Ep 2885b – Scare Event Being Pushed, Trump Messaging It’s Almost Time, Only At The Precipice
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The [DS] is losing the battle in the Ukraine, the [DS] is panicking so they made a move. They sabotaged the NS pipeline. They are now pushing for war, it seems the scare event is approaching. Trump sends a message that once we go over the precipice the country cannot be saved. Translation, it is almost time, the people need to hit the precipice to find the will to change the trajectory. The people are waking up WW.
- ← Ep 2885a – The Majority Do Not Believe Biden, There Are Now Calls To Reject [CBDC]
- Ep 2886a – BoE Sends The Message, Currencies Are Imploding, Economic Change Is On The Way →
2885b is not available. says 500 service not available. just passing this along.
No video!
Thanks Dave! I listen to you every night.
Dave, says video not found! Also tried to get on rumble, it’s down too
Cannot see this evenings podcast . When I go to it , it says video not found
They have been manipulating our weather for many many years….the info is out there for all to research.
The medical mafia unmasked, too! 🌝
so dave, I live in georgia, I have been told to hold my nose and vote for kemp and rafensburger, so we will have a red wave, to me that means all low level people in on the fraud, like ruby and her daughter out of state farm area will not get in trouble, all the mules everyone will walk free. their is no one who knows more about fulton county and cobb, or should i say BLM counties, Dave I have listened to everyone of your reports, and I have been up on everything for a very long time. I am 61 years old, and I been involved in politics for a long time. and I am so tired . you keep moving the goal post, It is starting to look like a giant affirmative action operation to me, dont want to piss off the blacks,
So it went from the voting system was going to be fixed, to the elections being not fixed to “there won’t be any midterms” and now we’re at “Vote your butts off because they can’t cheat if the majority votes”
REALLY??? So are you trying to say that the vast majority didn’t vote for Trump LAST time? And THIS is Trump’s and Q’s grand plan?? VOTE??? That’s military planning at it’s finest?? Vote again when absolutely NOTHING has been done to secure elections? Oh yeah, that’s going to work out great for us. Yes let’s go do the same thing and expect a different result. What a plan. Glad we’ve all been waiting YEARS for “the Plan” to find out it’s “go out and vote”. GEE why didn’t I think of that?
Biden did not accomplish anything for our country in his career. Why not? He was too busy supplying Adrenochrome to all of the political forces on the whole planet. This was His Job. He was the Adr>enoch>rome KING>pin of all. His son, Hunter, was the middle man to the dealers of it. This is where all of their money comes from.
This is my own explanation because of watching their actions for a few years. What am I supposed to think?
It has gotten so bad with the vaxx. A new born baby reportedly just died after receiving a blood transfusion using blood from a vaxxed individual. The Red Cross blood banks do not separate the blood from the vaxxed and the unvaxxed, so now if you have an accident that requires needing blood, you may and most likely will get vaxxed poisoned blood. The baby immediately developed blood clots and swole up like a balloon before passing away. The child was less than a month old.
~7:00 min. Dave, I believe you’re mistaken (wrong) about the statement, “If you vote Democrat, you won’t have hurricanes.” It’s NOT because of the “climate change” or “green new deal” promoters.
LONG AGO, Communists in Europe were sloganizing, “We control the wind and the rain.” At THAT time, it was an idle boast & a huge exaggeration. NOW, systems & devices THAT CONTROL the WEATHER ACTUALLY EXIST. They bring RAIN, or DROUGHT. They set ACRES of FORESTS on FIRE. What am I saying? I’m saying that focused WEATHER CONTROL is NOW A REALITY. This is RARELY suggested, proposed or discussed. It’s a secret – a blatant, “in-your-face,” open secret. MSM hasn’t said so. But I just did. MAGA!
I learned that the pipe is leaking because of pressure. When there is no oil pumping through the pipeline, then the pressure of the ocean can cause this.
I called the Los Angeles Postal Service Security office in the September 2020. The agent I spoke to DENIED the USPS was spying on American citizens (Conservatives/MAGA). He acted angry and insulted that I dared to ask if this was happening. I’m looking for the notebook I wrote this agents name in with the time and date. So why do you think the USPS would lie? Didn’t the USPS move semi-trucks of “ballots” with New York State return addresses to Pennsylvania? A truck driver filed a sworn affidavit with Rudy Guillani in December 2020 that this exact thing happened and then that same semi trailer disappeared when he parked that truck at his house overnight. The FBI arrested this truck driver and dragged him through the mud for the Fake News to push their narrative.
We need leadership that we have not had in this term. We need Trump back in power! Democrats are destroying our county & spending to much including our state Dems! I look @ them as a satan group!
There are changes that need to be made and only WE The People can make them happen and why there will be no midterm election. The reason for that is simple they corrupt have not been removed yet. The time is too short now for that to be implemented as Legislatures have drug their feet. Remember the States have the power to change the voting laws that were changed illegally in 2020 by crooked officials allowing those drop boxes, mail-in votes, no voter ID or voter verifications, poll watchers not allowed to see the vote counters, boxes of votes delivered in the middle of the night with no supervision, voting machines that changed vote totals. Now as this election approaches not much has changed and you know what the results will be.