Ep 2880b – The Public Is Vital, Release Of Info Is Vital, Outrage, Justice, It’s Happening
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Trump and the patriots have brought the [DS] to exactly where they want them. The public must know the truth, they must see the real crimes, the people will get angry as this builds, there will be outrage and the people will demand justice. This is all playing out right now. The people are watching the treasonous criminals coverup their own crimes as the their crimes are being exposed at the same time. Soon the people will not be able to take it anymore and they will push for justice. Up until now the criminal syndicate has been putting on a show of justice, this is about to change. Justice is coming.
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Regarding the 18 yr old man killed due to political party affiliation, the article states the mother of the son KNEW the killer. SO, how exactly did the KILLER KNOW his party affiliation since he hasn’t had time to vote YET? THAT should be the follow up… great show!
My wife and I have not missed a single presentation since you began them this last time. One thing that we are not clear about is how, if it comes to that, is the military going to act against the deep state, by arresting its members, BLM, and antifa, etc. if the Commander in Chief, biden, (or some other “resident” democrat) orders them to stand down, which he very likely would?
I don’t think the Dems and DS are one little bit concerned about the mid-term elections… Why? Because they know they are going to hold serve if not gain some seats.
The State governments have done very little and now it’s too late because ballots are being sent out for early voting already. The Dems with the State ineffectiveness and the MSM and Pollsters will be controlling the narrative, Basically, the Biden Spikes will happen again and again and again.
Then, the Republicans will do the same thing they did in 2016, 2018, and 2020. COMPLAIN!
That’s really all they have done… Complain!
McCarthy and McConnell have had ZERO minority subcommittees to hear any other narratives than the Jan 6 committee.
So, if they Cheat again, what will be the outcome. Republican Complaints!
Meanwhile… the Pedophiles will have their way!
A good guest for the X22 Spotlight would be Mel K, if you have not already had her on as a guest.
Mara, Moora, Mara, Moora , Mara, Moora…
Lago, Largo, Lago, Largo, Lago, Largo…
Mar-a-Lago 😉
So…the goal post has once again been moved. Now we’re into 2023. What is this? Something to keep us serfs hanging on? To pull us down until we’re left with nothing and there’s nothing we can do? Night after night you say…I believe the people are awakening…do you know how long you’ve been saying the same thing? I’ve listened to you for years…and the same old thing is basically said every night. I just don’t believe there’s anyone who can tell the truth. Oh..I understand that your podcast is of your opinion. Many people are losing hope but more importantly…trust! The whole Awakening the people thing seems now to be a hoax. Majority of people are awake now…but once again it being pushed out another year!. No things don’t happen over night but it’s been years! Really tired of being talked down to. As if the general public has to be spoon fed the same info night after night…and for what?
The MOAB is here. Our coms will be diminished as well as other factors. Seatbelt fastened!
Dave I wish you could hear how stupid you sound mispronouncing Mar-a-lago, everyday, by butchering it too Mar-a-largo there is no R in LAGO dipshit, try to get it right you wont sound so damned stupid… I used to think you were pretty sharp but when a guy cannot pronounce a 4 letter word how bright can they really be?
@30:20 Don’t need a Vaxx to get INTO Canada now. (A Can “citizen” didn’t need one before – they HAD to take him/her/it in, by INTERNATIONAL & Can. law.) That’s all fine, maybe, but, as far as I know, one STILL needs proof of Vaxx to BOARD a plane IN Canada, to LEAVE “the True North, Strong & Free”! It’s like the ‘Hotel California’ – you can check out, but you can’t ever LEAVE.
I expect the Dems [DS] to steal the Mid Terms on an even larger scale than the 2020 Presidential Elections. What if they succeed. Will the military step in or will the Reps (White Hats) let them get away with it …. again?
yeah folks, just like dave said. Trump is waiting on the people to get upset, THEN they’ll go and round up and prosecute these criminals.
they have everything, they’re just waiting on you. you know, since you hold all the power to give these criminals what they’ve got coming. you just have to get outraged, then trump will do something
don’t worry he has everything. it’s 4d chess. stick to the plan (whatever that is). they’re feeling pain. it’s 4d chess. arrests are coming.
what a bunch of garbage
You know in 2020 … the goal post was 2021 … then in 2021 the goal post turned to 2022 midterms, now in 2022 for justice to be seen it’s going to be October of 2023. Then there’s other truthers out there that say Kilary, Bill, Obamas, Bushes, we will just say the LOT of these oligarchs have already been tried and executed … I truly do not know what to believe any longer. You keep saying Trump and The Patriots are doing everything to protect innocent American citizens … that is a LIE. Murders, rape, robbery, child, teen, adult sex trafficking, overdoses, suicides like NEVER before in American History and the shameful laundry list goes on … What is this all for if Trump and The Patriots have caught them all … the law is the law, justice should be swift. The military should have already taken over … you keep pushing regular Americans down this road of deception for optics how exactly do you really believe this is going to turn out? Bad news day in and day out … some people have 2 and 3 jobs so they can try to hang onto their homes, businesses, healthcare, send their children to private schools, etc … yet, we are still trying to hold the line and fight these oligarchs with everything we can … “the normies” as you call them are tired and many have lost hope, but they keep pushing on. The ONLY thing I do believe is God’s Word, HE WINS! There is not going to be ANY in-between .. either God is going to have mercy on 🇺🇸 The United States of America and the world 🌍 or HE’s going to bring His church to Home to Heaven (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 “For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep [already dead]. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shouts with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” This is the day I am looking forward to, like I said, either way GOD WINS!
I don’t think we can survive another year to see Hillary arrested. People are hurting now.
Hi Dave, been listening to you since 2017; absolutely love your work. Thank you so so much…..not sure where we would be if not for waking up and leaving “the Matrix.”
One thing though. Monday, October 31st is this year in 2022 not 2023.
In 2023, October 31 is on a Tuesday: RE: Clinton arrest post!
Again thank you and God Bless you and your family! L.E.O. from Canada