Ep 2906b – Shall We Play A Game, How About A Nice Game Of Chess, 4-D Chess, WarGames
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The [DS] want meant to believe they had the power and Trump was weak. This is the art of war. The [DS] is losing on all fronts, the people see their true agenda and Trump is using it against them. Trump mentions that people believe he is playing 4-D chess. Trump did n0t go straight at the [DS], he had to wake the people and use the power of the people against them. The plan is working, Trump confirms this with his rallies. WarGames are being played out right in front of the people.
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- ← Ep 2906a – [DS]/[CB] Are Losing The Economic Push, Year Of The Boomerang
- Ep 2907a – The Economy Imploding Will Be The Death Blow To [CB]/[WEF] & [D]s →
NOVEMBER 1, 2022 aka 1-11-2022=333 FAMOUS ILLUMINATI SYMBOL!
I pray🙏 that what say is true.
Wow mate. You really crossed some lines today. Just two examples. The SCMP is not owned by the CCP. Hu Jintao was taken due to illness. Not escorted for some other reason. The fact that he was seated next to Xi would not be possible (if you knew anything about China) if they were at odds.
If so much evidence, Why are Conservative people are in prison? Why if patriots in control? I am a single father of two. Eating out now is a luxury. Both in first year of college. No Loans.
Ok so when 2022 is stollen, then what? Cause no one says what’s next. I hope like you say in the end it will be great, bad guys in jail, good guys in office. It’s looking less and less likely that’s going to happen. Been following this for many yrs, I have no confidence in this anymore, yet I will continue in hope. Even the prophets don’t have faith. Overwhelmed in America!
Precedent? Bannon goes to jail, Not a one of the DS has gone to jail. Whether Barr put them in jail, Trump allowed them to go to jail or even Barr murdered one to keep him from testifying.
The republicans gave every one of Hillary’s circle of influence, including Hillary Immunity allowing them to LIE with impunity during Benghazi. Remember, the video that got 30 views worldwide cause the murders of a U.S. Ambassador, an Embassy security member, and two US operatives working as contractors for a CIA gun running ring to Syria.
Seriously, Precedent? The republicans are suddenly going to play hardball with over 80% of the Republicans either RICO, Deep State or both!
We’ll see by election time, how many Scalps the Deep State Durham and Weiss have captured. So far your hero is batting a big whiff!
Thanks for the Badlands Media shout out, Dave.
Your podcasts are great. But the loud electronic beep sound before every audio clip you play is harmful to people’s hearing. That can cause/ worsen tinnitus. That sound is not necessary as yours is the only podcast I am aware of that uses it. Please omit that irritating, harmful sound.
Allowing (Chinese police forces) Communist indoctrinated for 70 years in to America by this administration is a clear threat and why Socialist Democrats opened the border. They plan riots for the election bringing chaos and who better to do that than communist troops, drug cartels, human traffickers , ANTIFA, BLM already planted in major cities across the country?
With all of the deaths and severe side effects of the vaccines,Trump should now be saying that Fauci, the CDC, the NIH, and Big Pharma “misled him about the vaccines being safe and effective”. Instead he is still taking credit for bringing this bio-weapon to market at “Warp Speed” at his rallies. Why should anyone continue to TRUST him?
What is wrong with his moral compass? (!)
Trump not doing anything yet. Still have masks, jabs, kids dying, MSM won’t report on anything….the DS still in action….Military hasn’t showed their head yet….???? WE’RE WINNING THOUGH!!! And the DS just put out their “currency”? Where’s ours? Where’s the Declas? Where’s the Supreme Court’s rulings? Childhood vax ok’d?? YEP–WINNING!! The Liberals are still listening to the CDC, BTW!!
Trump is allowing millions to die so they will wake up? WTF
Notice on lefthand screen:
L1.Flashing Mr Cuomo
L2.- – – ?
L3. ?Cu in court?
On my little phone, pic very small: can someone correct, if they can see it better.
You always give me hope . Love your stuff ! Thank you.
TRA-FAL-GAR…… The battle of Trafalgar in 1805 was a significant naval engagement between the English, Spanish and the French fleets.
Those Awards for Reporters, supposedly for “Journalism” are aptly named: “PULL-IT, SIR”!