Ep 2833a – The Economic Coverup Begins, Playbook Known, Nothing Can Stop This
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The [WEF]/[CB] do not represent the common man/woman, how do we know this, the common man/woman are out there protesting them. The [CB]/[JB] know that a recession is coming and they are trying to get ahead of the story, big fail.
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- ← Ep 2832b – “We’re Going To Take Back, Very Soon, Our Country”, The World Is Watching
- Ep 2833b – [DS] Panic Is Real,They Are About To Play Their Hand,Decertification,Military,It’s Time →
PATRIOTS, the time is near, DECERTIFY the 2020 Election NOW!
Patriots are guided by Jesus Christ s You god wants this ended This nation was for all peoples of the orld not meant to be a 3rd world nation.
Im only going to say this once and it is Prophetic. Your nation was made for a reason , as Jesus Christ helped the founders build it. But as man is man and hard to control we have passed through phases becuse This being his nation was meant to hold those whose nations would cast them off. This is Gods Representative Republic not to be construed as a democracy. For its laws were made before we became what we are today that representative republic. Now our civilian courts are run by the State and federal administrative court System. This will change back to its beginning in time but people will have to understand its nature. For of any nation at any time in history this republic needs to be taught to the children so that they can operate it as it should be.
All these people are evil and worship the devil, a well known fact. I do believe that all of
their evil deeds need to be brought out in the open because everyone has to serve somebody
just like Bob Dylan stated years ago from a biblical standpoint. The devil will rule for 7 years
at some point but we are only getting a taste of the evil kingdom at work in preparation for the
big last gig, preordained from long ago. God knows what He is doing and we can too.