Ep 2870b – Queen Protects The King, [D] Day, Patriots, Clock Started, We Will Have Our Country Back
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The [DS] is deploying all assets against Trump and anyone that is close to him. This has already failed. The [DS] is panicking because they know Trump has it all and he caught them all. Each passing day they feel pain because they don’t know Trump’s next move. The Queen died and it seem that this is the start of everything. [D] Day. The Queen is no longer protecting the future King. The clock has started, we will have our country back.
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- ← Ep 2870a – It Has Begun, The [CB]/Biden Administration Make Their Move On Bitcoin
- Bill Holter – The [WEF]/[CB] Agenda Is Failing, The People Are Rising Up WW →
We don’t want BitCoin because I’m told Deep State is using it to run guns,drugs, and children. South Korea was one of the first countries and was successful when they switched over to Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc as their frontline treatment. That success was reason for Pres. Trump to push Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc as it was already proven to work.
Bob Iger graduated high school with the same class as my sister, 2 years after me.
We should not be using credit cards for anything. Use cash only. We don’t need the government watching how we spend our money. Bank only with credit unions and small community banks. I expect our criminal government to confiscate our metals, ammo, guns, cash, and food. My biggest nightmare is that the invaders will just keep coming until the government can’t provide housing for them, and we will be required to let them move in with us. It’s called hell on earth for everybody but them.
The military being weakened, Trump being hounded and defamed, weapons being infringed illegally, police and military too cowardice to stand up, speech being censored, 2020 vote overthrow complete, armed IRS army being formed and vote cheating still in place, and you say “we got ‘‘em right where we want ‘em”. Hopeum has turned to BS.
Looking at the video of Trump and the Queen it looks like she told him to go first! It also looks like she was not trying to get around him but rather to get to the left of him instead of usual place where she would be closest to inspect military! Look again as she motions with her hand for Trump to go first and Trump was not blocking her she seem to be deciding her position! I could be wrong but that’s how it looks to me! Also great work and thanks for all you do! Peace
How did they know the timing of the Queens death? She could have lasted months or perhaps a year longer. Was she induced to die?
P.S. Love your show!!!!!
THANK YOU VERY MUCH, DAVE, for this update and suppositional statement that ‘D-day’ here marks the beginning of the more overt “STORM”. Let it rain!
OMG, the nightmare is almost over. ThankQ Dave 4 leading us down the path to Truth & giving us hope, I don’t think I could have survived without your reports. Probably millions feel this way. You are a true Godsend like Trump & the White Hats. God Bless you & your family & God Bless America.❤️❤️❤️
In the first 5 minutes of this video you just made the call that “the plan” is going active since the queen died.
if you’re wrong and nothing happens, you’ve just exposed yourself as a fraud.
Hi Dave
Looks like William will be King in the not to distant future.
the is no covid / its just the flu /the vac destroys immune system gives u flu /clots myocarditus ect just like snakevenom / and remdesavere patented by g soros in 2015 shut s down organs and crooked evil hospitals get 48 000 to 100 000 to murder people with that bullshit/ and masks 810 micron sized holes /any virus 2 microns / like a screen door on a submarine / bullshit all the way/ they do however lower your immunity also
Very much enjoy X-22 Reports. Regarding the open Southern Border issues, is it too far fetched, that the Deep State Players are secretly building an Army for insurrection against the USA? Where have they all been Transported. We know this is being kept secret. Just a run of the mill conspiracy theory to consider.
This Q stuff is such horsesh*t. A CIA disinfo operation. Bob Dylan’s lyrics are esoteric too, so is he telling us what’s going to happen in the future? Qanon is meant to give you false hope.
So Trump couldn’t bring the storm until the Queen died, because he made a deal with her ? Idk bro. That sounds a little outlandish to me. So the whole plan was on hold, because Trump didn’t want to hurt the Queen’s feelings ? What if she had lived to be a hundred ? I listen to your show because so many other people say stuff like JFK jr is coming back, and all kinds of other things that just sound ridiculous to me. I like your program, but I’ve heard it’s all about to happen a hundred times. I guess I’m having a crisis of faith. Especially since I seen a video earlier today with Gen. Flynn saying there is no plan, and that Durham isn’t doing what we all thought he was doing. That he’s running interference for the FBI/DOJ. Like I say, I just don’t know anymore. I pray I’m wrong, and there is a plan, but I’m not seeing it.
did the site get spammed?
I have loved your content for years Dave !