Ep 2856b – Fly Eagle Fly, Transparency Brings Accountability, News About To Unlock
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The [DS] is panicking, they are very low on ammunition, the election fraud evidence is continually being produced, people know the elections were rigged. The [DS] is now reacting to everything the patriots are doing, this is out of fear and panic. Trump sends message and USSS Eagle is on deck. Trump wants everything transparent because transparency brings accountability. News is about to unlock, red October, iron eagle.
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- ← Ep 2856a – [WEF]/[CB] Want Inflation, The Good Guys Were Counting On This, Boom
- Ep 2857a – Trump Was Right Again, Winter Is Coming, Economic Protests Coming →
You’ve been telling us for months… Trump has it ALL! Space Force Has it ALL. Durham has it ALL! The Patriots have it ALL.
Now your saying Trump has parts of it.
You told us the entire 2020 election Trump was going to win bay a Landslide. Dems aren’t going to know what hit them.
Then after Trump got landslided himself, you said Trump lost intentionally!
Pee Wee Herman? I meant to do that!
The Covid Plandemic was absolutely engineered to bring US into Digital currency & make Billions of $$$ for BIG PHARMA. Think Americans of how EVIL these people have been and are to the US population.
It’s criminal but of course, no one will be held accountable or even go to JAIL!
Think of ALL OF US yet to DIE and BE HARMED as a result of the Vaccine.
FAUCI should be fired and stripped of his pension, not allowed to simply resign!
Same with BIRX and WALENSKY! I can’t say enough BAD about them.
It’s LaGo. Not LaRgo
Durham is headed nowhere. Ballots get destroyed September 3rd. The libs are getting closer to another election they can steal and we just keep waiting for Durham and Wiseman. We will have IRS agents kicking in people’s doors with guns pointing at whomever is there before Durham does anything. Come on quit even talking about Durham he is another Sessions and Barr a big bunch of nothing.
While deep state is always in the news, the other mob are planning our extinction. Watch;
Quick pronunciation tip…there is no “R” in Lago, as in Mar-a-Lago. It’s pronounced lah-go. Not largo.
How do I view episode 1?
stocking is a crime .. trump should press charges against them for stocking .. after all no one is above the law …trump can make citizens arrest .. if a cop parks at the end of your driveway every day and when you pull out he follows you waiting for any mistake then pull you over and issue a citation ,, after so many citations you lose your license,, they are harassing trump who is a usa citizen ,, and stocking and slandering him and maliciously prosecuting him.. where are the lawyers .. he has some stupid lawyers .. how could he possibly be committing crimes while constantly being watched by secret service ,,
Dan – the New World Order – BLATHER ! BLAH BLAH BLAH… He has been an asset for a LONG TIME .
It’s not Mar-a-Largo…please stop…it’s annoying…
It looks like by Eric Holders speech concerning the democrats poll workers having included the word cavalry that the democrats are possibly going to cause havoc at the polling stations. I think the patriots will be aware of this tactic and will have prepared a counter security measure.
Thanks ,