Ep 2882b – Space Force Is Very Important, The Lies Are About To Be Exposed, Judgement Is Coming
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The [DS] is now floundering, those who said that spying was lie, and that they were trying to protect America, this is going to boomerang on them and it will show that they are treasonous to the US. These are the same people that over through the US government. Judgement is coming and the Space force is every important. Trump caught them all and he has it all. Time is ticking down and the truth will expose their lies.
- ← Ep 2882a – Trump Trapped The [CB]/Biden Administration In The Economy, No Way Out
- Ep 2883a – Trump Just Made Another Economic Prediction, Down She Goes →
Hi Dave,
This is Elizabeth or Dragonheart7 on TruthSocial I was super surprised to see my slideshow in today’s Episode 2882b Sept 23rd. I was even more surprised when President retweeted it and my feed has been active ever since. If you would be so kind to forward a copy of today’s episode to my email listed below. I watch X22 I am in support of the truth being brought to light and justice being served. I believe praying medic is on the right path Q drops and anons were instrumental in my awakening to the truth along with other alternate media channels outside of the fake news. There are many people that started this same way on their path to realize the massive corruption in our government, well thank you for being a source for insight to the events unfolding giving insight and making sense of much chaos. Sincerely Elizabeth/Dragonheart7
Seriously? These people who harassed the Trumps for 6 yrs, stole the 2020 election and put the Bidens, who are compromised by their CCP connections into the White House now want us to believe they were protecting the country? I’m not sure who is more stupid, them or us. Maybe us, as we’re still letting them trample all over our safety and our freedoms.
Dave, are you sure the man who KILLED this teenager was scared of him ? I don’t think so ! I think he was paid to take out a republican kid to frighten other young people, sending a clear message of what can happened to them when & if they “speak out”. I don’t buy it ! Frankly, I’m surprised you bought it.
I wish you had NOT ventured into commentary on Ukraine/Russia. It’s not something North Americans have much grasp of. A simple example – the very colorful MAP: WHAT is the DIFFERENCE between “Mostly X-speaking” and “Predominantly X-speaking”? In both cases, over 50% of people are claimed to speak the language indicated. “Predominantly” seems a fancier word for “mostly”. If something more precise is INTENDED, then that ‘something’ should be clearly stated – for example, “over 50%” vs “over 80%”. This has not been done. Insufficient data? Or sloppy thinking? Garbage in, garbage out. The history of Russia/Ukraine is also long & complex. Today’s Western Europeans fear Putin again seeks an expanded Russian Empire. And disbelieve any other theory.
X22 is my “go to” every morning! Great presentation! Keep on keeping on, Dave! jc
Thanks for all you do! The Red Cross asks me each time I give blood if I have had the vaccine or not. They know, unless a doner lies.
Democrats are bringing illegal emigrants with an open border and they are going to vote for Democrats in exchange for legal Citizenship, they are pressing for no voter ID and anyone can vote in the elections, if that fails they will use these illegals to wage a civil war inside the Country. Wake up .
I would still like to know if we have a chance in our military regarding saving it. The woke generals are forcing their WOKE agenda on the new recruits. The military is being bankrupt
The navy is FORCED to replace the BEAST C-2 greyhound with the death trap, unreliable Osprey! The marine branch bought too many and it’s not meant for replacing the C-2 to land on the carriers.
Find an explanation please
I love your information but you are getting a few things wrong, JFK Jr is the current vp of the reinstated republic. DJT rewrote another declaration of independence. On July 4, 2020 he wrote a new one. We are going back to common law like when the country was first established. Space force was set up to fight off certain alien invasion like the reptilians. This is true as well. Many people that you believe dead are not dead. They went into hiding. Everything past the original 13th amendment is not constitutional. Bc anything that goes against your God given unalienable rights. Check it out. They changed the constitution from the united States for America to the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Everything in your all caps name is under the legal fiction of your strawman. They incorporated you at birth. If you don’t believe me I can show you that here in Florida my birth certificate goes to the division of corporations to be authenticated. Why would my birth certificate go to the suicidaron of corporations is in not a corporation. This goes so much deeper. So so so much deeper. You don’t have to have a driver’s license, you don’t have to register your car, you don’t need a concealed weapons permit. If you own a house look at your deed. If you’re married it will say that you own it as joint tenants in common. What is a tenant. A renter. You have to look further. Please. There are 3 books on Amazon by David Robinson common law for juror’s, sheriff’s, bailiff’s and justice’s, meet your strawman and whatever you want to know, the UCC connection and how to free yourself from Legal Tyranny. They are only 15$ it will help you understand what has been done to us. Hillary Clinton has already been executed. The illuminati is real.
We have to take back our country and minimize the size of the government, law enforcement, state government, all of it. Has to be minimized.
FBI doesn’t even have a constitutional charter to exist. They aren’t a true law enforcement agency.
The only true law enforcement is the U. S. Marshall’s office and the military.
Everything else is supposed to be us being self governed.
Please do some further digging.
YOU are so boring, saying the same thing over and over!!!!!!!!! I love DT but rarely listen your useless bullshit anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
same bullshit different day.
I can’t hear your report I’m hearing others Lois
Dave: You need to call this supposed epidemic
a SCAMDEMIC. Which is what it really is. Just like the “Face Nappies” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!