Ep 2866b – How Do You Navigate Around Corrupt [FBI]/[DOJ], Stealth Bomber, Stage & Trap Set
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The [DS] is now left with only one option, force the people to comply, Trump and the patriots have brought the [DS] down this path so everyone can see who and what they really are, traitors. The [DS] is now building the narrative, this will backfire on them. How do you navigate around a corrupt [FBI]/[DOJ], stealth bomber, the trap has been set. This is the biggest sting operation the world has ever seen, this will not end well for the [DS].
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Do you know that the recipients of BLM money were the democrats that were running for President! Bernie Sanders was the top recipient!
Podesta called in wet works hit on Seth Rich, now that he is back in power might the DS now try to take Trump out instead of indicting him?
Dave you are wrong on what Trump said in the speech last night. he said last week Zuckerberg came to the White House and kissed my ass .why are you changing what he said.
Just a little thought here …. Why does Michigan want to fight the clearing of the 10,000 plus Dead people from the voting rolls??? How man of these voters have cast ballots from the grave???
Thank you so much, for what you are doing for us all, Dave. President Trump is right when he calls this Our Republic. We are not the human products, of the holders of the ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, for THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. Title 28 Section 3002 15a, b, and c, under U.S. Code. (THE CROWN CORPORATION)
We are the unincorporated Republic for The United States of America!
if abcnbccbs the fake news channels did not broadcast this insane pedo hitler speech of biden’s because they had a head’s up of how bad it was, of how bad it would make them all look….wouldn’t that be an in kind campaign contribution ?
I kept hearing thunder while President Trump was speaking !..I even got out the radar to see if there was a big storm in the area..thinking all those folks outside were being soaked !…

Biden didn’t get 81 million votes or ballots. Remember the counts stopped at 10pm. The broadcasts stopped at 10pm. Who was leading after 9pm? Trump everywhere. People were amazed Biden was getting any “counts”. Notice the Arizona race called by Fox with less than 20% precincts reporting.
How did Fox know that? In Fact, Trump went ahead, then neck and neck, but Fox ignored it sticking to the Biden Call! How did they know? They were part of it! Sick and tired of Fox claiming to be so innocent.
Roger Ailes fired. Sexual abuse/harassment allegations.
Bill O-Reilly fired, Sexual Abuse/Harassment allegations.
Roger Lewis fired. Supported abuse allegations against Ailes.
Gabriel Sherman fired. Supported allegations against Ailes.
Irena Briganti fired. She instigated firing Greta Van Sustran and Megyn Kelly because she took over the top ratings from O’Reilly, then Hannity.
Gary Ginsburg forced out because Ailes undermined him to Rupert Murdoch.
Gretchen Carlson, Andrea Tantaros and several others left Fox and won Multi-Million Dollar settlements against Ailes, O’Reilly and Fox News.
Sean Hannity caught-up in Adultrous affair with the Five Girl Ainsley Earhart. People say well Hannity was separated, but she was not. In fact her husband said he didn’t realize until she filed for divorce.
Dianne Brandi leaves Fox News after reports she played hardball with the Harassment abusers.
Then Fox was put in the Murdoch Kids hands and took a left leaning turn… thus the Arizona call and several Anti-trump show hosts!!
Anyway, back to Biden “Counts”. Notice in most lefty states Biden got the Biden Spike in votes Twice during the evening… where Trump got 99% of Millions of “Counts”. This can only be done electronically, such as inputting a number into a computer/adding machine. In some states, it happened 4-times. It also happened against other candidates. For example, John James was leading Michigan Senator Gary Peters by 250,000 votes at 9pm and suddenly Peters got the Biden Spike in which he gained 300,000 to 0 votes for James and barely pulled out the election by 1% of the “Count”!
So, even though we saw reams of ballots being looped through the counter, they were not millions! And also funny thing was… Ballots were multi-page ballots with several elections, but we only saw a single page ballot being counted. Anyway… then, ZERO ballot custody records. Even the Cover sheets on pallets were off by sometimes over 20%.
So, we absolutely know the only way Counties throughout the U.S. are Producing MORE BALLOTS than population, let alone registration, are electronic keyboard entries. The counts were shifted by digits or just randomly changed. Incorrect voter rolls do not make up for 50 million “machine counts” hours and days after the election.
Proof? Common sense and mathematical probability tells us that.
Proof? Has anyone proven Nelly the Loch Ness monster is real?
Proof? Has anyone proven that Aliens are kept in secret labs? No, Seriously!!!!!!!
Never forget… Barr turned his back on Lt Gen Flynn and Flynn warns us that Barr is not a good guy.
Barr allowed Judge Sullivan to continue to overstep all Legal avenues in his pursuit of Flynn.
Barr raided and leaked the raid on Paul Manafort.
Barr raided and leaked the raid on Roger Stone.
Barr turned his Back on Assange the whole time.
Barr “ordered” Epstein to be dealt with and let Comey’s daughter cover it up! Notice there was nothing more than a couple of overweight Low IQ black guards that took the fall for an elaborate scheme to alter cameras, alter surveillance collection equipment, alter records, place “roommates” with Epstein and confess to the elaborate scheme?
Barr allowed the Mueller witch hunt to go unobstructed and even offered up the staff, prosecutors, DOJ, and FBI agents.
Barr didn’t lift a finger in the Two Impeachments.
Barr had the Laptop from Joseph R. Biden III and did absolutely nothing. Remember it was 2019!!!!!
Then Durham. His only accomplishment was a slap on the wrist of a FBI lawyer who admitted to altering documents to get FISA warrants. That person got 6-months probation and has already had his Law License reinstated. -And- look at what the DOJ did to Carter Page lawsuit… Dismissed it!! Said essentially, you can’t sue the Federal Government or any of its personnel even if they Lied, abused the Power and murdered people. You have no 4th amendment right in the FISC court.
Did you read the indictment against Denchenko?? Durham basically said we know you denied on several interviews with the FBI to giving Steele any 1st hand information. However, we thought you were covertly betrayed by People Outside the Agency and Government and unknowingly participated in the Dossier, and based on that, gave some false statements to the FBI.
Essentially, Durham is saying the FBI and DOJ and Government had no LIABILITY in the FISA surveillance or Russia Gate claims. And that if not for some “exterior” forces, you probably would have answered some questions differently.
Durham is doing nothing to get to the bottom of anything. He is working hard to absolve ALL Government Agencies of any wrongdoing in the FISA warrant and subsequent Russia Collusion Investigation!! Remember this has been going on since 2016!!!
Don’t know why you are so stuck on Durham and Barr? Actions Speak for themselves and we’ve seen
absolutely NO action from Durham. A Probation for a Coup against the President? Really?
@5:50 – “Biden got 81 illegal ballots.” Maybe more. Per precinct. Reportedly.
Anyone in Washington especially Democratic Socialists and Rhinos that says they’re not afraid is a lair or their truly crazy. Waiting for the Rule of law is the hardest thing that The People have had to endure even though we absolutely believe in Law we’re sick of the multi tier Judicial System that takes a shit on The People at every opportunity. These people should get the maximum sentence plus 50 years. Some should be dealt the ultimate hand for the World Wide murders that continue for years and years. Lies, cheat, theft self enrichment. Take it from them.
My questions — do they go to jail, get hung for treason, etc??? Or will we let it all be business as usual, move on, and deal with the same b.s. 4-8 years later! Secondly — after 2 million illegals are no in the country AND BUILDING from over 450 countries mind you— how the hell do we find them and toss them the hell out on their heads!!! They don’t belong here, we never invited them… And finally — are we going to turn our military south and wipe out the cartels once and for all ??? Otherwise it’s all bullshit!
Episode 2866b
Q post 2397 at 43:29 in the report.
Use a stealth bomber….A Stealth bomber is a B2 bomber.
8 dashes below.
Enjoy and thank you for the reports.