Ep 2963b – The [DS]/[D]s Have Lost Control,Patriots In Control,Did Trump Just Hint At Something?Boom
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The [DS] has lost control, they do not control the narrative, they investigation and information is coming at them from all directions. The [DS] is now panicking. Trump his hinting that there might be another party needed if the establishment does not fall in line. Election fraud is being pushed out into the public realm and more and more evidence is being produced. Booms are coming.
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- ← Ep 2963a – Did Trump Set Economic Traps For The Biden Administration?
- Ep 2964a – The [WEF]/[CB] Agenda Is Dead, The People Are Economically Awake →
Thank you, as always, Dave. Your words are sunshine for my soul.
In case this is news to you, psychopath Erlich lost a famous bet with Julian Simon, ‘the Doomslayer’, whose ’97 Wired interview below destroyed the big lie with hard facts. One year later Julian Simon suddenly died, too young and silenced forever.
Meet Julian Simon, The Doomslayer! http://archive.wired.com/wired/archive/5.02/ffsimon_pr.html The Doomslayer By Ed Regis
The environment is going to hell, and human life is doomed to only get worse, right? Wrong. Conventional wisdom, meet Julian Simon, the Doomslayer.
This is the litany : Our resources are running out. The air is bad, the water worse. The planet’s species are dying off – more exactly, we’re killing them -at the staggering rate of 100,000 peryear, a figure that works out to almost 2,000 species per week, 300 per day, 10 perhour, another dead species every six minutes.We’re trashing the planet, washing away the topsoil, paving over our farmlands, systematically deforesting our wildernesses, decimating the biota, and ultimately killing ourselves.
The world is getting progressively poorer, and it’s all because of population, or more precisely, overpopulation. There’s a finite store of resources on our pale blue dot, spaceship Earth, our small and fragile tiny planet, and we’re fast approaching its ultimate carrying capacity. The limits to growth are finally upon us, and we’re living on borrowed time. The laws of population growth are inexorable. Unless we act decisively, the final result is written in stone: mass poverty, famine, starvation, and death.
Time is short, and we have to act now.
That’s the standard and canonical litany. It’s been drilled into our heads so far and so forcefully that to hear it yet once more is … well, it’s almost reassuring. It’s comforting, oddly consoling – at least we’re face to face with the enemies: consumption, population, mindless growth. And we know the solution: cut back, contract, make do with less. “Live simply so that others may simply live.”
There’s just one problem with The Litany, just one slight little wee imperfection: every item in that dim and dreary recitation, each and every last claim, is false. Incorrect. At variance with the truth.
Not the way it is, folks.
Thus saith The Doomslayer, one Julian L. Simon, a neither shy nor retiring nor particularly mild-mannered professor of business administration at a middling eastern-seaboard state university. Simon paints a somewhat different picture of the human condition circa 1997.
“Our species is better off in just about every measurable material way,” he says. “Just about every important long-run measure of human material welfare shows improvement over the decades and centuries, in the United States and the rest of the world. Raw materials – all of them – have become less scarce rather than more. The air in the US and in other rich countries is irrefutably safer to breathe. Water cleanliness has improved. The environment is increasingly healthy, with every prospect that this trend will continue.
“Fear is rampant about rapid rates of species extinction,” he continues, “but the fear has little or no basis. The highest rate of observed extinction, though certainly more have gone extinct unobserved, is one species per year …” cont’d: https://www.wired.com/1997/02/the-doomslayer-2/
The Ultimate Resource Hardcover – August 21, 1981
The Ultimate Resource 2 Jul 1, 1998
Scarcity or Abundance?: A Debate on the Environment Paperback – August 1, 1994
Hoodwinking the Nation
It’s Getting Better All the Time: 100 Greatest Trends of the Last 100 years Hardcover – October 17, 2000
by Stephen Moore
The Economic Consequences of Immigration: Second Edition 2nd ed. Edition
HAPPY NEW YEAR and THANK YOU, as always, Dave. Your words are sunshine for my soul.
In case this is news to you, Paul Erlich lost a famous bet with Julian Simon, ‘the Doomslayer’, whose ’97 Wired interview below destroyed the big lie with hard facts. One year later Julian Simon suddenly died, too young and silenced forever.
Meet Julian Simon, The Doomslayer
The Doomslayer By Ed Regis
The environment is going to hell, and human life is doomed to only get worse, right? Wrong. Conventional wisdom, meet Julian Simon, the Doomslayer.
This is the litany : Our resources are running out. The air is bad, the water worse. The planet’s species are dying off – more exactly, we’re killing them -at the staggering rate of 100,000 peryear, a figure that works out to almost 2,000 species per week, 300 per day, 10 perhour, another dead species every six minutes.We’re trashing the planet, washing away the topsoil, paving over our farmlands, systematically deforesting our wildernesses, decimating the biota, and ultimately killing ourselves.
The world is getting progressively poorer, and it’s all because of population, or more precisely, overpopulation. There’s a finite store of resources on our pale blue dot, spaceship Earth, our small and fragile tiny planet, and we’re fast approaching its ultimate carrying capacity. The limits to growth are finally upon us, and we’re living on borrowed time. The laws of population growth are inexorable. Unless we act decisively, the final result is written in stone: mass poverty, famine, starvation, and death.
Time is short, and we have to act now.
That’s the standard and canonical litany. It’s been drilled into our heads so far and so forcefully that to hear it yet once more is … well, it’s almost reassuring. It’s comforting, oddly consoling – at least we’re face to face with the enemies: consumption, population, mindless growth. And we know the solution: cut back, contract, make do with less. “Live simply so that others may simply live.”
There’s just one problem with The Litany, just one slight little wee imperfection: every item in that dim and dreary recitation, each and every last claim, is false. Incorrect. At variance with the truth.
Not the way it is, folks.
Thus saith The Doomslayer, one Julian L. Simon, a neither shy nor retiring nor particularly mild-mannered professor of business administration at a middling eastern-seaboard state university. Simon paints a somewhat different picture of the human condition circa 1997.
“Our species is better off in just about every measurable material way,” he says. “Just about every important long-run measure of human material welfare shows improvement over the decades and centuries, in the United States and the rest of the world. Raw materials – all of them – have become less scarce rather than more. The air in the US and in other rich countries is irrefutably safer to breathe. Water cleanliness has improved. The environment is increasingly healthy, with every prospect that this trend will continue.
“Fear is rampant about rapid rates of species extinction,” he continues, “but the fear has little or no basis. The highest rate of observed extinction, though certainly more have gone extinct unobserved, is one species per year …” end of excerpt
The Ultimate Resource Hardcover – August 21, 1981
The Ultimate Resource 2 Jul 1, 1998
Scarcity or Abundance?: A Debate on the Environment Paperback – August 1, 1994
Hoodwinking the Nation
It’s Getting Better All the Time: 100 Greatest Trends of the Last 100 years Hardcover – October 17, 2000
by Stephen Moore
How long will people keep listening to this schitt. Patriots in control. Hold the line. Deep state running scared. The left is NOT afraid of us because we are spineless cowards that have now allowed TWO elections to be stolen, right out in front of our faces. We have done nothing to stop it. Our elected representatives are worthless. The only ones that tried to do something, are sitting in jail on frigging trespassing charges. FOR TWO YEARS. And here we sit. Had this happened to one of anqueefa or blm, they left would’ve burned the country to the ground. But hey. We’ll get’em next time, right? What a load of crap.
Hey Dave!!
Happy New Year!! My question is who`s Ruby Freeman,,she`s on the right of your podcasts picture,,wondering who this person is??
In the US, the People just don’t CARE!
In the US, the People just don’t CARE!
In the US, the People just don’t CARE!
In the US, the People just don’t CARE!
Look at the Groomers, attention span was three weeks. Mostly attacking DeSantis.
Even Trump attacked DeSanctimonious!
A Few Patriots responded, and took back the School Boards. But in less than 5% of the U.S. Most of the Pedophiles got reelected, even in Florida!
Balenciaga was a story for about three days. Then the MSM and others NORMALIZED it. Nicole Kidman became the spokesperson and the Pedo Bears continued!
The Republicans put a Pedophile/Pedophile Sympathizer on the Supreme Court.
FOX News never discusses the Pedophiles or Groomers. The were told to Stop Saying “Groomer”!
Any Sane Person can see that a County CANNOT have voter turnout 114% of County Population even when voter registration contains dead people. People born in the 1800’s. People with NO Identification or address. Voter registration (all parties) is 68% of the County day before Elections and Voter Turnout in Final Counts are 114% of Population. Statistically IMPOSSIBLE, but Judges are calling this Normal?
In the US, the People just don’t CARE!
In the US, the People just don’t CARE!
In the US, the People just don’t CARE!
In the US, the People just don’t CARE!
Even a thought to be Patriot in Marjorie Green who was removed from her committee by McCarthy because Pelosi wanted it… now supports the 50 times caught Liar for Speaker.
In the US, the People just don’t CARE!
In the US, the People just don’t CARE, because they vote like it!
98% of all incumbents that locked you down, murdered your Elderly Family and friends. destroyed your retirement accounts and stole your money to give to a Corrupt Country…. Got reelected by the People of the U.S.!
As more and more of the corrupt treasonous deep state player politicians find an easy was out will this open things up for the patriots to become a majority in the house and the senate ?
I don’t understand why trump is supporting McCarthy and also Jim Jordan and you say the patriots are going against McCarthy . Trump is a patriot that supports McCarthy ? It’s kind of confusing .
USAP = Unacknowledge Special Access Projects–Deeper than the CIA—Arm of these folks
how will there be all these class action lawsuits for the vaxx if everyone that took it signed a waiver?
you’re spreading hopium and fake news dave.
Trump supports McCarthy. So he is the establishment Dave.
Thank you, Dave!! The pandemic is “FAKE”!!! They are killing people with the jabs!