Ep 2342b – White Hat Hackers Have It All, This Is Not An Election, It’s A Sting Operation
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The [DS]/MSM [e] fraud playbook was already known by the patriots. The playbook was laid out for all of us to see. Now the fraud is being presented, the first stage is to drip the first part of the evidence. The next stage will be to present the hard facts and the final stage will show that these people [knowingly] committed a crime. Then and only then will the agency that oversees election integrity get involved. This is one of the biggest sting operations the world has ever seen. Panic everywhere.
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- ← Ep 2342a – Patriots Knew The Reset Plan, Countermeasures In Place
- Ep 2343a – The [CB]s Trapped Themselves In Their Own Plan, The World Is Watching →
Is Barr to be trusted ?
That’s what I am wondering! What the heck is going on with the guy? More disinformation from the Deep State news?
Hi Dave look forward to your reports everyday BUT please please turn up your volume i can barley hear it. Have a Great Day
Did you see where John Solomon said Zuckerberg paid $350 million to the vote rigging poll workers to throw the election? I try to catch you everyday I can. Thank you for your service to our country.
Q, told us all in the past; go back to the “BEGINNING” ->5×5<-
Lets kick some ass !!!
Great commentary. Still wish I could get answer on the GSA Biden saying no foreign connections, It was easier to get answer when you were on youtube. Thank you for this good video well done. are you still having problems from x22report 2.0? they seem to keep on going??????
Thanks Dave, I was confused and angry, about Barr not seeing any widespread voter fraud.😅😅😅
Toe the line, patriots, never give up,we can’t let everyone who has fought and gave their lives to keep our republic and our rights to be a free and glorious nation under GOD to ever give it up for the sake of our children, our republic and for the entire free living world . We will not let evil win , NEVER!!! We must keep on fighting for the sake of humanity. May God bless us all ,and help the people of his creation destroy the evil ones that want to destroy his children
I still think AG is a traitor, and weak useless doing nothing. Otherwise why hasn’t he done what the pres asked him to do, he has all the evidence, he has done nothing! Pres Trump needs an AG as strong as him for his next 4 years!
I don’t like or trust AG! He has done nothing!
After Trump is re-elected, is a credit freeze still possible or Trump is already capable of not letting happening to American people?
Thanks, Dave, for always bringing insight and clarity into the day’s events. Lots of people were thrown for a loop with Barr’s statement on there being no widespread voter fraud; and I admit, it was disheartening. But I know MSM love to take any opportunity to twist their daggers a little deeper into the President’s back whenever there’s a chance, and this statement by Barr was one of them. That alone, made me wonder if there could be more to what he said, and you’ve given another angle to consider.
I just tried to post a comment on another page to watch 2xxreport.com and it outlined the post and said unable to post this comment. I have never had this happen. What does it mean? Front Porch Sense was the page I tried to post on.
It means you have been flagged and are being sensored. You might want to try blocking all the fact checkers that are following your account. Personally, I have blocked over 200+ factcheckers from mine. You go to your Settings, then, Blocking and in the search box type: Fact or FactCheck or Checks and you will see a list of ALL the people that are following your account with the word Check in it. Currently, there are 33 people I need to block. The names of the people following me are Checkstore Sana, Greyson Checks, CheckStub Print Money, Lloyd Checksfield, Emma Checksfield, Lisa Checksfield and so on. I do NOT know these “people.” I have researched the various FactCheckers and FB seems to be using “factcheckers” in China. OH, and when you block these people you only have the capability to block them individually. Have fun.
ALSO, make sure when you see the contents of this box. “If you just want to limit what you share with less of her on Facebook, you can take a break from her instead.” Note, the take a break phrase is bolded. You need to unbold that so you will not alert the person you are trying to block, that you are attempting to block them.
was a fake copycat site
Remember the deep state players don’t want us sharing the truth the real news on what’s going on ! That’s why they want us at home in fear and are lying about the virus bull ! People need to share share share the truth and pray pray pray ! We win in the end !
so happy to have you help with all the news you give us..thank you, stay strong and safe and believe, have faith, our President needs us more than ever now…god bless and god speed, pray everyone pray.
Sheila Cool (?) is a man. You can see clearly. More male psychopaths than female.
I like these programs but for some reason the facts stated is not corroborated elsewhere. I have no reason to doubt but to have an impact they must have resonance with the public in one way or form.
I see corroboration EVERYWHERE. Of course, I’m looking for it, tho. Not in this current Ep., but in the one before it, I had previously seen EVERY video Dave had posted in the report. I was totally gobsmacked by that. Love your work Dave and your reports are what I look forward to seeing FIRST, EVERY DAY.
“The [2020] elections are secure.” Remember that? REMEMBER THAT!? All pie-in-the-sky feel good bullshit. Everything is “beginning to happen,” or “about to happen,” but NOTHING is ACTUALLY happening, and NOTHING has ACTUALLY happened except the smug arrogance of the corrupt demoncrats. I don’t feel the groundwave of civil unhappiness, just a resigned, “we’ll get ’em next time” kind of resignation. Well, there may not be a “next time.” If they are successful in pulling off this banana republic election farce, their ability to continue into the future will be unchecked. In that case, the best we could hope to expect would be the balkanization of the country. As a Vietnam Vet, I can assure you I would HATE living through another civil war – ours, or anybody else’s. But damn it, if that’s what it takes…
Dave, You do such a good job getting us information. I have seen videos that talk about the vaccine that is supposed to be for covid 19. The video claims it has DNA altering compounds in it that literally change our DNA. it has luciferase in it. pretty scary stuff. It’s called moderna or something like that. wish I could upload the 7-minute video for you. Trump has done great stuff but this is troubling. it’s as if they want us to take the mark of the beast. End times stuff. what do you know? It’s getting close to being released to anyone who wants it Plus I’m betting you won’t be able to buy and sell without it.
Your time is valuable, but so many people are very concerned about this right now!
Thanks for your time, Dave!
Kevin Briden [email protected]
The Republicans are sleeping as the Democrats are burning down America. We no longer have a working government, we need an “Electronic Democracy” so that the people can govern. www,ddtv,org
S U P E R D A V E ……………….
If you say the word “panicking” one more time, my head is going to explode. No one is panicking, except Trump.
Today FB will not let me share your video. 😔 I usually post your b report with my introduction: “The Voice of Reason.” Texas Lady Juanita
I am very upset about this.