Ep 2857b – Did Trump Just Mention The Trump Card? How Do You Catch A Fish? Use Bait
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The [DS] is reacting out of fear. They know that Trump has everything, all of their treasonous crimes. Trump has been baiting them in, appearing weak while is strong. The [DS] is now trapped in their own agenda and the people are now seeing how the FBI and DOJ are weaponized by the Biden administration. Trump is now taking action because they violated the fourth amendment. Trump sends a message about the Trump card. Is he suggesting that it is time to use the Trump card?
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- ← Ep 2857a – Trump Was Right Again, Winter Is Coming, Economic Protests Coming
- Ep 2858a – The More The [CB]/[WEF] Pushes, The More The People Are Going To Push Back →
How can you make excuses for a population that elected thieves to office AII OF WHOM BECAME RICH WHILE IN OFFICE.
For some unknown reason, I am no longer receiving your x-22 daily report. I have been
following it and you, Dave, for over 7 years !!! I depend on it and nothing else to keep me
apprised of the state of our country and our President, Donald J. Trump !!!
Why is this happening ??? Please advise.
Thank you,
? How many IRS agents would it take to investigate thousands of corrupt individuals and companies at a local level in the not to distant future? The big fish ared easy to see and catch. One of the many Trump cards being played. These people have no vision past money and power(boomerang).
I still feel that the little guy should not be let off the hook. Most in my opinion have willfully parroted the narrative from the top. Don Lemon and all those others like madcow etc have fully supported the anti-American communist, moral rape of our Country. Nadler is another one. He has never supported American values, meaning the un-obstructed persute of life, liberty, and happiness. Him, shumer and many others are special interest politicians supporting the communist take over of our country.
I hope they are counted among the 50,000 sealed indictments.
The Pied Piper’s repetitive tune has become shrill and frantic. The little children dropping out of line?
87,000 armed IRS agents.
87,000 armed UN soldiers.
We do not know who are coming across the boarder.
Biden and Dems are not sending just $3 billion cash to Ukraine… they are sending it to Zelensky! The U.S. is also sending $ Millions of weapons including HIMARS missiles, multi-launch Hellfire missiles, commercial hand held surveillance drones and possibly ATACMS 300 km “large” systems which is further depleting the U.S. stockpile and operational readiness.
Ukraine’s people and the Military are finally beginning to figure it out. In fact, Zelensky is becoming very paranoid of the Hard Liners and Top Military General. Neither the people nor the Military are receiving these assets. Soon, it will be Cold in Ukraine. Where’s the Cash???
Also, notice that the EU hasn’t sent a dime to Zelensky since mid July! Meanwhile, the U.S. is single handedly keeping the Ukraine death count up.
Notice during the defense summit, Russia told the other 36 countries that they were intentionally going very slow and keeping a minimal presence in Ukraine to keep the body count down as Russia still feels a comraderie towards the Ukraine people, many who speak Russian!
Do not let people in here that cannot support their self for the first couple of years! Our system is stressed now and what they want to do is hide behind humanism these poor poor people, well all they wanna do is collapse or economy so we’re all starving to death, as they have taught our money and they’ve created rat holes for their selves to live in with plenty of food water etc. Mark down what I tell you the communist/Democrat party and the roads and the Republican party are there for one reason to collapse or economy as Karl Marx says the only way you’ll take America down is overwhelm their system with debt, and I’ll add two That is hiding behind humanism! While the shelter and protect their own wealth.
Such a shame that the Black dude got taken in, considering that he just pointed out with his graffiti what these organizations really are … LOL