Ep 2964b – Trump Just Flexed His Muscle, It’s All About Control, Watch What Happens Next
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The establishment is panicking, the vote is not going their way in the house. Is Trump flexing his muscle showing the establishment he is in control. Think about the timing of the Twitter files, and the timing of the Supreme Court ruling on the taxes. This all happened when the patriots took control of the house, now they can get the tax the returns from all others while they are investigating the criminal activity of the [DS] players. This is all about control, let’s watch what happens next.
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Please learn more about the actual facts regarding Galileo and Nicolaus Copernicus and stop to repeat propaganda on that topic!
It is time to end this shit. I am tired of the narrative.
Give us access to good and inexpensive guns and we will remove the problems.
I strongly would love to see the change of the establishment in GOP because they are too corrupt, and we need fresh and patriots in the GOP leadership in the House and Senate. I am tired of old faces, who don’t care about us, the American people.
Six months ago Peterson was telling us to “Just take the G** D***** vaccine!”. He’s controlled opposition attempting to rehabilitate his brand. Think ‘rats leaving a sinking ship’.
How about an update on the Brunson Bros case to
A successful result from SCOTUS would solve ALL these challenges!!!!!
Given Trump’s horrible record on personnel choices while in office, he should butt out. How about spending some time putting out the Truth about the bioweapons posing as vaccines or the growing number of people who are STILL being injured–children and newborns especially, or worse, dying. We don’t have until 2024!
Is this the way you censor, to say a comment has already been poste when it hasn’t?
Does anyone else see the uncanny likeness between Jen Psaki and Mark Zuckerberg? They are either clones of each other or they are both descendants of the bloodline Rockefellers….
You mean they repeat the same message over and over and over like you do with your podcasts/ You repeat the same thing every single show and still nothing to prove any of it. How I wish there would finally be some proof.
You just said Trump is supporting McCarthy because he has the goods, he has leverage on McCarthy and others and is flexing his muscles.
That’s exactly the Deep State!!
Getting the goods on people. manipulating them to your wills and desires. What if we learned Nancy Pelosi had the “goods” on McCarthy and was manipulating him to her desires?
Would you be celebrating? Yeah, that’s who we need, because he can be manipulated! Or would you be disgusted that he is even being considered?
Sounds like Trump is exactly the Deep State, you just like him. As the Saying goes… Fool me Once!
Obama signed an Executive Order before he left office giving 17 Intelligence agencies access to “For Eyes Only” National Security Classified data. He essentially gave clearances to approx. 250,000 more people to do nefarious leaking of data. Which they did A LOT! It gave all the agencies authorization to request the NSA to unmask U.S. Citizens at their whim.
Why didn’t Trump cancel the Order? Instead he went on a Pity Party over intelligence spying on him.
Is Trump the Actual Deep State? Why hasn’t Trump did anything to stop Child grooming? Child gender mutilation? Child Trafficking? Just calls DeSantis names for combatting these issues.
Sorry Dave,
I think you have it wrong this time and sadly so does President Trump. If it is as you say and Trump can control McCarthy, Trump can also control another candidate. Why would Trump want that viper in control of the House? McCarthy is poison and he needs to step down. McCarthy is showing all conservatives he cares more about power than America.
You talk about Trump being part of a “sting” or that he sets “traps.” Could this McCarthy thing be a “payback” for stabbing Trump in the back and the maga people? Maybe it is to humiliate McCarthy in front of everyone. I just hope it does not backfire and we get a D as Speaker. It seems they should not be allowed to take that role. Only a person from the majority, but then if Devin Nunes or anyone for that matter could be speaker, I guess they would challenge that.
Hello Dave,
How does one get the audio of Ruby Freeman?
A True Blue Follower,
Monica N.
In a sense one could make the argument that the Hunter Biden laptop is more amoot point { though it is not for sure} However how about The Democratic national cimmittee allowing Joe Biden t even be a candidate ffor The office of President.. Long BEFORE the Democratic Convention it was a matter of public record { public recod being the highrest form of evidence } THAT the BIDEN FMILY alredy had multi-billion dollar deals with the Chineese Military….controlled BY The Communist Party…SWORN ENEMIES TO: tHE cONSITUTIONAL rEPUBLIC “OF” tHE GOVERNMENTAL FORM OF “SELF GOVERNMENT” that we are supposed to be honoring….BY ALL ARE LAWS…are we not? So the Biden Family were in fact in a state of Treason to the Lawful government of our Country so
WHY is not the Democrtic national Committee NOT BEING INVESTIGATED for collusion to cmmit treason….ALL THIS PRE-DATED THE DISCONVERY OF hUNTER’S INFAMOUS LAPTOP, DOES IT NOT??? why ??????????????????????????????
Why haven’t you addressed the Supreme Court case, Brunson v Adams which is expected to be ruled on today as to acceptance to move the case forward for full hearing?
Brunson v Adams – most important case in history being ruled on today – denied by 10th circuit and moved to the Supreme Court because of national importance and considered important because of national security considerations.