Ep 2940b – Trump:”Unprecedented Fraud Requires Unprecedented Cure”, There Is Only One Way
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The [DS] is now struggling, EM has released the twitter files and now the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop is coming out and how the the corrupt politicians interfered in the 2020 elections. Trump is now letting everyone know that there is only way out of this and this is thru the military. The people need to understand the [DS] systems and the crimes they committed, they need to see the infiltration, once they understand they will know how to take back the country and keep the country. The patriots are in control and we the people are the cure.
- ← Ep 2940a – [JB][CB] Just Made A Move That Exposed The Entire Economic Agenda, Game Over
- Ep 2941a – The [CB]/[WEF] Green New Deal Exposed, New House Means Game Over →
Dave, I am so ready for the Military to take over this crooked government.
The “Normies” and Patriots and Independents KNOW there was Election Fraud. They KNOW how deep it went and HOW most of it was perpetrated.
But, they don’t see but a handful of people really that upset. Hardly any Conservative Congressmen seems to care about it. Just a small few will even speak out on it. Heck, there are still dozens of people in PRISON for simply touring the Capitol. Been in Prison going on 2-years!! No Charges, No redress of Rights, and which Congressman is holding Vigils at the Prison demanding release?
None!! Oh Wait, maybe a couple wrote a stern letter!
So… the Patriots and Normies have jobs, have families, are responsible Adults and are Role Models to their children. These people just don’t hate the fact there was Election Fraud enough! They are not going to Gather, Protest, block Traffic, engage with Law Enforcement, throw frozen Piss Bottles and Bring Media Attention to themselves. The others are 75-80 years old and can’t. The Korean and VietNam Wars kicked our Asses. We want to, but the body says No.
Sorry… If the National Leaders and Law Enforcement are not upset, the Normies won’t bother. Remember, this is happening with Republicans in control of all the State Legislation in over 30 States. And those States, even with massive election fraud have and are doing nothing. Why would a 40-year old mother and father, get a baby sitter, drive to a parking lot, get out and walk around for 2-3 hours, then have to return home, put the kids to bed and get up for work the next day!
They wouldn’t. Brazil’s people have No Jobs. Brazil’s people are on Government Assistance. Brazil’s people are controlled. Not the case for most people in the U.S.
That’s what Blue Haired losers do! People with No Jobs. People with No responsibilities, People that vote for Democrats! People controlled by hate!
Trump has Rallies. Yet he doesn’t message that the Country is full of Pedophiles and Child Traffickers.
He at best does a 30-second soundbite. Then moves on to how great he is!
We have NO LEADERS leading! We have people in Prison for years without being charged. That’s not enough to get protests? The Republicans put a Pedophile on the Supreme Court! No Outrage! Where is the Supreme Court? They won’t even listen to Election Fraud cases!
You have to have a leader to start it. Someone in the Crowd has to be the first to Walk onto the Dance
Floor and Dance before others will join in. That’s Leadership. Where’s MLK when you need him!
I’m ALL in with “Q” the military & Trump. Have been since 2015 !! But I’m a little confused. Wasn’t “Q” ask before 2020 if elections would be safe? Am I remembering right that “Q” answered “YES… Post POTUS” If so, then why 2022 all over again?
Then the question becomes ” how the “handlkers” coime into these star’s lives to begin with? Are the “handlers” telling them to act this way, or are they guilty of the crime also?
It’s just like the notion of black mail being is why so many politicians have become traitors. Is the politiciaqn actually do anything they should not have done? Such as they actually comit a horrible crime like child rape or something like that? And then the hidden cameras at epstein’s island pick it all up, and then the politician is bought and owned by the deep state? If so, isn’t the politician a criminal anyway, and needs to be arrested and prosecuted? How could a sane and honest person be inticed into committing these crimes? The blackmailers need to be rounded up, but so do anyone who has willfully committed these crimes.
I have always felt that the leftist journalists are responsible for their actions as far as missleading the public.
And I hope you’re right about the military not being corrupt.
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.
– Marcus Tullius Cicero
Your pushing the military to fill in blank areas of your reporting/argument. Hogwash!
Please report more on the ESG and corporate take over of governments/media. Follow the money.
Dave; I have tried several times now to listen to your broadcast because “ I do believe” that you have good content. However, I absolutely cannot tolerate your obsession with words and phrases that you continuously, and constantly repeat. “I do believe” and the most repeated word of all time, “remember.” I cannot believe that you ever listen to the content you publish, otherwise, you would have obviously changed this incredibly annoying habit by now. I have pointed this out several times to you, and I cannot possibly be the only person who has ever mentioned this to you. Do you ever listen to yourself? Your good content is overshadowed by your addiction to repeating unnecessary words over, and over, and over, and over again. It’s truly a shame that your hard work of gathering this information is obscured by the annoying repetition of useless words. I challenge you to listen to yourself and count the number of times you say, “remember” in just one report, maybe then you’ll understand. For myself, I have a listened to you for the last time.
A “DM” is a Direct Message, info for all of us Non-Twits.
It,s about time the DEms /Liberals finally see their future falling. All is falling apart.
Why don’t these people in the Congress of New York go to jail for invoking an unconstitutional law that’s violating the right of that person. Why when the Supreme Court judge is this unconstitutional to these politicians not go to jail for violating their oath of office to the people. Why don’t they? I will tell you, because we stand by and allow it!
This is all bologna.
THEY HAVE IT ALL. Yet, they just can’t seem to arrest of convict anyone…. But they have all of the evidence…. ALL OF IT…
You’re a stupid person if you believe this junk.
A Patriot can only be one who lives and operates outside of the Incorporated United States of America. If you chose to be a Patriot then you must died to your own false understandings and embrace the Truth that the founding Father established the UNINCORPORATED uNited States of America. :Russell-Jay:Gould
Hi Dave,
We have 52% of the people. There will never be a small percentage. There are too many college kids, sick leftist and liberals embedded in this country along with the commies and pedophiles that will never change. Look, who just got elected at the New Hampshire so called beauty pageant—A MAN and he is one ugly looking fat MAN. Never in my life did I ever expect the transgenderism would affect my family but it has. My sister’s son transitioning to a female. His 13 year old son doesn’t want anything to do with him. I have believed in the show since 2016, convinced my daughter and my son. There are three other family members who were with me, not very many for the big family I have. They are getting turned off and believe these evil people will never paid for their crimes and we will never see it even “if” they will be arrested.
I am 73 years old and hope to God I see it change for the better. Tired of seeing the drip we need at least to see some of the truth. The hell with the normies. I was a normie but no more after Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon. The awake people have had enough and we are losing them. My step son lives in Arizona and he was there when the machines broke down, he works for Homeland Security Investigation and does not believe anymore we are going to change and that its going to get worse. He worked hard, had to leave his wife and children to train for the position he has in the HSI. He said to me yesterday his job doesn’t mean anything anymore they let the evil hard criminals go. He said 4 border patrol officers committed suicide last week. We did not hear this ANYWHERE!
I appreciate what you do Dave and I will continue to listen. I love our country and keeping the faith in Trump and the Alliance. I know this is an information war. For God sake forgive me, they need to show us something! I know Hillary was sent to Gitmo in 2018 and she is dead. I know we see CGI’s. I know Biden is gone and more. We need to see something big, now! Let the normies deal with it WE HAVE!
Thank you,
The normies can handle the news just like we handled the past 2 years. This is taking too long, and it’s destroying America to baby the idiots that voted for this crap. Just let them have all the truth NOW. If the truth was out there about the laptop and it would have woke them up in a couple weeks before the election, then they can handle it now. Give people more credit and stop baying them. We didn’t get babyed
Dave, while I understand whwt you meant from the context, I suggest you refer to military interveñtion in terms of DEFENDING the Constitution. It’s really NOT SUSPENDIING Mthe Constitution, but rather using the “fail safe” that’s really built INTO the Constitution.
Saying it’s “suspending”the Constitution or “putting it on hold” is used by the other side and by “normies” to bolster their position that Trump is going too far or trying to become a dictator. Was Abraham Lincoln a dictator? Did he really suspend the Constitution, or did he PROTECT the Constitution??
I’m just saying let’s make it perfectly clear that the patriots are NOT planning any dictatorship and NOT going outside of the Constitution!
My concern is, how much time do we realistically allot for “normies” to get it? 3 years seems excessive. At what point do we just accept that EVERYBODY isn’t going to understand, and move forward? Things are getting worse and worse and the excuse is we have to wait on the normies.. How long is long enough before we have to carry on without the ones who refuse to see? For example, there was a whole documentary, 2000 Mules? There are things available to help them understand. What are we STILL waiting for? The criminals get away with more and more. How much more needs to be seen before we let them destroy the little that we have left??