Ep 2879b – Pre Public Awareness Operational, Like Clock Work, Attacks Will Intensify
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The [DS] is struggling, Trump and the patriots are now exposing the [DS] and are in the process of making the people aware of what is really going on with the FBI/DOJ. The awareness phase is now operational. The [DS] will continue to attack as Trump continues to draw attention to Q . This is being done on purpose, how to do you catch the criminals in the act, you trap them. The [DS] has no other path to follow, the pain will continue and as the [DS] feels the pain they will resort to violence. Game over.
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It was African (Hamites) capturing Hebrew Israelites to give to the Edomites for the Transatlantic Slave Trade. HAMITES (AFRICAN) & SHEMITES (ISRAELITES) are two different nations.
hello X22… I’ve listened, watched your interviews, nightly financial reports and political reports. Maybe I’m going through burnout, but could you come up with a video that is INSPIRING? All the social media platforms, reports, news outlets say the same thing, use the same words, narratives that it’s becoming inundating to hear it so much it gives me headaches. Perhaps have a cheerful, fun, or funny video as well. it’s just my opinion but even the news people like you, I would think, would get tired of hearing the same thing night after night… thanks for reading my post.
The Special Master is making them prove that it was all Declassified… What about this?
Sounds like the special master is demanding President Trump prove he’s innocent and taking the side of the DOJ and FBI
Hi Dave, loved this episode but, just a a little heads up…In Texas, Bexar is not pronounced like it’s spelled, there they pronounce it ‘Bear’. I know I made the same mistake for years and then someone corrected me. Just a little FYI 😊
Dave really not too sure how much to believe you since you cannot even pronounce Mar-A-Lago, instead you insist on calling it Mar-A-Largo and sounding like a low IQ nitwit. If you are all about facts get it right dimly, or please show me the R. If you don’t have the intelligence too spell, how much can I trust you???
Bexar= Bay-yar (“x” is not hard, English, but elided, Spanish)
https://realrawnews.com/2021/06/james-comey-loses-his-head-to-guillotine/ On Monday morning former FBI Director James Comey died of natural causes; his heart stopped beating after a guillotine blade severed his head.
As reported previously, on June 4 the Office of Military Commissions found Comey guilty of murder and treason and decreed that he be decapitated on or before Independence Day. At 11:00 a.m. Monday, the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps fulfilled that promise, with Vice Adm. John G. Hannink presiding over a brief ceremony ahead of the execution.
Unlike Clinton and Podesta’s executions, Comey’s lacked fanfare; only a half dozen military personnel, including Marine Corps General David H. Berger, bore witness to Comey’s grisly but fitting demise. Also unlike previous executions, Comey’s lacked an execution detail. After two uniformed MPs escorted Comey to the ghoulish apparatus and laid his head on the chopping block, Vice Adm. Hannink personally pulled the lever that dropped the 88-pound blade from a height of 14 feet. Comey’s head fell into a basket, which was then sealed and taken to an unknown location.
The execution took place near the Windward Point Lighthouse on the southern edge of Guantanamo Bay. A source familiar with the event told Real Raw News that the guillotine used to end Comey’s life was one that he and former President Barack “Hussein” Obama had intended to use on law-abiding patriots. In that sense, the execution device was symbolic of Comey’s hatred toward America and its people.
In the moments leading up to his demise, Comey started kicking and screaming as the MPs dragged him to the guillotine. He reportedly blurted, “Oh, God, please don’t kill me. I didn’t do anything wrong. I only ever followed orders. I have children. I don’t want to die. This isn’t justice.”
“You had many opportunities to accept a deal. Now it’s too late,” Vice Adm. Hannink replied flatly.
“I don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve this,” Comey went on.
The MPs secured a locking mechanism across his neck that left him immobile. His arms were spread eagle, and shackles were fastened to wrists, pinning him to the platform. When the blade fell, Vice Adm. Hannink took a moment to address the small assembly.
“We don’t enjoy this. He had several chances to avoid this fate, and he refused them all. Justice has been served today,” he said.
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Military Convicts William Barr
most US citizens don’t give a shit about Liz’s death. She was a 96 year old leech on her people, from a family of leeching pedophilic inbred creeps. We fought a WAR TO GET RID OF THIS SCUM. GOOD RIDDANCE. Hope it’s the end of their monarchy, just like all of Europe got rid of her cousins last century. CLEAN HOUSE.
It’s Mara Lago not Maro Largo
Comey Kabuki puppet show, revisited. Boring, for those who believe he & many other key criminals have long since departed the stage.
Australian commentator Max Igan, on one of his “walkabout” channel posts, recently referred to KING Charles the 3rd as “Chuck the Turd”. I can’t “unhear” it….
Dave, Which one is it? The Debt system is blowing up because of the 50 year cycle or the DS/Cabal is purposely destroying the economies around the world? It cant be both. Please reply this time. Thank you Your Patriot Brother Tim S.
Comey was trying to be cute. But as usual, he’s just creepy.
Dave I look forward to your reports every day. You’re an excellent news aggregator and I REALLY appreciate you including explanations of the Q drops. Thank you for keeping us all sane.
Dave- BEXAR county is pronounced like Bayer- the X in spanish is usually not pronounced like an English X- FYI so you know. Love your shows- listen every night. Thanks
I’m not sure if “normies” include anyone not aware of what’s going on or a subset of that group, but I can’t help but wonder how you think they’ll suddenly wake up at some point. I read many of their comments and arguments and even non-confrontational dialogs and I think most of them are just so deep in TDS that nothing else matters to them. I mean, they think if anything Trump is discussed, the world can implode/explode/go communist/go broke/lose everything/crash the economy/destroy the country/get rid of the Constitution/etc. and they’d rather any and all of those things are utterly irrelevant as long as Trump is out. They’re *that* messed up. And this isn’t new. Hillary said decades ago that whatever they did wrong doesn’t matter; the ends justify the means. Obama said as much when the ACA went up to the SCOTUS. The Russia narrative, the impeachment trials, etc. They are not going to change.
Any Comey you see now is a double as the real one had his head cut off at GITMO.
God is doing a lot of extra stuff right now. And yes this judgement against the evil people who wanted to sicken and kill us CAN NOT BE STOPPED!!!
Same bullshit, different day. Still waiting on indictments coming SOON, arrests coming SOON,military tribunals coming SOON,jailing in Gitmo coming SOON.
trump has no credibility.