Ep 2865b – Sometimes You Must Lose Everything To See Who Is Loyal, Illusion No More
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The [DS] is now stripping the illusion away, their roles that have used for years are no longer working, now they are reacting out of panic and fear and people can see their true selves. When Trump allowed the [DS] to move into the WH, he did it so he could see the entire board and to see who was loyal. Those who thought that they won allowed their true inner person to come out and Trump was able to see this very clearly. Now [JB] and the puppet masters are so panicked that they have removed their roles and the people can now see their true inner evilness.
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- ← Ep 2865a – The People Will Shutdown Down The [CB]/[WEF] Economic Plan
- Ep 2866a – The World Is Waking Up To The Economic Agenda Of The [CB]/[WEF] →
Biden thinks he’s running in 2024? Good luck finishing your term till 2024!
Even the DEM’S do not like Biden. You will see that in full in 2024 election!
Biden will not get HALF the votes he thinks he got in 2020.
He is the same position HRC was when she ran and her own people voted agin her!
Biden is truly a Dead Man Walking!
PICTURE THIS: President Trump being led away in handcuffs to show how powerless he is.
When this happens and it will happen, the correct response is NOT to be angry and riot. That’s wanted.
The correct response would be for the ENTIRE COUNTRY TO HALT ALL WORK!
Non-Violence! The Country comes to a halt until President Trump is RELEASED and CHARGES DROPPED!
Think about it Patriots! NO OTHER RESPONSE WILL WORK!
These POS people have had the warnings and were given an out to come clean. Yet, they still are performing out and out TREASON against the Constitution, America and to the American people. I just hope that the penalty and sentencing for TREASON is what it states in the Rule of Law. They have and still are KNOWINGLY committing TREASON. Make it stick.
Dave 2865b video isn’t there.
You can show all the data and truth you want of voter fraud, tech treason, and political corruption, but nothing is changing. The vote files and ballots will soon be destroyed, sealing the overthrow of America. And Trump, and the GOP are completely overrun. And the military has done nothing. You can spin all day long about rights and rights and wrongs, but the DS is controlling everything. Truth Social is irrelevant. SCOTUS has done NOTHING to protect vote integrity or our borders, and never will. Stop moving the goal posts of hopium.
Using 4 year old Q and Anon posts to validate the present? I’m SURE they all had Quantum computers to predict events 4 years ahead. You Are SICK SICK SICK
Remember in March, when Russian Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov addressed the U.N. Security Council with Proof of Bio-Labs in Ukraine? Then, the U.N. voted to say he was Lying!
U.S. Ambassador Diversity Hire Linda Thomas-Greenfield convinced 180 of the 192 UN countries to vote that BIO-Labs were Russian propaganda. She Repeatedly as well as Ukraine, Germany, France, UK and others denied there were Bio-Labs, even though his presentation was directly from the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine Website showing the Locations and Fact Sheets of 13 Labs, what they produced, how much the U.S. DoD funded them, and the other Permanent and Mobile Labs under construction.
Hours before a U.N. speech and new Votes, Deputy DoS Director, Victoria Nuland testified to the Senate Committee that there were in fact Bio-Labs in Ukraine. Remember the Question was asked by Deep State Senator Marco Rubio who was expecting a NO answer and when Nuland answered Yes and started into details… Rubio quickly changed the conversation! What’s with that??
Then John Kirby, DoD Spokesman, said the Russians were lying and there were NO Bio-Labs in Ukraine or any other Nation.
Then, the Next Day, the DoD released a Report stating that they had funded 146 Bio-Labs in 30 Countries… but for peaceful research, not weapons or Gain of Function research.
However Greenfield and those same Countries again voted and made subsequent votes days later that Russia was lying and voted that the Russian Presentation of Nazis, Baby Factories, and Bio-Labs were Propaganda.
Then the more exposure the Bio-Labs got, the more Silent the UN got. Did Greenfield or the Anti-Russia voters ever apologize? Absolutely Not! Pathetic how these people just LIE, however, watch a UN Security meeting now, there’s barely a Dozen people/countries present now. Before, it was Standing Room Only! The U.S. Ambassador hasn’t been present in 2-months with all that Egg on her face!!
Biden’s speech also contained..
Democracy: 31
Democratic: 11
Republic: 1
81 Million voters: 2
Who knew we lived in a Democracy? Because anyone reading the U.S. Constitution knows it doesn’t have the words Democracy, Democratic or Democrat. It does however say the U.S. is a representative republic. And mentions a few times to “protect our republic”.
And by the way… How did that speech Insure my Domestic Tranquility, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our prosperity?
Essentially, the Entire Government is throwing our prosperity away with Illegal Entrants and Aliens, voting themselves raises, continuous war spending not in Defense of our Union, runaway taxation, unequal justice and ever growing crime and drug issues.
Instead of Domestic Tranquility… the Government is pushing FEAR!
Instead of Liberty… the Government is pushing Control!
Instead of god Given Rights… the Government is absolutely Restricting rights!
SENIOR LEADERS, esp. Military, tend to have strong personalities. Gets them where they are – in command. On the other hand, they also are required to follow/obey THEIR leaders & commanders, given LAWFUL orders. Berger’s a tough General Officer, and giving advice is both an earned right and a duty. I am, however, becoming uneasy with this officer’s tendency to provide apparently unsolicited advice to his lawful Commander-in-Chief. “We’ll see what happens.”
A trader to this country with be charged with treason. Hung or shot , take your pick.
elon isn’t buying twitter. he found a loophole and they’re starting to cancel the court case. that’s been in the news. surprised you didn’t see it.
everything you said about social media is false. none of that will happen. elon is not on our team.
They are wailing and gnashing their teeth…rampaging like a caged beast, they know they are done for, but cannot stop themselves. The control they want over us is the same control they cannot submit too, themselves!!
Pray for Our Country and Our Leaders, Unceasingly!!
I am a threat as I sit here and do my needlepoint. Maybe they think I am a closet Betsy Ross.
The problem with indicting Trump is,he and his lawyers will get something the criminal deep state doesn’t want Trump and his lawyers to get,DISCOVERY.Discovery is the destruction of the democRATS and deep state.
If payroll were in Bitcoin the IRS would be completely out of the equation.
If payroll were in Bitcoin the IRS would be completely out of the equation.
People just don’t believe in all of this BULLSHIT, any more. trump has tried to sell the same propaganda over and over agin, and then walked away from all of his supporters,…trying to sell more BULLSHIT,…that the people needed to see all of this.