Ep 2971b – 25th Amendment Coming For Biden, How Do You Sneak One In, [DS] In A Deep Panic
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The [DS] is panicking over Biden, he is a liability and they need away of getting rid of him. Trump predicted that the 25th Amendment would not be used against him it would be used against Biden. The [DS] has lost Twitter, the House is investigating, Hunter’s laptop is real, the house can get his taxes, the [DS] is now making a move on Biden, but Trump knew this would happen, why because he pushed them down this path, he knows the playbook. Is Biden mentally unfit or was this an act because he knew this was going to happen eventually. The [DS] treasonous crimes are being exposed.
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- Ep 2972a – WEF Panics, GND Failed, Debt Ceiling Approaching →
Please help me get the word out x 22 THE CAUSE OF AVIATION CHAOS WORLDWIDE IS the vaxxed pilots dying mid flight from the clot shots. There was a hearing in EU PARLIAMENT on this issue over 6 months ago. Rich elites are hiring exclusively unvaxxed pilots for their private planes LOOK WITH YOUR OWN EYES IT IS ALL DOCUMENTED IN THIS VIDEO! https://rumble.com/v254t57-dead-pil0ts-society.html
Whoever in the military came up with this plan was brilliant because every move was never written in stone. It was designed to be fluid and change as the enemy changed. Every move the Deep State has made was known before they played it as they did it more than once they had no fear of retribution.. Everyone thought they were in charge and kept falling into the web and now the military is ending their control at every turn before they can see it.
Hey Dave!!
Why do you think he did this,,,,because O`Bummer was prez,,,,and we all know how that turned out!!
We still have too many skank devils seeded lying skank Jews infiltrated into Washington D.C. Folks need to wake up Israel ( is the church of believers in Jesus ) not the Terrorist, murdering state of ” Israel ” these are all criminal lying fuwking talmudic filthy kikes hell bent on destroying the White Christians ( the GOY right out of their mouths) in this nation. I’m a bit afraid that Trump is involved with the deep state of isreali demons due to his son-in-jew Kushner… They are evil fuwking slugs…. These kikes are responsible for all of this country and world wide immigration & inter-mixing of families… They are PURE EVIL PIECES OF DEVILS SEEDED JEW FUWKING TRASH…
How could biden remove classified docs? As veep, he cannot. obama can. It seems obama is behind removing biden. The fbi is at obama’s disposal. Trump (white hats) knows this and is trapping them all at once. Why would they even claim his lawyers are finding these docs? They would be the worst lawyers in America to expose their own client. This is now becoming all too ridiculous.
How did Trump know the 25th A would come back to haunt Biden? Simple, the R’s can now use all the rules the past congress instituted to frame Trump and impeach him. Trump knows and knew that he’s clean, and there’s a mountain of solid evidence that Biden and the rest of the cabal is dirty as Hell.
How did Trump know the 25th A would come back to haunt Biden? Simple, the R’s can now use all the rules the past congress instituted to frame Trump and impeach him. Trump knows and knew that he’s clean, and there’s a mountain of solid evidence that Biden and the rest of the cabal is dirty as Hell.
We aren’t heading toward the flood,,,, We are heading towards THE STORM IS UPON US
The first real sense of Pedophiles I remember was Roman Polansky and his rape of the 13 year old girl. How Hollywood kept making it Front and Center that it was NO BIG DEAL in their speeches at the Golden Globes and the Oscars for several years. The Meryl Streep’s, Barbra Streisand’s, Jack Nicholson’s, Harvey Weinstein’s, Tom Hanks’s and the entire audience of Hollywood.
Remember the speeches… It’s time to bring Roman Home. That was a long time ago in a different era. Sorry Hollywood, Raping women is still a crime… ask Weinstein and the “Me-Too” crowd, but especially raping a 13 year old girl after drugging her… wasn’t a different era!
Then the whole Pizzagate thing over Toddlers and Tiaras where Tweets by Chrissy Tiegan, John Legend and Tom Hanks became famous.
Chrissy: It’s time for T&T. I’m already getting wet.
Legend: Bath and Wine time?
Hanks: Who’s ready for Pizza?
Chrissy: Sausage?
Hanks: and Pepperoni!
Then other tweets and other “celebrities” over Toddlers and Tiaras. When called out by some disgusted people… that’s when the Pedophiles started talking Wayfair code. It took awhile, but the journalist broke the code.
Then… Hanks moved to a Greek Island that doesn’t have laws and extradition. Nuff Said!
Then came Nexvis and the Founder being supplied by B-Actresses!
More Hollywood!!
Just opened a Noble Gold IRA. Your word is like Gold here Thank you.
make no mistake, THE DEEP STATE is taking out Joe Biden.
TRUMP IS DOING NOTHING. Trump CAN’T do anything.
Thanks Dave for all your hard work. Your dedication to this ultimate fraud … is an Honor, We will never forget. I have more to say but got to go. So …
To Victory ~
Patriot and Digital Patriot, Facebook Division
… ^ _ ^ …
This is a show Biden was evil. He was used so people would see how evil our goverment. Remember Trump said enjoy the show. This is not reaching the liberals 2 ofmy children are liberals and they don’tkmow anything going on
How many docs from Iran, Ukraine, and China is Obama, John Kerry sitting with? The Dems did everything possible to win the midterms as we would NEVER have seen Biden’s docs coming out! Easy to see when the Dems can’t rig/cheat an election, just look @ Florida.