Ep 2839b – The World Is Helping, We Are Winning, Something Big Is About To Drop, Rig For Red
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The tension is now building. The fake news, the corrupt politicians are bringing the country to the precipice. The people are watching WW3 play out, this will be the scare event that will wake a lot of the normies up. The patriots are winning, the world is helping. Something big is coming, think Durham, Weiss, Election Fraud, Pandemic Fraud, Julian Assange, Seth Rich and War. Rig For Red.
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- ← Ep 2839a – The World Is Transitioning Economically But Not The Way Everyone Thinks, Keep Watching
- Sen Rogers – Time To Take Back America, Overwhelm The System, Vote, Change Is Coming, Red Wave →
So where does the $10,000 fine go? Into the pockets of some judge? I think it should to to Mat Gaetz.
Are we really worried about Pelosi getting shot down by China, when she and the other Dem leaders are right beside Biden on the China teet? All of this taking out of Bin Laden’s co terrorist, and having Pelosi appear to take on China is nothing more than theater to try and make them look like heroes for the election. They’re using Obama’s 2012 playbook, right?
@16:15 – “China can’t win a war against Taiwan…or any other country.” Totally unsupported assertion, and incorrect. South Korea, strong as it is, is unlikely, without U.S. support, to “win” against China. Taiwan is an ISLAND. How is Taiwan stronger than either Korea? Taiwan, unaided, could not hold out long against China. but it would be a terrible mess. Has “Just Human” actually BEEN in any of these places? I’ve been to most, and lived & worked in PRC & S. Korea. Australia & New Zealand, are now NON-Democracies, their populations physically and psychologically cowed. (Big zeroes, like other ‘Commonwealth’ left-overs.) Japan is strong for Customs enforcement, but Constitutionally VERY limited militarily. Their young generation is deliberately NOT TRAINED for combat.
Seriously they should give the crew parachutes and blow the damn jet out of the sky. Give the rest of these lying thieving bitches something to ponder for 5-10 seconds. I have no forgiveness or compassion whatsoever for these people in government or their followers. That time has come and gone, I’m more of an eye for an eye and so on.
How do you get the time of posting on truth social?
Awesome show & information!!!!!! How can colleges still require incoming students to get jabbed & no consequences?
My Birthday is in October 10/11 🌹🦁🇺🇸 There are no coincidences why President Trump gave me Q security clearance. I spent painful and sleepless nights, researching and archiving, all the sensitive declassified information. The “fake” news media are “knowingly” ignoring the truth. No one wants to acknowledge, I exposed a worldwide, demonic, trafficking/pedophile ring. The demons infiltrated the Vatican, our government, Hollywood and the royal family. I have sat here in tears, for the last four years, watching the biggest cover-up in USA history. The news articles trashing “QAnon” are intentional disinformation. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, white supremist, or a domestic terrorist. It took courage, exposing all the names in Epstein’s flight log, of government swamp and Hollywood. It took courage, exposing Nancy Pelosi in the underground rooms, of Epstein island, caught on security camera ch11. President Trump knew the day would come, I would follow all the bread crumbs and it was my choice to know. There are no coincidences why or how I fell down the rabbit hole. Q=Alice in wonderland. These are biblical times we are living in. The demonic bloodlines, have been harvesting the precious blood, of God’s children since Babylon.This truly is a holy war of good vs evil. I exposed the “elites” dirty little secret drug (andrenochrome) exported from China. The drug is derived from adrenalized blood, of victims experiencing painful trauma/torture/sacrifice. I suffer with the most painful disease known to mankind RSD/CRPS. I’ve endured twenty two years of trauma surgeries requiring’many’ units of blood. I was entrusted to expose the swamp due to corruption in the CIA,FBI and government.There’s no way I could make this stuff up. I have been viciously attacked and persecuted for exposing the demons.This was never really about democrat vs republican. Many in Hollywood and government worshiped the pagan god moloch(satan)The swamp got caught , and they’re guilty of sadistic crimes, on Epstein island. President Trump told me to trust the plan and justice was coming.
Thanks Dave for getting things out Now people need to know who the Bushes really were FAKE EVIL I voted for them both
Notice in this recent news story that Mr. Fernandez (#17) unites with his competitor and helps him win the race. United we stand; Divided we fall.
There are no coincidences. Q is selfless. Q wants us to win, but we can only win together.
It cost tax payers $50 MILLION+ to protect Pelosi with military ships and planes. This is uncalled for. We are in a economic recession.