandma? Your flashlight ad said something about a 95 grandma. Did you mean 95 year old grandma?
you’re saying trump put biden in the white house to collapse the economy?
i don’t buy that. in fact, the past year or so, i think the things you say in your videos is a looooooong stretch to connect dots.
perhaps you’re wrong? something to consider.
BILL BARR IS & WAS No friend of Trump, the Republicans or election integrity. Barr RETIRED as Attorney General and PROMPTLY spoke up publicly, CLAIMING there was “NO credible evidence” of election fraud. Good way to use up his “credibility”. Does this former AG believe open TREASON has NO REPERCUSSIONS? Gotta be AWFULLY SURE your side’s winning. You bet your life, Billy boy. “We’ll see what happens….”
Bringing any legislation to a vote that infringes on any civil right should be considered treason, and prosecuted immediately! This would keep the congress and the senate in line for many years to come!
The American people also need to vote any politicians that are in office now and replace them in November. This country is in serious trouble and it started many many years ago. Come together people of the United States and remove this scourge from our government. VOTE!! Let me remind you that the evil is on both sides of the isle and it starts at your local and state government. they also take an oath to the constitution. Take our country back and then Make America Great!!!!!
I just don’t/can’t comprehend how if it was me, every day citizen, the law would apply differently. My son do the shit Biden’s son has done? Jail. Prison. Full punishment. And then I can’t accept the lives lost, especially children, as we “trust the plan”. Even with the daily law me vs them would be so different. No. I call bs with “the plan.”
Also my son is dealing with dui…so why is pelosi’s hubby being treated different? Hmmmm? He needs counseling, and a breath analyzer in his car and definitely on track follow up. Smdh.
Something was dumped into our tap water. I had a lot of bleeding from drinking it. Made me wonder if what they dumped in the water was to depopulate. Even our pets would not drink it. We all only drink filtered water now but still having issues. Of course they put out how safe it was. They also hired security to stop anyone from asking questions. Anyone else having issues?
Hey Dave
Dinesh… his last name is pronounced “Duh – Sue – zah
Sue not sow
Thanks for a great job! Always love your reports!!