Ep 2898b – The Jackals Are Making Their Move, Every Once In While Trump Has To Show Them Who He Is
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The [DS] is now pushing everything they have at Trump. The jackals are making their move. They are pushing the lawsuits, pushing subpoenas, they know that Durham is exposing their treasonous crimes and they know Trump has all the dirt on them. FISA (Full) will bring down the house, and this will lead to another and another. Trump has them exactly where he wants them, sometimes Trump (lion) has to show the jackals who he really is.
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- ← Ep 2898a – Trump Sends An Economic Message, People Can Now See The Economic Difference
- Ep 2899a – The [CB]/[WEF] Lost The Economic Narrative, People Will Know What To Do →
Why is there no video? Past several days. Only auduo.
Dave you sound like a complete idiot when you mispronounce Mar-A-Lago, or as you call it Mar-A-Largo, if you cannot get that right, what else are you wrong about?
Thanks Dave for all your reports delivered in your unique and comforting way. I have every faith in what you say and can’t wait until President Donald J Trump finally drains the swamp. In England my once perfectly healthy son, before he had the death jab, has been told he needs a pace maker! My daughter has been constantly fighting colds and flue since she had the death jab. Neither of them heeded my warnings because they believe all the propaganda the msm bombard us with.
Your hard work on your reports is much appreciated.
When…….When……When……???? They still have the bullhorn and all big companies/big tech, etc… is still covering for the corrupt??? Release the info? Declas? WHEN???? Why ON EARTH hasn’t this happened yet? We are all tired of the excuses.
those are hyenas,
those are hyenas
Today, for the second time in as many days, you mention FAVORABLY, that in a few Russian-occupied parts of Ukraine, people “VOTED” to join the Russian federation. I’m writing from another European country, formerly occupied by the Soviet Union. A good many people here believe that those recent Ukrainian-Russian area votes were just as free and fair, and their results just as reliable, as your 2020 elections in America. Your expressed opinion belongs to the fringe minority. And is equally misled.
God Bless America, and the True President, Donald J. Trump. I’m eager for his official return. MAGA!
Bro, WTH, THE SC denies Trump a Special Master on the FBY MAL RAID.
Hi Dave, Love your show I have watched It for a long time and would like to thank you for all you have done!! However the picture on todays pod cast says “coyotes” In fact the dogs In the picture are Hyena’s!?!? Hate to point this out to you but the left love this type of mistake and will pick It to there advantage. All the best Bro, Paul. G.