Ep 2941b – Constitution Is In Play, Rigging The Election Now In The Spotlight, Trap Set
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The [DS] is now spinning the Hunter Biden laptop story again, reporters are blocking people, this is panic and pain all at the same time and this is just the beginning. The [DS]/Fake news is trying to convince the public that Trump wants to suspend the Constitution, the [DS] has been knowingly going against the Constitution and now they are supporting it because they think Trump wants it suspended. What happens if in the middle of the storm, the Biden admin orders the suspension of the Constitution?
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- Ep 2942a – Winter Is Coming, The Carbon [CBDC] Has Failed Before It Got Started →
Why would Congress publish a 1,050 page report? Just like a Bill, who’s going to read it?
The average Biography or Mystery or Documentary BOOK is 270 pages consisting of about 10 or more chapters. It takes most people several evenings to read an Interesting Book. A report from Congress is roughly 4 Books!
When we give Corporate Executives reports on Technology and Progress… we issue a Summary Report in addition to the technical review.
Why wouldn’t Congress issue a Report describing What the Time Is and issue how the clock is made later? Otherwise, they are trying to hide something!
Remember, not only do the liars like Brennan, Clapper, Hayden, Paneta get TV jobs, but McCabe, Strzck, and Comey are recurring experts.
Also, the Liar Sally Yates just got employed by U.S. Soccer foundation, a federally funded group, to investigate and publish a report on Gender and Race Bias in the sport.
Yep… Like Roaches, this group of “Intelligence” experts respond when the lights come on!
The constitution would need to be suspended for the military carry out operations on US soil.
I said it before and I will say it again. Nothing is going to get better. EVER!!! Until this election fraud is dealt with.
The National Enquirer has more credulity than the MSM “news” has ever had.
Thank you, Dave for your dedication and loyalty to our country all these years. It’s very hard not to be able to give you a thumbs up!
Question: Why do you use that lame ass picture of Donald Trump in ALL of your videos.
Please, find a better picture. That one is devoid of anything that looks presidential or Alpha or anything but the grown up version of the kid from the movie The Christmas Story. Change it already. I’m F-ing sick of that picture.
It does nothing to help Trump.
Please get that.
Thanks for everything else you do.
With all this going on why is no one doing anything about the border problem.
Hi Dave,
Thank you again for a great report.
Four Trumpet playing brothers, The Brunson Brothers, filed a case before the Supreme Court as a petition for a writ of certiorari in September. . (The Writ of certiorari asks the Supreme Court to take the case). The Clerk of the Supreme Court contacted the Brunson Brothers and asked them if they could speed up their filing! The Supreme Court wanted the case.
It was docketed on October 24 with a deadline of November 24. The case is captioned Raland J. Bronson,Petitioner v. Alma S. Adams et al.
The approach that the Bronsons have taken is not to make a formal complaint that the election was stolen; instead, they have chosen to sue members of the U.S. Congress who voted not to investigate whether any election irregularities may have occurred that could have affected the outcome. In other words, the Brunson Brothers were motivated to sue because these elected officials broke their oaths to protect the Constitution of the United States. The Brunson Brothers believed that, to support and defend the Constitution, an investigation into possible fraud needed to take place. Otherwise, how could anyone know with certainty whether the election had been secure? What shocked the Brunson Brothers was that only 147 members of the US Congress voted in support of the proposed ten-day audit of the election before certifying the ballot count of the Electoral College, while, according to the Washington Post, 377 members voted against the proposed ten-day investigation, and eight abstained. The Congress failed to protect citizen’s vote so they broke the Consitution.
A response to the filing was due on Nov. 23, 2022. The defendants (the government) responded by waiving their right to respond.
Now the Supreme Court still has to rule on the case and nothing is for sure but if the SC does find for Bronson and find the members who voted to certify guilty they would be guilty of treason and banned for life from public office. In one fell swoop the swamp is drained.
And the link to the full filing in the SCOTUS can be found here: https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/22/22-380/243739/20221027152243533_20221027-152110-95757954-00007015.pdf
The 2nd Amendment is not only about firearms, it includes all and anything that can be used as a weapon like knives, crossbows, baseball bat even a dinner plate.. Lets get this right for a change…
It was stupid for Trump to meet with Kanye and the people he brought with him while Kanye is loudly being accused of antsemitism. It just gives the media red meat to attack him. Trump should have better judgment.
Can you imagine the magnificent Elon’s tasks?!!
I hope he has double blind researchers.
Those looking for the same thing to see which ones of the redundancy comes up with the Truth!
Why not talk about SCOTUS case # 22-380?
I think you should look into the 4 Brunson brothers and their lawsuit that is before the US Supreme Court it could overturn the 2020 election and remove all congressmen and senators + Biden, Harris who refused to investigate election fraud when Senator Ted Cruz asked for a 10 day investigation to make sure there was no election fraud during the 2020 election. There is precedent and the brothers have standing also you should consider interviewing Juan O Savin he lays the whole thing out very well and makes it very easy to understand.
BOTH X22 Report videos have the same message when I try to open. The screen says “Video not found”.
F*ck you Dave … you just keep stringing us along, 2 F*CKING YEARS! And you continue to SLOW walk it, saying the “normies” can’t handle it … NOT F*CKING TRUE! I think you would be surprised what the people can handle and WE THE PEOPLE want to see … LIVESTREAM THE TRIBUNALS, LIVESTREAM THE EXECUTION OF THESE TREASONOUS TRADERS!!!!! “WE CAUGHT THEM, WE CAUGHT THEM ALL!” Or how about “If you steal diamonds from Tiffany’s and get caught, you don’t get to keep the diamonds. Isn’t that what Trump said? ”F*CK TRUMP … HE LIED! Promises made, promises broken. I will always be loyal to the MAGA movement and continue the fight, been doing it since 1963 … but f*ck Trump! The ONLY people suffering are those who voted for him .. they are losing their homes, losing their jobs, losing their healthcare, having to pick whether they are going to pay their mortgage/rent or pay for food, not being able to pay for their heat for the winter, people are losing their lives … children being sex trafficked and the f*cking dirty laundry list goes on and on and on and on … THE BIG LIE IS WHAT DONALD J TRUMP is doing to the very people who voted for him!!!
F*ck you Dave … you just keep stringing us along, 2 F*CKING YEARS! And you continue to SLOW walk it, saying the “normies” can’t handle it … NOT F*CKING TRUE! I think you would be surprised what the people can handle and WE THE PEOPLE want to see … LIVESTREAM THE TRIBUNALS, LIVESTREAM THE EXECUTION OF THESE TREASONOUS TRADERS!!!!! “WE CAUGHT THEM, WE CAUGHT THEM ALL!” Or how about “If you steal diamonds from Tiffany’s and get caught, you don’t get to keep the diamonds. Isn’t that what Trump said? ”F*CK TRUMP … HE LIED! Promises made, promises broken. I will always be loyal to the MAGA movement and continue the fight, been doing it since 1963 … but f*ck Trump! The ONLY people suffering are those who voted for him .. they are losing their homes, losing their jobs, losing their healthcare, having to pick whether they are going to pay their mortgage/rent or pay for food, not being able to pay for their heat for the winter, people are losing their lives … children being sex trafficked and the f*cking dirty laundry list goes on and on and on and on … THE BIG LIE IS WHAT DONALD J TRUMP is doing to the very people who voted for him!!! Now you are censoring me …
So Dave you’re in the business of censorship … because I posted something before, you’re not letting it be posted again … that’s f*cking censorship! I wanted to post it again … tell me why I cannot?
Remind everyone that there were 3 laptops dropped off by Hunter, not just 1.
I will not list the possibilities but rather ask if you could provide us with the history to your Ep 2941a cover photo.
Thank you Mr. Dave
We are FED UP with the SO-CALLED investigations that NEVER lead to prosecutions. The Supreme Court better do something OR Civil War will SOON begin !!! Patriots will go after the democrat leadership of the far LEFT= FIRST. If OUR Constitution is SUSPENDED, I can foresee “W A N T E D” D E A D OR A L I V E Posters being printed & distributed ONLINE !
Does anyone else find it AMAZING that in this day of the 24/7 news cyc!e we cannot get the truth but the msm can easily clog the Newsday with meaningless lies AD NAUSEUM? CANCEL YOUR CABLE AND THE MSM WITH IT.
Interesting how you speak of Brennan & Clapper as alive, employed and still treasonous. Some of us believe that only the last is true. I also think that, either way, this matters to very few people.