Ep 2922b – The Jackals Reveal Themselves, Panic, Think Chess, What Was The Target?
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The [DS] is panicking because Trump, using the people who created the red wave is about to take control of the house and the senate. This is their worst nightmare, they will do anything to stop it. The jackals are now revealing themselves and Trump can see the board very clearly. Moves and Countermoves. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your pawns to get the winning move.
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- ← Ep 2922a – [CB] Makes Their Move On Alternative Currency, Watch What Happens Next
- Kash Patel-Red Wave Worked,The Only Way To Shutdown The [DS],Put It On Full Blast For The World To See →
Trump Fatigue.
If DeSantis runs, he takes votes from Trump. He takes the Florida vote from the little boy who cries wolf and takes no action to escape the wolf. They’re going to steal. Complains but Does Nothing. Fauci is wrong. Complains but Does Nothing. Congress won’t repeal Obamacare. Complains but Does Nothing. Still had Record Illegal entries into the U.S. In his final year… starts a Wall build! Look at the 32 losers Trump selected as cabinet or Agency Leaders and Members. Deep State-All. Wasn’t his strength in selecting people?
DeSantis stood tall on Covid, DeSantis stood tall against teachers and groomers and pedophiles and Disney. Parents and voters will remember that.
What did Trump do? Bragged about the Trumpshot Vaccine. Encouraged and STILL encourages everyone to take it. Trump has been silent on the Groomers. His buddies run Johnson & Johnson and Disney.
Nope, if DeSantis runs, he will definitely split the vote. In Fact, he should run as a Freedom Party candidate so he doesn’t need a primary. DeSantis may not win, but he takes enough votes that Trump doesn’t either. DeSantis is NOT Jill Stein.
This type of cheating in a American election should be regarded as high treason. All the software engineers and hardware engineers for Dominion as well as all politicians and executives who turned our election counting over to dominion and any other private and or non American company need to be investigated and charged with treason. These crimes will carry the death penalty.
It’s not Kari Lake that the deep state is tamping down, It’s Blake Masters. Yes, the election boards in Arizona and Nevada are delaying the results because Adam Laxalt is Senator number 50 and Masters is Senator 51. Georgia is having a run off for the Walker/Warnock contest and right now, the Dems are raking in a fortune from the donors because this is the contest that will determine who controls the Senate. Warnock is bringing in the big bucks but if word gets out that Masters is already #51, that money STOPS because control of the Senate has already been determined.
219 Trump backed candidates win 9 candidates lost pretty good looks like a red wave to me. This is far from over the military has the evidence of how Democrats won those nine. Was there not a report last week that the Governor of California was arrested by Special Forces after a gun fight with State Police?
It will be a great welcome to see Kash Patel on your show. We really need hear from a “Trump Connect.” The “Q Pundits” will have you running in circles. Yet at the same time we know that “Q” FORCES cannot tell us EVERYTHING. We are only getting crumbs.
We know that Zeldin won. What the people want to know is what will the Q MilOps be doing to address and wrestle down these nefarious constructs.
I know that I overreacted yesterday with regard to the ZELDIN loss here in NEW YORK. I saw all of the other wins and got too excited. I expected the same with ZELDIN… only to be shattered.
My own common sense should kept me from the over reaction by the sheer understanding that the White Hat Alliance would STILL have to take the time to investigate if there is fraud. So it would take a number of days / weeks / months to be definitively exposed. Yet the part of me who knows that THE MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY (not as an alternative… but the ONLY way… PERIOD) – will only wait for but so long before I expect the Military to shut things down. We The People only have but so much might within us. We are trying to keep our homes and pay mortgages / rents. Feed, educate, protect and spiritually nourish our children. Protect our homes and spouses / family. Keep our jobs. Thrive, as opposed to survive. Partake of and delight in the little things (if we are not wealthy), such as a trip to the movies, the playground, a weekend brunch outing with friends. A birthday party for our 2 year old for Grandpa. A Sunday stroll in the park, and a stop at the street vending truck to get a coffee and a danish. We can’t all be at protests. I’m a youngish 62 year old woman holding it down by myself in Manhattan. Never had childen (planning on fostering to adopt – whether I am in NYC or FL). No college degree but doing darn well for myself because I’ve worked hard over the years. Should I defeat my quality of life and hit the streets in protest and end up in the hands of the deep state government? Imprisoned in the same manner of the JAN 6TH political prisoners. No, I cannot risk my life on this. Yet I thought there would be others (young men, etc) who would take to the streets. This never really materialized in NY. I was disappoint (if not angry) at first. But I realized that it was not so much because we are “cowards.” But I think there are too many like me. They just got the 1.4 million condo. They sent Jeff off to Princeton. They still have to younger children in private school, or being home schooled, etc. They won’t be puppets per se, but they don’t want to read the riot act out in the streets. It’s just too dangerous. We may not be like Brazilian citizens, because perhaps they don’t have as much to lose as Americans in NYC , Pennsylvania, and other states. We have seen what this machine has done to average citizens who rise up. We don’t want to risk it, especially when we keep hearing…. the PATRIOTS HAVE IT ALL.. .and THE MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY.
The Military would indeed be expected to come in . After all, they are the “only” way. We didn’t make this up. It’s been told to us. We want to SEE and HEAR and READ that these counties are being raided and polling centers occupied as they examine the machines. I don’t think that’s expecting too much. And there shouldn’t be but so much evidence needed to warrant such an effort. So, there are people like myself who are looking for an EAS/EBS system alert for WHATEVER REASON to quell the deep state tyranny.
I have simmered down and my rush to judgement to FLEE to FLORIDA has dissipated. Yes, I still have one foot in New York and the other in Florida. But I am now willing to wait another month or so to see what transpires. But if I don’t see intense measures being taken to examine what happened with the ZELDIN/HOCHUL race (and other races) — it will only serve me to move on to Florida where I won’t have to worry that they are releasing prisoners and I won’t be murdered on public transit. I won’t have to worry about another disease of the month (POLIO EMERGENCY… REALLY!!?) to get me to take a death jab. I’m done. There has to be some new measures in play on the freedom horizon or I’m just out. Florida bound.
I can’t open the video but the audio works.
But Keri lake had to win..and Fettermen..how could he win..this needs to be investigated ..not like two years ago..this needs to be made right. Now
A lot of pod casters are saying that we are watching a pantomime and everything is over….
I had a teacher who taught me chess in 5th grade, too. Mr. Jackson?
MARICOPA COUNTY is an ELECTORAL TRAIN WRECK, and SHOULD BE THOROUGHLY INVESTIGATED. Prosecutions should follow, and “repercussions” should be SEEN to OCCUR.
Kari Lake IS & will be formidable, whatever office(s) she attains. America’s brightest light after Trump, in my view. And I’d LOVE to see Catherine Engelbrecht head some very powerful Federal Department. These are serious, sincere, capable people. We, the People, hardly ever see this caliber of American Adult. (They normally stay out of the public eye, unless it’s absolutely necessary to appear.)
Hi Dave,
6 years ago I didn’t follow or know much about the political scene, just the MSM talking heads. My husband was listening to you and I finally sat down and listened to one of your videos and since then, haven’t missed a day! Literally, I don’t think I’ve missed a day! I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your constant “coaching”; keeping us going through all this. People get tired of waiting in this instant gratification world; and the way you put together the information and present it really helps alot of us keep up the fight. Thanks for all that you do!
Simply, Trump is setting them up for a Trump/Desantis ticket in 2024 and then Desantis for the next 2 elections… BOOM!!
I heard a narrative forming that we might not get the House or Senate? But……Let’s see what happens if we don’t ? No red wave then… right? Two more years of this? We CANNOT DO IT!
Prediction: I predict…. McCarthy will not become the Speaker.. Donald Trump will… (You don’t have to be an elected member of the house to be speaker.) Biden will be removed, as will be Kamala. So Trump will become the President again… hmmm!!! Interesting! Checkmate!!!
I have a subscription to the broadcast. I pay 4.99 monthly. The app is on my phone with the podcast. It’s prompt me to sign in. When I sign in to go to an episode, it will not say play. It’s saying sign in again and episode will not play. What should I do?
The witch is not gone (yet) but they now know the 47% of the public hate them. Next time !! Their lives are much more complicated now.