Ep 2937b – FBI & Now Twitter Involved In Manipulating The Elections, [DS] Election Rigging Exposed
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The [DS] is panicking, they have lost their weapon of narrative control. The [DS] will continue to hit EM and Trump. They don’t have a choice. The election fraud is being produced. Each time more evidence is produced the case is getting stronger and stronger. Bait and traps are being used by EM and Trump and the [DS] is doing exactly what they want.
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- ← Ep 2937a – Biden Just Exposed Himself, With No Cover Story The [CB] Makes Their Move
- Ep 2938a – [CB]/Biden Continue To Lose Economically, The World Is Shifting Away From The [CBDC] →
Love your reports Dave…. I am very interested w/ your work when you speak of Verizon. I was wrongfully terminated from Verizon in August of 20’ after 20 years of service. The other problem in this wrongful termination is my union ( CWA 1107) . I find them both to be one and the same. Do you know more about Verizon & what do you know about CWA ? TY Dave
A conspiracy that has come to light is still a conspiracy, Dave, it’s just no longer a theory.
We should say, “Look at the evidence, it IS a conspiracy. Not just a theory. And now we can prove it!”
a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
What was named “COVID” — actually a repacking of the annual flu, is now being used to describe symptoms and deaths caused by the mRNA bio-weapon. This is a slight of hand and a misdirection of perception to confuse the victims. Thus, the people have succumbed, and have been afflicted with MASS COGNITIVE DISSONANCE, whereby accurate cause/effect perception and observation have has been sabotaged. Veritas has described “gaslighting” as the word of the day. In the hands of the globalists, this gaslighting, is a weapon of psychological warfare. So-called Climate Change (weather always changes), among other mass manipulations like gender confusion, are also PSYOPS for extortion and control.
Before COVID, the packaging of the M95 masks carried a warning. I have photos of the warning.
“WARNING: will not protect against any virus.”
Why do suppose that it was removed? You don’t think they are protecting FAUCI, do you?
why would Milo Y want to make Trump’s life hard? – he was a huge fan
The first names whether 8 or how many will be RINOs. Like the Lincoln Project or even Mitt Romney. Because they DOJ would not release Democrats or their donors, which is probably the rest of the entirety of the book.
Remember… To them, a RINO is a Republican, is a MAGA, is a Tea Party.
Like Hilary said and has never been called out, “They all Look the Same”!
Unfortunately… Trafficking and Pedos are part of today’s conversation. And the Republicans feign disdain while allowing it to continue. It seems only Grady Judd, Sheriff of Polk County, Florida is the only one battling. He’s the one continually exposing Disney Workers among others. He’s just one man against millions.
At least you won’t see him releasing the Pedos out of Jail.
Remember… AF Gen. John Raymond was the first Space Force Chief appointed by AF Secretary Deborah Lee James under Trump both Conservative Patriots. Space Force was initially funded by the Air Force. Now it receives its own branch funding.
Raymond has been forced into retirement and CoS Mark Milley has appointed his Liberal Crony Gen. Chance Saltzman , a proper Jewish Liberal, as new Space Force Chief, a cabinet position.
Watch the SF deteriorate!! Saltzman immediately established the “Reproductive Health Care” policy which covers… yep… Transsexual healthcare and surgery.
Medical tsars censure information about fenbendazole for cancer treatment. I recall Q mentioning it along with ivermectin and HCQ.
We better stop chipping away & go get some “bull Doziers”. “We the People” KEEP us SAFE. STOP calling biden our President. They are NOT going to allow President Trump to step in & bring peace. Whats wrong with you, they are fighting him tooth & nail as I write this post. A “Well Organized Militia” & Military is the O N L Y way. Supreme Court WILL overturn the 2020 election & we NEED to be ready to assist.
Dave, are going to talk about SCOTUS suite #22-380 ?
The masks might be effective in stopping part of the virus by preventing it from ejecting further into the air by a sneeze or cough or even just heavy breathing. Plus they’re good for keeping your nose warm in cold weather. 😀
You are talking in circles like a bumbling idiot. 15 minutes of info blown out for an hour. The best way to stop this crap on the deep state is just start knocking each one off one at a time. Starting with Doris then go down the line. THIS will stop ALL. Correction. Problem solved
Dude I watch every day, however your always I do believe Trump set it up, Yata, yata, yata. No bad days. Always perfect, on point, no sidewinders. That’s a perfect world. I think you do a good job, not realistic.
Who is “THEY” releasing the names? Clarify please
If there are no US forces in Ukraine??? who is operating the sophisticated missile systems
like the one that hit a Russian oil storage facility recently.????? Gremlins????