Ep 2828a – Right On Schedule, The [CB] Agenda Has Been Accelerated, Watch What Happens Next
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The people rising up around the world, the [CB]/[WEF] are racing against the clock. They know the only way to go is to move forward as quickly as possible, but they need the US, this is has failed before it got started. The [CB] will be brought to a screeching halt because the US has the constitution.
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- Ep 2828b – August Is Traditionally Very Hot , October Surprise(s) Being Prepped & Warmed →
Aloha Dave,
The original constitution has been overridden many times in the past?!! Most recently the freedom/patriot acts; and in 1991 daddy Bush signed the noahide laws that Congress passed and made them the law of our land!?? So if your a fundamentalist Christian you get beheaded for idolatry; but interestingly is that sharia laws are accepted by the zionists!!? So welcome to their new world order and their thousand points of light??? Ha ha ha lol !!!!!!!I
Aloha oi,
P.s. Your savior/boy Trump reupped/renewed those acts when he had the power as potus!?!
Dave! everything went UP It`s got “NOTHING TO DO WITH PUTIN !!!!”
The first thing this chump did when given the residency,,was he shut down the oil industry.
The next thing was he reneged on the lease agreements,,,then everything went UP shipping, fuel, insurance,,,like you say YOU NAME IT !!! All of this falls squarely on the shoulders of BIDEN!!!,,,,And his administration.
Don`t be cow-towin to pressure,,,there WILL be more,,,,this ain`t over by a long shot!!!
Interesting observations. Thanks for all your hard work putting this information together for us. I heard the mysterious fire at Hoover Dam may have been done remotely by hacking into their system. I wonder if the other fires and explosions were done likewise…