Ep 2925b – Trump – Tomorrow Will Be One Of The Most Important Days In History, Sleepers Exposed
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The [DS] fell right into the trap of all traps, they went ahead and cheated in the 2022 midterm elections, now the people see the truth, they see the fraud, it is now being exposed. Trump has exposed the sleepers before the next phase of the plan. This is not about another 4 year election, we are at war (information war) and Trump is a war time president. Trump is exposing the system to the people a little bit at a time so the people can understand how bad it really is. Trump is ready to make an announcement that will be one of the most important days in history.
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- Ep 2926a – The [CB] Is Now Making The Move, Plan Confirmed, Watch Alternative Currencies →
The US and UN Globalists are all Butt Hurt about a country illegally invading another.
Of course forgetting that Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Donbass invited and requested that Russia not only help stabilize and defend these regions, but they Also Asked Russia to Annex them into the Russian Federation in fact voting on it!
I’m sure glad that the US led by the President and Congress declared War on Iraq and Afghanistan before invading, building bases, and demolishing entire Cities and Towns with relentless Air Bombing campaigns…. Whaaaaat? The US didn’t declare war? Their invasion was Illegal? Neither Iraq nor Afghanistan “Invited” the US into their Country? Neither Iraq nor Afghanistan authorized the US to conduct Regime change. Iraq didn’t Request that the US Capture and Give Saddam Hussein to an opposing religious Sect?
But surely, the Syrian people Invited the US and GB, France, Germany to kill Bashar-al Assad their President. The US clearly declared WAR on Syria before they Invaded and started destroying Cities of Religious Antiquities including Muslim and Christian faiths. Whaaaaaaat? You mean the US illegally invaded Syria and Gave $Billions to opposition groups to Kill Assad? You’re saying Assad didn’t Invite the US to invade and Kill him?
But Surely, Syria invited the US to CAPTURE their oil production facilities and begin STEALING their oil and gas! Because the US just built a Military Base adjacent to Syria’s captured Oil Facility, now Fortified by the US military. Surely, Assad invited and authorized the US to Invade and Capture their Property and Steal it’s much needed resources?
FYI, the only Foreigners Syria invited into their Country were Russia and IRAN to keep watch over the US and their allies clamoring for Regime Change.
Isn’t it Clear now, why the US and UN Deep State invaded Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria??
Simple… Oil and Gas for free!
What a pile of crap. Same BLAH BLAH BLAH as 2020.
ON FIRE 🔥!!! Bravissimo!!! Makes a helluva lot of sense …. There’s got to be some strong forces behind Trump to take such a sacrifice on to fix the country !
The cheating was really noticed in 2012 during Obama-Romney race. Although Romney is clearly a RINO deep stater, the public really found out Romney’s true Colors when it was Learned that his campaign employed Gloria Allred to go after Herman Cain with Sex Scandals. Employing women Cain didn’t know to come forward with “Inappropriate” claims. Cain was Leading by a large margin at that time. Since then, Romney has been a POS! Of Course, the woman all recanted after Cain said… Really? You want it that bad, you can have it.
Anyway, Romney is leading Swing State Florida by almost 4 points with only the Northwest Precincts left. Those are always 80% conservative as Destin to Pensacola have 13 military bases and 7 military contractor production plants and nearly every person and businesses in the towns and cities in some way support the bases and industry.
Obama, won the Northwest Florida precincts by over 92%. There’s not a sole in these towns that claim to have voted for Obama, but here he barely pulled this out!!
Then went on to capture other Red Swing States of Ohio, Wisconsin, Tennessee and South Carolina.
Then, barely pulling out a Victory for another 4 years.
Rumors of Cheating were abound, but no one could detect it.
Then DeSantis in 2018. Brenda Snipes Broward County Election Clerk just kept finding trunkloads, coatfulls, and magically appearing ballots that were being accepted past Florida’s 9:00pm cut-off. Weirdly ALL for Gillum. Rick Scott finally shut it off. But Andrew Gillum closed the gap and got within a few thousand votes because of the Ballot Parade!
Cheating… but not really acknowledged until 2020!
Thank you Dave,
I only hope people who were oblivious now see the evil who have been controling the world for a very long time. I can’t wait to here what President Trump is going to say. Going to wake up the people.
I haven’t texted in awhile but I have been watching President Trump since 2015 and “Q” since 2017. I look forward to x22report every night you are on. You do an fantastic job of putting everything together.
Hi just love X 22. You always give me hope.
However, Kevin McCarthy has to go too. He is a feckless deep-stater. If there is any hope of the investigations in the house that we all want, he has to go.
Keep up the good work,
Good job,
Tom scherich
Dave – I realize you have to put a positive twist on what is going on, but please enough with the constant spin, and please have an honest conversation.
Big deal if we can see the truth, if the Deep State keeps gets away with the cheating. What good is this “information war”, if you never use the “Trump” card? how long are we going to “gather” information and not do anything?
I personally am fed up with waiting for people to wake up. if you are not a wake by now chances are you will never be. Meanwhile we are losing true MAGA supporters who have been waiting for years for the so called Trump Card to get played and have now watch 3 election cycles of stolen elections with currently zero consequence.
If Trump has everything, then why not wake people up by exposing the truth with hard concrete evidence. Wake people up by forcing the hand of deep state minions.
We are watching our retirement funds be depleted, seeing elections stolen, Trump supporters attacked and or falsely imprisoned, our borders overrun, our constitutional rights attacked, and so much more.
People are tired and fed up to the point I actually hear true MAGA people questioning the direction we are going. Please let’s start going on the offense.
Jack P.
When do we win?
Trump always said in past videos many years ago that he would like to be sure who is loyal to him through any event. He and DeSantis are definitely forcing traitors to expose themselves. The hidden RINOs are in view and fair-weather MAGAs are clearly hypocrites to not be trusted. Trump wins again, and so do we!!!!
Difficult to believe,but it appears that CANDACE OWENS, who appeared to be a true Trump
Supporter, is also now joining with those now speaking against trump. I recently read a FOX news
Report in which she talked about Trump not agreeing with something she had said. She stated that he was wrong and “he is unable to admit when he is wrong” and ,therefore, he is not a person that
ever grow!!!
I have cancelled You Tube and Google accounts today ,tired of the lies.
Someone should make a app for people who wouldn’t mind and voluntary say who they voted for a app of free transparency a sorta free information who don’t mind letting the world know with a 5 or 10 second clip.
I pray so! Very good show!!
The spotlight is on the wrong person at FTX.
In March this year FTX europe got to approval to move into Europe. Link Below
The head of FTX Europe was Patrick Gruhn.
Who is Patrick Gruhn?
Patrick is European Digital Leader at the World Economic Forum.
The reports of the White Hats failure at the Federal Reserve as they are illegally printing money and more defections of White Hats is disturbing. It is time to end this and shut them down with the truth before the narrative changes.
Time for Trump to form a third party. It’s clear the GOP hates MAGA, so we need to stop supporting the corrupt and evil Uniparty.
Trump said “HOPEFULLY today will turn out to be….”. You changed it to sound as if Trump knows for a fact today WILL BE …… There’s a big difference. Kinda like when something good is said of crypto and you change the word to Bitcoin. Your credibility comes into question. Keep it honest. Otherwise it appears you’re just trying to manipulate into what you want us to believe.
today is my bday…as I am listening to you Dave saying all the things I knew was true… I go back to the simple thought of who do we trust for our health care…it is no longer a medical profession it is openly a commie/traitor ruled industry who could less for the American peoples health……60 millions seniors like me must pay for our health care like it or not…if you refuse you will be penalized when you do need it I’m wondering about the 10 billion 200 million dollars which is what we the 60 million pay every month 60 mil x $170= 10 billion, 200million dollars now that’s a lot of money to be giving to straight up traitors every year it equals one hundred twenty-two billion, four hundred million…..Dave do you know how can I get my money back, I really need it nowadays …thank you Dave
The Hype Train has gone about 15,000 miles too far without action
There don’t seem to be alot of people who have seen the cheating! I run into people who say Joe Biden has done good! But when asked what did he do thet can’t answer! Or they blame. Mr Donald Trump even when one points out the high,prices of food , oil/gas and so on!
Well it looks like we all know who we can trust and it damn sure isn’t you back stabbing republicans!!! If your going to stab President Trump in the back then that’s what the American people can expect from each and every one of you !!! It’s bad enough we have all democrats fucking us over now you’ve all joined them! Sorry President Trump that people don’t know how to be loyal anymore !! Their not even loyal to the country how can we think they be loyal to the people!!??
how can I get access through my roku on tv for x 22 report?
I can’t access X 22 report…I am told that I already have an account and to enter my password. I don’t remember my password so don’t know what to do.
Great video, Dave!!! Thank you
I’m on Telegram to and listening to Screw Big Gov last night. A lot of people are folding about Trump and some are holding it in regards to the “show”. They were disappointed in Trump’s speech hoping for what is really going on to be revealed. President Trump was very serious and subdued compared to rallies. I understand why he’s showing weakness and not revealing the strength.
I’m in CT and I know how bad the communism is here with the Democrats. Saw a great video by a journalist from Epoch TV about CT being the smallest commie state in the Union. Awesome video with pictures and information. I was disgusted. All the dem’s in CT are commies and the elections are rigged. We have machines and a person stands right next to it and can view your ballot.
I know this a small change info compared to what you do for us. I appreciate everything you tell us. I keep my family informed with your videos. My daughter who lives in Massachusetts listens to you. Please don’t ever stop. There are only a few patriot platforms I trust and believe.