Ep 2813b – Another Piece To The Election Fraud Puzzle Coming, This Will Shutdown The [DS] Cheating
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The [DS] is in trouble, their plan to get Trump has failed, not once but multiple times, it is now obvious to the people that this is a witch hunt. The NY case against Trump has failed. The SC continues to bring back the Rule Of Law. The elections are in the spotlight, the SC decided to take up a case on legislative power for the elections in October, timing is interesting. This could be the final piece of the puzzle to block the [DS] cheating attempts.
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- ← Ep 2813a-SC Just Added Another Roadblock To The [CB] Plan,It’s Falling Apart & They Cannot Stop It
- Ep 2814a – The [CB]/Corrupt Politicians Are No Longer Hiding In The Economic Shadows, Backfire →
Saw the Victim statements. Saw the Victim(s) address the media. They were talking only about the “Island”. She said she was Raped at least (3) times a day, every day she was there. She went on to say Maxwell “broke” her and how she attempted suicide several times over the years.
She didn’t say… Jeffrey Epstein Raped me (3) times a day or Ghislaine Maxwell held me down (3) times a day. So who Also Raped her and the others?? By Now… they know who these people are!
Per records, Epstein spent less than 25% of his time at the “Island”. He had residences in New Mexico, New York, Miami, and Santa Monica. He was continually at gatherings of the Rich and Famous at the White House, New York Galas, and Hollywood. His “Resorts” at the Island and in New Mexico had “Guest Lists” signed by attendees and private rooms and accommodations.
The Resorts at the “Island” and “Retreat” in New Mexico had private runways. Any plane flying to and from was logged. His private plane also had Flight Log and Manifests of who was on-board and when and where they boarded and deboarded.
So…. Who else was Raping those girls?? We know it wasn’t Epstein “all the time” as claimed by the victim of at least (3) times a day everyday over her duration of year(s). He wasn’t always there. Who was coming to the “Island” and raping these girls???
And still all the people arrested for j6 without charges are still sitting in DC prison totally against the constitution. Why is no one doing anything about this. Where are all the judges and lawyers out there that are supposed to be upholding the constitution. Where are their voices on this it is totally against there rights as Americans. Speak out please help these people this is not right.
I never hear anyone hammering home the Jan 6 facts.
– The protest happened between 1 and 4 pm in daylight hours!! A 3-hour protest!!
They compare to Pearl Harbor?? More like Aunt Pearl’s backyard barbecue!!
– Capitol Building where Cameras are everywhere not to mention personal devices. Where’s the video??
– Congress was back in their chambers by 4:30pm to 5:00pm conducting business and voting!
– The grounds and Capitol interior had minimal waste. Contrast to a Rap Concert the night before!
– Not a single Federal or Private Insurance claim was filed after the 3-hour protest.
– Not a single Firearm or Tactical weapon was found through Magnetometers or Personal Searches.
A 3-Hour DAYLIGHT protest!!
Contrast that to the year long BLM “protests” with most damages occurring at night!!
I deleted my Podbean app. The only reason I got it was for X22 Report & Dave’s awesome voice. Also sending sympathies over our tragic loss of Dr. Zelenko. He was an amazing spirit. I listened to your interviews with him on repeat. BH.
I deleted my Podbean app. The only reason I got it was for X22 Report & Dave’s awesome voice. Also sending sympathies over our tragic loss of Dr. Zelenko. He was an amazing spirit. I listened to your interviews with him on repeat. BH.
Thanks for some good political news. We need some bright spots. So sorry to learn that Dr. Zelenko has died. That was a true U.S. Patriot AND a true, ethical Jew. A fine model, both ways. A great loss to the Republic. R.I.P. We live in a most extraordinary time. What a privilege! Gonna be a bumpy half-year & more. Much more. Buckle up!
May Dr. Zalenko rest in peace…a brave soul and master truth teller.
Thanks for sharing his message with us.
You’ve both protected so many lives.
With facial recognition they can use photos of you aswell
And the placebo is 30% effective less then luck which is 50% and
the PLACEBO any idea what it is???
It’s everything in a vaccine other then the main ingredient!
So the PLACEBO group still show pretty much the same symptoms as the trial group as it’s the other ingredients that cause most of the problems mercury,aluminium, formaldehyde ect,
They say no link between VACCINES and AUTISM, WELL LOOK UP MERCURY POISONING SYMPTOMS, sound just like AUTISM!
Several times during my lifetime I have seen the Dumbcorrupts drive or lure America’s industries from America to other countries by their damnable policies, set by the One-Worlders. Then, when a more conservative and realistic administration comes to office they call upon the industries to return to their robust and educated homeland – which they do.
Ask the American people to deeply consider: how many times will profitable, legitimate businesses move (expensively) to other nations because of awful liberal policies here? Then, get established elsewhere in the world and because a more conservative admin comes to power find they are being asked to come home.
Will they accede to the call if history shows our people are only going to elect the Damnocrupts are going to be re-elected to power by numbskulled fools who fall prey to lying libs? If the4 consensus opinion of the industrialists ever becomes, “No, I’m not taking the chance the people are still so stupid as to put those theives back in power and make me destitute.”
Where will we be then?
Sometimes I wonder. Would it do any or just some good to instruct people that if someone lies to you about something important, in whatever context, that liar may not have your best interests at heart.
Are not the people who do such things called “con-men, con-artists, scammers, democrats, Pelosi’s, Schumers, Resident Obaiden”?
In all honesty, regarding the troops that were called to the U. S. Capital during the Jan.6 debacle I find it very telling that the Guard were called from Michigan (where I live). Was not Michigan the inception of the protests in Antrim county, against the Nat’l voting discrepancies? Yupperies, it was.
How were our MI troopers treated ? Abominably. Food, Sleeping, Housing, Health, Comfort arrangements, Personal Hygiene Considerations, Personal Protection Gear (Body Armour) … anything you care to mention. DISREGARDED … purposefully overlooked if anyone were really concerned that there were anything they might have to defend the CAPITAL against. Further, they were National Guard not Regular Army. They were Workmen, Businessmen, Husbands, Fathers, Retailers, People who hold responsible positions … treated like lower chaste untouchables of little or no worth. Pelosi’s and Whitmer’s peasant serfs, for months on end, for no purpose. I was appalled. Those who put those troops in that unmitigatedly inhumane position need o be called to account and pointed out as elite reprobates.
Isn’t it amazing that evil has had a hold on our country for decades, but God has destroyed their plans within a few years? He is an amazing God and He listens to the prayers of His children. If we are faithful to Him, He will always come to our rescue. Jesus Christ is Lord.
Pray daily for our Military, Patriots, God’s Prayer Warriors and all the good people in the world, who fight God’s enemies.
lol ny gov “I don’t need no stinkin’ badges”…wow a world of make believe…music of my time is my background sound… while listening to you Dave a song that evokes a clear memory plays…I reflect on being at that concert 40 yrs ago and today I’m a widow witnessing a revolution in America…wow thank you Dave…
Interesting statistic on Death Rates
Federal $$ for the schools ALWAYS had major strings and control attached
Beware!!! Do not let your guard down … We are dealing with DemonCrats/Criminal Cabal/etc … They are planning their moves even now, to cheat to win … Don’t just pray or complain … give the people concrete ideas … of what to do to fight legally back against the cheat …