Ep 2945b – Release Of Twitter Files Is Just The Warmup Act,Declass, Pain,Treason,Sedition,Justice
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The Twitter files are being released, the public is starting to see the infiltration, this is the open act. The people must be told the truth slowly so they can digest the information. Once the public digests the information the other facts with documents will be released. The [DS] is feeling pain every step of the way. They [DS] panic is real and they might try to shut down communications. This will not work, Trump and the patriots have all the leverage. Nothing can stop this, nothing.
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why won’t you reply david? I sent you 3 or 4 emails months ago? I never miss your show, could you at least reply?
Biden traded Viktor Bout because B. told him he would release him so he (Viktor) could sell the US. military equipment on the black market and return the money back to the Dems.
Let the weak choke on the truth and die. That is their fate. They are the price to be paid for a stronger civilization. The disease of complacency that must be burned out. Not just the Deep State, but also those too weak to handle the truth of the world.
When people are listening to your programs here and you do not put the signature Q when you are reading Q’s posts, we do not get the full understanding of what you are reading.
Great job, Dave, always enjoy and love your Financial/Political/Geopolitical a and b videos, thanks again
Checkmate. With how many followers Elon has there is no stopping this. They will black out his communications for 10 days soon.
I don’t know why, but somehow I stopped receiving your x22reports. Please put me back on your mailing list.
I believe the information on the suppression of the COVID truth is going to be bigger than the rigging of the 2020 election. Why? Because it affects the lives of every individual and every family that was forced to take the mRNA jabs in order to keep their jobs, and the number of military personnel who were forced to take the jabs. While that was going on, doctors and scientists were screaming that the mRNA therapy was not a vaccine but was a method of gene splicing that had failed miserably in animal testing and that there were other drugs already on the market and readily available to treat Covid. Then you had other doctors and nurses trying to put information out that the hospital protocols requiring patients to not be treated until they could not breathe, then slapping them on ventilators and pumping them full of Remdesivir was killing them. I can already imagine how many bureaucrats from the FDA, CDC, WHO, NAIDS, and all the politicians who had invested in the pharmaceutical companies rushing to shut down all the talk about the jabs injuring and killing people so they could line their pockets with profits while committing genocide on a worldwide level. I tried to warn elderly friends who were vets not to take the jab, but they had already gotten the shots at the VA and believed they were doing the “patriotic thing” thinking they were protecting others when they were instead being poisoned so the government could cut down its financial obligations to ex-military, and Social Security recipients by killing them off. No one is seeing the stories about all the sudden deaths, the annual death rate seen by insurance companies more than doubling; the morticians finding yard-long white rubbery blood clots in the sudden death cadavers that were never seen before the “vaccine” rollout. Which is worse, the election rigging or the intentional murder of millions through medical malpractice? I don’t know if Trump would have been able to stop it because the so-called “experts” were lying to him from the beginning and the members of the FDA were in on the scheme.
I’ve followed you for years, way back to utube lol. You’ve come along way & your research is as dynamic as it ever way. Bless you & yours MIGHTILY & THANK YOU FOR NOT CHANGING ON YOUR WAY UP. 💖
I am shocked about the Lancet. Who can be trusted? What about all the years of trust put in the Lancet? It really makes one rethink the system.