Ep 2902b – Trump Caught Them All,Durham Exposed It All,The Path Is Now Set,It Must Be Done Right
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The [DS] believes they have the upper hand they don’t. The verdict came in with Danchenko he was acquitted. Remember who was on trial, was it Danchenko or was it the FBI? The plan is working the path is set and the players have been identified. It must be done right according to the rule of law. The [DS] is preparing to blackout when the truth is revealed, the patriots already have countermeasures in place.
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i havent yet listened to todays report, but I expect to hear again how Durham’s failure is some kind of moral victory. i dont buy it. Now Garland has what he needs to terminate Durham, period. So, politicians are corrupt, the courts dont work, and our cowardice military continues to sit on its ass. At the same time, more and more people are falling over from the jab and the Admin is strying to add it to required children innoculations. if this is really Trump’s plan, it sucks.
Your narrative is Trump doesn’t care about convictions.
Then why did he Convict Michael Flynn?
Then why did he Convict George Papadopoulis?
Then why did he Convict Paul Manafort?
Then why did he Convict Michael Cohen?
Then why did he Convict Roger Stone?
Then why was he trying to extradite Julian Asange to Convict him?
Why did he kill Jeffrey Epstein to keep him from talking before he goes to Trial?
Remember… this ALL happened under Trump!
Trump never contradicted Fauci, Birx, Redmon, or the CDC/FDA. In fact he kept and keeps telling people to get the experimental shots. Said it on Bill O’Reilly’s podcast just last week!
I created the beautiful vaccine in record time and Americans should be getting the shot and all the boosters! He says it on podcasts because when he tells the Public, they BOOOOO him!
Double messaging. We NEED Clarity from our leaders!
Hey Dave, here’s a song I recently produced… I think you’ll like it.
Much respect. Miles of smiles and billions of blessings to you and yours my friend.
What makes you think that “they” have the capacity to “shut down communications”? If they have that kind of capacity, that means we should quit bullshitting our selves that the “Military” is some how going to step in and make everything right. Are we sure there’s enough white hat military to overcome the black hat military?
An example is the way the fbi is acting toward the order to turn over the info that has been asked of them. Who does the fbi answer to? So there’s no recourse against them? Through all this stuff we are supposed to believe Wray is a sleeper white hat?
Where can we put our faith? Who do we trust?
Look at Bronovich. Isn’t he obligated by law to act publicly one way or the other on the evidence of Arizona voter fraud presented to him? Where are his campaign contributions coming from? We should be looking at who is running against him for the senate. Is it another weak rino type candidate? Or is it that guy named Finnchum? Finchum seems like he will be good for justice and Arizona and America.
Aren’t there any ads on tv exposing Bronovich’s inaction to the people of Arizona?
I personally know no one who is against President Trump we are huge we are the majority, I’m ready also to get this over with and punish these treasonous sick twisted gangsters but I’m just a truck driver and this is way above my pay grade and understanding, be patient but ready ! Thanks for what you do x22report !!
No jury is going to give trump anything. No treason charges will be brought against any of them. All this Durham crap just tells the people there is no justice. Tired of listening to this. Nothing ever happens to anyone. When I get my hopes up only to be let down. What we are hearing, we already knew.been waiting 5 years for something to happen. Wake me up when something changes.
How exactly do you sleep at night with your nonsense? You just keep changing the narrative. “oh, just wait until…blah blah blah”. Blah blah doesn’t work out AT all, and then you’re like “Did we really think Blah blah would work out? No of course not”
You are a fraud. The only bigger fraud is Q
All they have to do is cover it up ,they control the justice system.
Durham lost, and that was his last case he is going to retire so how did any of this help Durham?????
I hear what you’re saying as Durham is revealing through the testimonies of corrupt FBI agents of the sources of the scandal. That said, Durham is still a big disappointment. Go check out Robert Barnes, the defense attorney, he’s on Locals. He’s never said anything good about Durham, and Barnes has been a Trump attorney, a Rittenhouse attorney, and other pro MAGA cases. Durham is a big disappointment.
These trials with no conviction does not mean they go free. In the Sussman case he has been convicted and executed in a military Tribunal. So do not think these people continue after the trial to be an enemy of We The People.
Think about this the executions have be ongoing for two years and only a few have been released through leaks even those you thought were alive have been replaced by actors or doubles for the optics.
WOW!!! NOT 1 CONVICTION!!!??? I hear you, but NO conviction on being who he is OR lying to the FBI!!! If the normies believe what that means to everyone…nothing else about the FBI can be believed!!! THIS IS NOT GOOD…..AGAIN!!
I’m convinced that Durham is not doing his job. At this point we can’t spin it that he’s bringing crimes into the light so we can see them. We’ve seen them. We know who the criminals are. He’s part of the cabal. General Flynn knows that. Durham is playing us. It’s like all the others that stuck a knife in Trumps back, and the American peoples back.
Do Pelosi, Shumer, Schiff, Fienstien, Waters, and their ilk even bother to campaign? Do they know the fix is in so they can launder Campaign funds directly to family members, etc?
So WTF is Cash Patel going to say now? How is this loss on the part of Durham going to help us? Why would Durham have indicted Pancheko if it wasn’t one of those “open and shut” cases you talk about?
Without justice for the attempted coup against President Trump, all of this will continue. And that does mean the military. Why should we believe that there enough white hats in the military to out power the black hats in the military, or that the “Space Force” is worth a f to any Trump suporter?
C’mon Cash. Vomit out your next little twirp opinion.
what about Gettr/
Durham is gonna get them! He’s building a case of loses, but he’ll get the ones at the top!
You see it’s an ancient technique, like in Kung Pow. Durham, like Wimp Lo, was trained in reverse. He LOSES all his cases to be able to reach the big players at the top, THEN he convicts them.