Ep 2916b – Biden/[DS] Are Building The [FF] Narrative, Obama Panics, Scavino Sends A Message
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The [DS] is panicking, they know they are going to lose the midterms and they are going to cheat on a grand scale. The military is most likely monitoring the elections. The [DS] is now setting up a [FF] narrative, they are pushing chaos, this is why they continue to point out that Trump supporters are dangerous and violent. They are projecting what they really are onto the Trump supporters. Scavino reminds us that the NG can work with the military when certain conditions are met.
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- ← Ep 2916a – Trump Confirms What Is Going To Happen To The Economy After The Midterms
- Ep 2917a – Panic Over Hyperinflation Begins, This Could Bring Down The [CB] System →
Thank you Dave for all that you do! God bless!
I wanted to reiterate what I had sent to you before Dave. My name is DavidLeeSnow I’m with stop heat.com. We are considered the world experts on this day by Mr. Griffin who runs the red pill expo and has been red pilling people since the 60s. You mentioned the 14,000 hours of the House of Representatives footage. I want to let you know again so maybe you can talk with David Summall about this he is the owner of the website it’s an app to see group that fight for the rights when they are violated for anyone. We protect the Constitution.
David Summerall is the only licensed investigator that has full access to the 14,000 hours and can tell you what’s on it. He cannot show you what’s on it because he is gathering evidence for an investigation is not being talked about. Wouldn’t you like to have that scoop? Please reach out I will hook you up with David Summerall this man is connected to everything we helped expose the governor Whitmer fake kidnapping we also released to the world on June 5 with a 45 minute speech and he talked about and explain that the FBI orchestrated the whole thing. I’ll keep in mind that was six days before revolver news released there bombshell world debut so-called story showcasing the FBI orchestrated the January 6 protests. We have been fighting this since the day we left.
Yes Tucker Carlson said on his show June 11 that no one else had said this but he had a copy of our documentary that we gave him the end of May. The whole point here is we have all the information on this day and no one seems to care they talk about they do but do they? If we would’ve had our information out as much as revolver news had it out our people would be out of jail by now. Please pick up the story and let’s get this information out because we have footage that has never been seen before. We have more footage archived than anyone else on the planet !
My email is [email protected]. My phone number is 307-315-1397 I hope you get this because for as much as you talk about wanting to know what’s on those tapes I’m telling you we have access to that or at least David does and he can discuss it with you. But we have far more footage that actually has audio which most of theirs did not. But what we see in this footage is a clear entrapment situation that’s why they didn’t want us to see it ! I have groups all over the world that generate news articles and I seem to be getting them the day before you post it. But there’s far more out there that you haven’t breached I’m looking forward to the shit show ending. I’ve lost everything for going all Lynn sharing the truth with everyone I can see. My kids have disowned me for this because they believe the narrative that the main stream puts out it has been a very long road for us and I know that if we don’t do something soon I as well will be picked up by the FBI!
I was very happy to see you finally pick up most of the Subjects that we’ve been covering for the past two years.
Thank you for all you do!
David Lee Snow
Direct descendent of Nicholas and Constance Snow one of the original 12 families to found Plymouth off of the MayFlower!
Thomas Paine‘s great great grandfather married into our family in 1647
Everyone forgets 2016. The election count was halted with 89% precincts counted, Trump up by 900,000 votes and leading Electoral 240 to 212. That was about 10:30pm eastern time.
Remember, dead silence until 1:30am when Trump came out and announced he had won. The MSM still had not continued their Count coverage, most had stopped broadcasting. Then at about 1:45am, they announced wins in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Alaska which took Trump over 270 Electoral Votes.
Why the 3-hour pause, because they were caught flat footed and knew they didn’t have a million ballots ready to “Discover”. Trumps numbers were too large for their contingency ballots. So they had to move to Phase 2. Pink Pussy Hats.
Funny, with 91% of precincts counted, Trump led by 900,000 popular votes. He won because he got to 270 ECV’s. But when final 9% of popular votes counted over the next two days… Hillary won by 2.8 million popular votes? So in those two days, they were able to generate Millions of Ballots for a “Blue Ribbon” finish.
That’s when the Cheaters put it into overdrive. They realized a few million ballots were easy because nobody looked at those ballots. Trump never questioned it. He was Basking!
Hey Dave, New vido app won’t allow to switch to full screen view. I also saw a new user agreement I can’t get back to to Sign. Love X22 and I post your videos all the time on Truth Social. I have Posted your videos on Twitter (Before I was Banned 6 times), Gab, Gettr, and my Truth Social Pages are USCONSERVATIVECOALITIONZ, REDNECKPATRIOTQ17 and THETRUMPWAR. Please help make Full Screen work, I couldn’t get today’s edition come up on Rumble at all today either…
In Biden’s speech the other day, he said that counting the votes could take days, obviously, saying they are going to use days after the election day to cheat enough to win. I was thinking the Supreme Court Justices said by Constitutional Law no votes can be counted after election day. Am I mistaken? Are they going to get away with that again? Are they going to be able to prematurely stop the count, send everyone home, and then spend the night feeding in illegal votes? Are the polling places going to be watched 24/7 until all election results are in and announced? Are undercover people going to be trailing mail carriers to make sure they don’t throw GOP votes away? Are watchers going to be able to make sure people living in another state or risen from the grave, do not “vote?” Are there watchers who will watch out for dems attempting to harvest votes from nursing homes? If there is way to cheat, the dems know all about it. I pray that they won’t get away with cheating, again.
I live in a solid red state, plus I’m disabled and can’t move around very well. Otherwise, I would want to be a watcher. We can’t allow these Communists/Satanists to cheat us out of our country, our freedom, our lives. We can’t allow them to outlaw Christianity.
We won’t, of course. In the final analysis, we will do whatever is necessary to save America. This is still God’s country.
This farce they are calling the Pelosi attack is a false flag people Paul Pelosi was executed in Gitmo weeks ago . It is a ploy for sypathy before the elections. You want more the Biden died three years ago, Clintons, Nancy Pelosi and Obama were executed and what you see on main stream media are actors.
Hey Dave, It looks like your imbedding your videos through CloutHub, you can’t view in full screen, some of your screenshots are to hard to read before this change, now much worse after this change, I don’t have the best eyesight as it is, but if you keep doing this, I won’t be able to watch or share your videos on any of my sights. I aldo tried to view on Rumble tonight and couldn’t even get today’s episode to open…Not sure why you made this change, but it’s not working for the Digital Soldiers…
PS, None of your videos are opening on Rumble…
It look’s like all the blood drained out of Obama
K N O W I N G L Y – each and every one of them.
Hey Dave! I just wanted you to know I am a fan! I enjoy your show it has helped me navigate these temotious times. For that I am thankful. I subscribe to your channel on rumble but I also use this site your site when I don’t have access to rumble. So I came in tonight opened my rumble app on my roku TV went to your channel boom the name of the report is there no picture. Tried several times to play it with no luck. So to my cell phone and your web site will be how I listen tonight. I just thought you might want to know that your rumble isn’t working just the latest 2 episodes the rest are there. Thanks again Dave for what you do!
The “Break-in” & Assault” at PPaul & NNancy’s house REALLY IS a lot like the “Jan. 6 Riot”: n NEITHER case did the “intruders” actually BREAK IN – they were INVITED IN as Guests. Both incidents have been CONSTRUED, PRE & POST EVENT, as VIOLENT “Assaults”, AND PROMOTED WIDELY as RIGHT WING ‘MAGA’ ATTACKS on Proper, Legal, Protected Democratic People & Institutions, whereas THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE on each descriptor. At Paul’s place, a person Illegally in U.S., in his tighty-whities, a “friend” of Paul Pelosi’s, Paul sez, apparently and intermittently threatens his host. Peculiarly, he WAITS until Police arrived to carry out his threatened assault. Desperate Script, what?
Bill Gates should be hanged with the same rope as Barry. Right after Hillary and Bill! If you need a good hangman, call me.
Here in Colorado the Secretary of State-Griswold had our state’s children!!! write out 30,000 postcards inviting illegals to come to this state and register to VOTE!!!!! Her commercials for the midterms are STILL RUNNING HERE IN COLORADO!!! This is one CHEATING STATE to add to the bunch!!! AND….my husband and I just received our THIRD SET OF MAIL-IN BALLOTS!~!! I will be taking video at the cheating Zucker boxes!!
A lot of Trup votes were thrown out also the machine changed the vote to Biden Remember this is all a show They are all gone
Could you address the issue of using sharpie markers to mark your ballot? I tried to research this and everything I found said that “Sharpie-gate” was false, but it was interesting to see that most of the states defending their use were the so-called “swing states” like Arizona, Michigan, etc. Also, all of the information I found came from mainstream sources; I did not find any articles written for a “patriot” new site (and I did my search using Duck-Duck-Go. I would really appreciate having some information about this before I go to cast my vote on election day! I am pretty sure when I voted in the 2020 election here in South Carolina, I was given a sharpie marker to use.
Remember what Joseph Stalin said about voting at elections???
He said he didn’t care How people voted, who they voted for, etc etc.