Ep 2854a – Blockchain Is A Threat To The [CB] System, Their Agenda Will Fail
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Europe is in trouble, their policies to push their people into the great reset and the green new deal is backfiring, winter is coming. People with EV are not happy. The decentralized blockchain is a threat to the [CB], they will try anything to keep people away from it.
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- ← Ep 2853b – Red October, Declas Brings It All Down, There Is No Where To Hide, Showtime
- Ep 2854b – Spooks Are Spooked, Paper Trails Exist, Biggest Scandal In US History, Buckle Up →
The big weakness I see in cryptocurrencies is the dependency on electricity. If the power grid goes down there is no way to access your cryptos. Keep some precious metals and/or cash around.
Dave I have tried to understand bitcoin and for some reason I cannot get it, It really scares me for some reason. I have gold but cannot grasp bitcoin.
When are you going to realize and accept that Bitcoin isn’t the answer! XRP is the solution to the liquidity problem? Please do your research on David Swartz who is the co-creator of XRP and you will understand!! You’re not STUPID!!
WHY do we have to answer on our Federal Tax Return whether or not we have CRYPTOCURRENCY?
WE are not required to disclose if we have GOLD, SILVER, DIAMONDS, PLANTINUM, etc.!
What the hell business is it of the IRS (and extra 87k agents) whether we own Crypto?
Lord, I wish I had lived during President Jackson’s reign when he got rid of the Federal Bank!
Something that needs to be considered in regards to the oil reserves Biden and friend are pulling out of storage is a huge cost to our citizens. Obumster emptied out a lot of it for God only knows what costs and utilization he put it to. We, citizens, paid for it to be bought and stored, pumped out, refined and wasted by Obama.
Then Trump bought oil, at our expense, to fill the reserves back up to be held in case of need – at reduced costs per gallon.
Now, Biden is emptying those refilled reserves at huge expenses, refining it and selling it back to US at much greater cost than we should be paying. Charging us twice so he can say he has the power to reduce prices at the pump. (Something his puppet master, Obama, said years ago no president had any power to mitigate). Besides that he is selling it off at who knows what kind of prices to our enemies and oil competitors. He’s also enriching the Russians, Saudis and other dictators magnanimously. Where’s the $$$ going and for whose ultimate benefit?
Hi Dave, enjoy your broadcast. I was a CIO for large enterprises most of my career; retired now. My concern with crypto is that your money is on a computer. If there is no computer, or pathway, or power for whatever reason, you have no money. Particularly at this time, there is a good chance computer systems could become unreliable. With digital money you have nothing immediately so a week long power outage would be very impacting.
I appreciate your time. All that I will say is from God. I am going to say everything I need your help with. The stock markets will close and websites like mine (Please show your students.) and Mike Lindell’s. All Companies (Ford, Walmart, Amazon etc. will go private owned and without the digital dollar banks, they must make a profit or close.) 1. I have designed a website that your students can use to distribute their products worldwide. 2. I have a book and video that 1. Convened the Third Continental Congress 2. Amended the 1776 Declaration of Independence and recorder it in the Library of Congress with the original. I have demanded the United Nations, NATO, B.A.R. and IRS leave the Continental United States. 3. Please tell Melissa Martz I selected her for Vice President of the TCC Provisional Government. Just tell her to Go to piisthree.com under “Our Products” and download a free copy of my ebook. 4. My book and Video has the design and programing of God’s True Dynamic 4Dimensional Quantum Base 2-Base 3 Computer like Michelle Fielding predicted. The Freemason Fake Static 3-dimensional Quantum Base 2-Base 10 computers will be obsolete as soon as this information goes on your show. 5. The TCC has informed all 50 Governors by certified mail that the TCC was convened the Third Continental Congress on 12.22.21 and the TCC told the Governors to stop paying Federal Taxes and send in their claims, with fees and interest, for all the money the United Nations, Federal Reserve Bank and IRS has extorted from the tax payers since 1915.
Please play these 2 amendments to the 1776 Declaration of Independence on your show:
and, Tax Letter to Governors:
and, ask everyone to go to piisthree.com under “Our Products” and download my ebook https://www.dropbox.com/s/g20zoymhowrv00a/reBookTheStoryOfOurLife-BasedOnATrueLife.pdf?dl=0
and video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bwta72nqozpaece/Albert%20Einstein%20Unified%20Quantum-Universe%20Laws%20of%20Physics.mp4?dl=0
Kindal Book: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nol0vdu243ebiu2/514023A_Kindle.epub?dl=0