Ep 2872a – The [CB]/[D]s Economic Plan Failing, Why Didn’t [D]s Repeal Trump’s Tax Cuts?
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The people are now running out of savings, they are resorting to credit, the people are being brought to the precipice. The people are not with the [CB]/[D]s, people are not going along with the loan forgiveness. Why hasn’t the Ds remove the Trump tax cut, they said they were going to do it.
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- Ep 2872b – Define Insurgency? Define Counterinsurgency, Operational Confirmed →
Marxism is poor vs the rich.
The Middle Class is the key to a Republic.
Otherwise, we have the poor listening to the rich to get ‘their’ resources.
The war against the Middle Class is relentless.
All the gains from the 1950’s is eroding rapidly.
Look toward Hillsdale College; Victor Davis Hansen – American Citizenship and Its Decline
Awesome program.
Has Chris Miller left planet earth.. strangely very quiet and strange that no one has subpoenaed him or requested his testimonials. The guy who talked about the biggest special military operations in the history of the country what’s going on here dude
It’s Truh-fal’-ger. After Trafalgar Square.