Ep 2968b – Spotlight Turned On Big Pharma, Truth Belongs To The People, They Were Warned
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The [DS] is being exposed, first it was censorship by big tech, government, now big pharma, the truth belongs to the people. The [DS] has lost control of the narrative using the fake news propaganda machine, the investigations, big tech platform and now the people are going to see how the big pharma, Fauci the CDC and FDA deceived the people. The damage they caused by pushing this agenda will not be forgotten. The truth is going to bring it all down.
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- ← Ep 2968a – Trump Sends Economic Message, It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way
- Ep 2969a – Biden Has Lost The Economic Narrative, Trump Sends Message About The Tax Cuts →
Is Pelosi’s daughter in Brazil with her camera crew too?
Calm down and slow the speech down. You are continually stating that the information must be dripped out so the public will understand what is being shown to them. Well, at the rate you are speaking even those of us who understand a lot are getting headaches trying to keep up with your data chaos. Slow down, you will come across as someone in control and your comments will impact much stronger. Just my opinion. Jack Diamond
As long as the guilty walk free it doesn’t matter what comes out, there is still ZERO arrests. All we have ever seen in our government is finger pointing then it all dies down and no accountability happens.
Your fantasy has a serious flaw. Tens of millions of illegals aren’t going to be rounded up and deported. The criminals might be, but everybody else will be given amnesty and a path to citizenship. Their cheap labor is required here. So who is REALLY winning????
SCOTUS declined to allow Brunson vs Adams to go to closed hearing before 4 Justices. This decision will be appealed.
SCOTUS compromised!
Military is the only way forward!
Nothing has changed. Until we get the 2020 election & the 2022 elections are overturned – NOTHING changes.
Your dreaming ! they want our country to get worse. They don’t care what “We the People” think. Nothing canges until we correct the 2020 & 2022 elections.
I’ll believe the committees membership & the “real investigations” expected JUST AS SOON AS I SEE THEM HAPPEN. i’LL ALSO be DELIGHTED when the proposed first, hot House bills get PASSED & BECOME LAW & are THEN ENFORCED. MAGA!
For God sakes, Bring it all down. Patience may be a virtue but too much of it is simply weakness and we are rapidly coming to the point where it must be concluded. Days… not months.
X22 report is how I start my day as soon as I wake. You’re report turns a negative into a positive. It gives hope in which I believe. Keep it going. Thank you so much.
biden doesn’t care. the democrats don’t care. Nothing will pass the senate & even if it does, biden won’t sign it. Stop living in fantasy land.
Think back two years before covid was “released”. The 3rd largest mfgs. Of HCQ THE SHERMANS, were murdered in their home in Canada.
Wonder if it had anything to do with the soon to be PANDEMIC OF CO—ID.
ALSO: on another note, close to this abomination we call J. BI—EN.
REMEMBER BACK ABOUT 18-20 months when there was an article, I believe it was u DAVE, posting it about, Joe getting keys to @ ‘new’ office. Can not remember which, but there were few offices that you put in your post.
It was detailed about who The keys were given to. Prestigious building, JOE, JILL, HUNTER AND A MAN OF CHINESE DESENT!! Can’t say for certain, but I do believe you were speaking about the PENN BUILDING. BUT THE PARTNER OF HUNTER WAS GIVEN A KEY.
If it was, I would take kudos for the advance prediction of what was to come to fruition!