Ep 2981b – [DS] Has Lost The Narrative, They Are Fighting For Their Lives, Panic In DC
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The [DS] has lost the narrative, every fake event they created is falling apart and the people are learning the truth. The D’s have been kicked off committees and they are panicking, they don’t have the ability to get the intel. The [DS] is now moving towards the scare event they are pushing war with Russia. Trump is exposing the [DS] and puts out a message that is now time to clean out the rot, we need to remove the infiltration. The [DS] is now fighting for their lives.
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- Ep 2982a – El Salvador Counters The [CB], This Is What They Don’t Want The People To See →
Watching Adam Schiff & his cohorts in crime be stripped of their committee assignments was most satisfying. Now I am looking forward to their crimes being made public & their indictments. It’s been a long long journey friends but now I can see a light that will lead to justice!
Love X22 report
Stop saying holy crap you Christian hater!
Really… data just coming out? Deraposka was a central character along with Kolomoisky of the Ukraine Central Bank in all the FISA gate books published 3-4 years ago.
Extensive investigations, research, writing, footnotes, evidence, conclusions galore THREE YEARS AGO!
Shweitzer, Bongino, Jarrett, Piro, Nunez Interviews and others wrote multiple Books connecting the Dots. Each and every fact in the books have exactly come true and were proven over the last THREE YEARS.
Yet, details are just coming out?
Control the top theory? No, it has to permeate throughout the workforce. Enough to where Whistleblowers are ignored as “Making Shit Up”.
Think about it. A company wants to ignore policies, laws, etc. in order to push something. A product, service, data, it doesn’t matter. The CEO or his staff can’t just say do it.
That means the VP, Director, Manager, Supervisor have to communicate to each level to ignore the design, ingredients, processes, safety, quality, policies, enforcement, to achieve the goal. Then the workforce have to be corrupt enough to actually do it.
Put contaminated products in food, install premature software, put faulty parts on a car or plane, because the CEO said to do it. It has to permeate all the way!
Same with Budgets and accounting. Misreport finances. Cook the books. Every level of an organization, external businesses, supply chain, and the IRS have to ignore that the CEO said cook the books!
No… you might have a few at the top that are Corrupt, but it takes the workforce to achieve the results. Garland and Wray didn’t raid Trump… the Agents did! They read the unredacted warrant that made no sense. They had their “Action” meetings in which they reviewed the Warrant(s) and developed the Action to Execute the Warrant. They just didn’t get a phone call and go invade a mansion.
They made contact with the Secret Service, Local Police Force and News Media! That is Permeated through the whole agency… not a few at the top!
Can the global alliance just get on with it please!!!!
@16:40 Wonder where “shakey” Merkel is today. Haven’t heard a peep. (I’m fine with that!)
In Peru, is the opposite, the people protesting are the communists attempting to retake the government. they are trying to change the constitution; the globalists are backing up the violent protesters.
If Biden allowed access of classified information to Hunter, with the purpose of sharing with Archer and the board of Barisma. And there was an investigation into corruption involving Barisma and it’s board members including Hunter by a Ukraine investigator. Then Biden goes to Ukraine and threatens to withhold the American peoples money, my money, if the investigator that’s investigating Barisma and Hunter Biden isn’t fired. The Unkrainian officials then question Biden’s authority to do so and Biden tells them to call Obama to confirm his authority, then ISN’T OBAMA INVOLVED IN BIDEN’S CORRUPTION WITH UKRAINE? Shouldn’t he be investigated in the money laundering of my money going to Ukraine and coming back to the corrupt politicians in the US? His name is never mentioned Why?
1) Reform the FBI??? Are you kidding? Get RID of the FBI … When J. Edgar Hoover was in charge, he was as crooked as the current bunch … The FBI concept is flawed and dangerous to this country!
2) Feinstein … had a Chinese agent for a driver for 10 plus years!!!!
3) Regarding Trump’s phone call … How about the phone call Biden bragged about at the Foreign Affairs Council, where he told Ukraine to fire a particular DAG because that person was getting too close to the truth about his son Hunter and Barisma??
4) We need an FBI SWAT team to show up at Obama’s home as well
If Trump & the Patriots are in control and have been for over a year, why has the stock market fallen, losing tens of thousands of dollars for me? Also, why did/does Trump promote vaccines? Many have died, including 5 persons my family knew personally. And, it does not appear any of the deep state is panicking. Henry Van Every
That bitch in the middle should be deported!! She wouldn’t last a day in Sudan.
These traitors need to be prosecuted . We need to clean the swamp now