Ep 2911b – [DS] Feeling Pain, Fear & Panic, Their Treasonous Coverup Is Falling Apart, Justice Is Coming
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The [DS] is feeling pain, fear and panic all at the same time. Their system is being ripped apart and nothing can stop this. Soon their treasonous crimes will be completely exposed for all to see. Justice is coming. The bull horn has shifted to the people, will the [DS] try to shut it all down, they know once the lose the midterms investigations will begin, documents will be revealed and this truth will reach the world. Panic,Pain and Fear all at the same time.
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- ← Ep 2911a – The [CB]s Economic Playbook Known,Fool Me Once, Shame On You,Fool Me Twice,Shame On Me
- NASA Starts Their “UFO Study” & Obama Tells People To Vote For Dems For “UFO Transparency” →
How does an 82 year old drunken pedophile suddenly get hit in the head with a hammer and lives to talk about it? I bet that if you took 100 people who are 82 years old and hit all of them in the head with a hammer, that all 100 would be dead. Why not pedolosi?
Dave, Witness Protection Program.
I have two death jabs and now I have to have my stomach removed caused by H pylori and caused my stomach cells go precancer (High Grade Dysplasia)
Thanks for today’s episode. you do a very creditable job of bringing many of the orchestral players into focus to highlight their individual expertise points to the performance as it proceeds. The villains seem o highlight themselves and their parts. But, not every venue’s prepared to project all the sounds equally to all points in the seating arrangements – try as some critics may try to bring their reviews to the forefront.
Do not hesitate to highlight Obama’s part in all this. Trump had to go out and defuse the projected events precipitated by Obama which none of us were allowed to see that had put us on the course (in 2015-16) toward war that the Globalists wanted to shroud their agenda for the world. But, a real Man of Peace (DJT), put their plans on the skids. You’ve gotta mention it because our people are ALL on drugs that obliterate memory functions. The drugs are in the water and somewhat in the foods. So, they need reminding. The “sheep ” are sheep because they have been lulled into a submissive state. Some of them are idiotic because of their genomes.
But some can be swayed by facts. Six times (6x) repetition is required (at least) for ideas to begin to take hold in “normal” minds. Tell the longtime listeners the purpose for the repetition.
Also, remember to keep close track of the “theys”, “thems” and “thoses” as references to specific nouns and groups … PLEASE.
English can be crisp and precise which equals/leads people to understanding.
Or it can be sloppy and vague, which leads to confusion.
“GOD is not of confusion.” Which way you want to go?
For one thing many were never fooled including me. I try to make sure people know they should be watching Restored Republic and X22 to see the real news of what is happening. It is weeks away now and with Musk taking over Twitter the drones are going bonkers . It will be funny to watch as they go over the edge when the EBS comes on and no access to social media for ten days ,no cell phones and shut down in their closets, no one to talk to. Having to watch as the debauchery they were partnered to is shown.
When they think they can go out loot, burn , destroy and protest they will be met by the military and arrested put in jail for at least the duration to face charges of insurrection when their trials are held. They have been warned the end was coming I will have no pity for them.
Why hasn’t NY xGovnor not being tried for Murder if ALL the nursing home people?
Maybe the stockholders discovered that META stands for MAKE EVERYTHING TRUMP AGAIN.
All the talk, about wearing a MASK on your face to protect you from COVID-19, reminds me.
I need to have a chain-link fence installed around my backyard, to keep the MOSQUITOS out.
could the bots be the alphabet in the US government and that’s why the employees have had such a cushy atmosphere at work with so much free time to entertain themselves?
Can you believe this BS Pelosi’s husband attacked yes in a high fenced home with security? The man was executed in GItmo two weeks ago and We the People know this. Democrats pulling out all the stops trying to gain any ground before the midterms. Too late there will be no elections.
Add to the cheat list the 250,000 post cards that went out to illegal, non citizens to remind them about going out to vote and get registered and get your mail in ballot, etc. The Election Office said … OH my … It was a mistake … how bad of us ….
It has been reported, guy was a gay lover. And was invited into the home. Just a thing that was reported.
So Trump had to pit all his business in escrow to be President. Are all assets still in escrow now he is not?
Don’t forget Dave that the wikileak files from the Seth Rich download
identified an email instruction from nice mr.podesta to 187 Seth Rich!!!!!
I’m pretty a saw the clip in Q’s back office info.
Podesta has been up to all sorts of naughty things in his nice red shoes, eh????
He was even in NZ talking to our illustrious leader & her deputy 4 days for the mosque
false flag events.!!!!!!