Ep 2867b – How Do You Know When Something Big Is About To Drop? Attacks Increase, Blackout
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The [DS] is panicking, the plan to make it look like Trump took classified docs is falling apart, but was this the real motivation or was it going to be used to start the riots. Mary Trump starts the narrative that Trump will resort to riots. The [DS] is falling the patriots path that was laid out for them. Something big is about to drop, how do you know, attacks increase. Trump sends message, week to remember, blackout.
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- ← Ep 2867a – The Globalist Illusion Is Coming To An End, People See The Economic Illusion
- Ep 2868a – [CBDC] Cannot Move Forward While The People Are Awake, [CB] Loses →
Hey Dave How long are they going to keep telling us this BS? Trump has been saying they have it all they have them all for two yrs. and we have seen zero arrests. This turning into pure bullshit. We are sick of hearing they have to show the people. We love Trump but we have heard enough of this crap. I say do something or shut the F–K up.
Mara Lago Mara Lago Mara Lago. Practice saying Mara La Mara La Mara La.
Not Mara Largo. KEY Largo Key Largo Key Largo
Mara Lago Mara Laga Mara Lago
Get it. Stop saying Mara Largo. R you an uneducated rube??????
Remember when about 5 years ago the US forced China to close their embassy in Houston, Texas. Betcha they were creating prefilled preprinted Biden ballots.
I love trump but. How many people must die or lose everything when you say he have the proof you keep saying people don’t understand that can’t be true at this point it’s going to get nasty because people can only take so much
We knew there would be a new AG in AZ because Bronovich is running for the senate. The question is who will take his place? We need to stay on top of his election because of possible cheating. Did the blackhats bribe him to do nothing about the superb forensic audit results? It seems like it. If they actually did, then we must watch him close, but in reality, it should be the end of his political career.
I do not see how “the military can step in” with Milley and Austin in charge of the military.
Trump is people billionaire,
Keep up the good job.
Dave, could you have a guest on for your next interview segment who can do a deep dive with on the Pennsylvania rally that just happened? Here’s the thing – I believe that we have just turned a corner. Case in point – instead of President Trump merely comparing and contrasting conditions during his first term versus what we have now with the “resident”, we have been treated to two glaringly different speeches that really shove the differences right in our faces. Secondly, President Trump took comms to the power of ten when during the later part of the rally, he told us outright that we are indeed ina war, and told us what we are fighting. He told us that the “resident” is controlled. He also basically ripped the lid off of the plan with “We won’t allow it to happen during my watch…” “We are setting it up…”, “When we turn it back over to you…”. Now we know that he is working with a group of some type, there is a planned, organized effort already underway, and, from the sounds of it, he feels very confident of final success. This time he was very overt. I don’t think the implications of what he was saying hit the crowd the way it should have with them just cheering and enjoying the overall message. It should have gone instantly silent with what had been said to them. And then the Q songs to top it off. Please consider it. Thanks.
There aren’t two control groups between the vaxxed and unvaxxed. There is the experimental group (vaxxed) and the control group (unvaxxed). The only way there can be two control groups is if you compared the unvaxxed with the double jabbed and then compared both groups with the double jabbed/boosted. Since its likely that significant differences would exist between all three groups, they wouldn’t say there were two control groups. They’d call it a multivariate analysis.
Small ‘blurb’ adjustments: “The [DS] is falling [= following] the patriots[‘] path that was laid out for them. Something big is about to drop. How do you know[?] Attacks increase. Trump sends [a] message, week to remember, blackout.” Cheers!
How can Trump’s medical records, taxes or accounting be legitimate material to be seized by any Gov’t dep’t claiming to investigate theft of Gov’t documents, including some marked “classified”. Seems the zealous investigators may themselves be open to espionage charges, as NOT being cleared to see or possess some of those documents, & culpable for unconstitutional invasion of a Citizen’s privacy.
Nancy is begging to be ambassador to Italy ?! The only place she better end up is in prison !!!! She does not deserve to be free from prosecution!! She has betrayed our country and every citizen of the USA!! Anyone who sold the USA and profited should and better be sent to prison or we the people will no longer trust anyone in government!! It’s time for the law to stand up for the good of our country and take these corrupt people out once and for all!! There needs to be laws put in place where this never happens again to the great people of this country!!!
The most obvious sign that the pandemic was fake is the fact that the waste (masks, swabs, gowns, gloves, etc) were never considered “hazardous medical waste.”
The second most obvious sign is that it the rules only applied to “select groups.”
The most sinful outcome is medical malpractice, non /delayed treatment of cancer and critical care patients.
The federal government needs to be removed from 90% of the things that are involved in which are unconstitutional and get back to the 10% of what they were put there for to protect the country the borders and the people and their wealth. God bless America
No one believes this line any longer,…people have DETERMINED ITS ALL BULLSHIT. There is no military involvement, it’s all BULLSHIT. Biden is bad,…no better then trumps lies.