Ep 2842b – DeSantis Paves The Way For Future Patriots, Do You See What’s Happening? Panic In DC
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The patriot plan is moving forward, the template is being created for future patriots. Once the new patriots are in position the draining of the rest will begin, do you see how this works. DeSantis is showing the others how it is done, once one individual does it the other will have the courage to follow.Panic in DC, they cannot stop this.
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Wray and BARR testified before congress that there was absolutely NOTHING illegal, unethical or false about the FISA(S) application and warrant grant.
The IG produced the report citing multiple policy issues (illegal and unethical) with the FISA(S) and itemized them.
Then Wray and BARR testified to congress again and said they would “look” into the “anomalies” and gather a team to “strengthen” the FISA procedures… it was pointed out that apparently there were already procedures in place that were Blatantly violated by both the Agents, Department Heads, and FISC judges, so why would “revised” procedures be any different. Especially since your initial crack investigation team found NO ISSUES!!
Then went on to say and repeat continuously that the biggest threat is White Supremacy while cities are burning, murders are committed with no arrests, and businesses are looted… again with no arrests!
Yet… Trust Wray???? Maybe if BLM murders another 100 people, Wray will wake up?
Send me reminders
The Fake Biden died in a hospital on July 29th. Harris can’t be President due to that she was not born in the U.S. So, the Deep State is trying to figure out what to do? Try a clone, another actor or surrender?
What you are saying about Christopher Wray is absurd. The man who ran the FBI kidnapping plot against Gov. Whitmer is now in charge of the D.C. Field Office and running the “investigation” against the Jan 6 political prisoners who have been denied due porcess of law and are being illegally persecuted worse than murderers.
Dirtbag Christopher Wray had to give him this position.
Aloha Dave,
Think about all your theories and assumptions about everything that’s is happening now: you should maybe read my emails that I have sent to you? You will probably find that the checkmate and capture of the usa has happened long ago and your watching a dj trump reality show; and the zionists have almost total control with 1991 noahide laws and the fake Breton woods gold standard; also the one world government of the United nations agendas??? The only thing standing in their way are The United people of the usa that haven’t been compromised and rolled over like good little sheepal/cattle: feel sorry for our sisters and brothers that are about to be doublecrossed and eaten alive : because they eat their own useful idiots!?!
Aloha oi,
Why are we the american,American, of this great country allowing this travesty to happen with disruptions and callous representations of radical biased laws. I cannot fathom why we the people can allow these actions until elections.? What in God’s green earth is happening?
2942 on 8.4.22
Desantis is the Vatican “deep state”‘s desperate attempt to lead and take control of the resistance.
Dave – Look for signs that the resident’s doctor is lying. From what I know, if his lungs are clear and the other vital signs they are monitoring are normal there could be problems arising in his central or upper peripheral nervous systems. The covid spike proteins have an affinity for nervous system tissues or the vascular tissues that serve those nervous system tissues. If the person is really the resident his arms and hands will display difficulty seeking, finding and manipulating his cue cards.
Since he has objectively manifested central nervous system difficulties this does not portend good for future improvement – and the doctor knows or should know it. Watch to see if his shoulders start noticeably pulling forward and down, bowing his upper back, or if his neck straightens and pulls forward and down. A chronic cough will cause this due to spasms in the neck and shoulder muscles. This posture will restrict blood flow to the brain via posterior arterial vessels and will exacerbate his stumbley, stiff legged gait. It could also disrupt his equilibrium. (They will probably never let this be observable on TV.)
Well, if ya got 6 “Bidens”, appearing in rotation, and all of ’em injected with similar “vaccines”, of course yer gonna have more than one infection or bout of the dreaded CO-flu. Insanity. Rinse & repeat.
Please keep up the great work your doing, we Patriots need you !!
So Pence endorsement of Karrin Robson, does this mean he is part of the deep state?
I’ve seen medical reports that state clearly that ” monkey pox’
only affects people who are already HIV positive & those with severely depleted
immune systems!!!!
It does NOT affect healthy people.
” DO NOT PANIC MR.MAINWARRING” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!