Ep 2987b – [JB] Has Brought Us To The Brink Of Nuclear War, Trump – WWIII Can Be Avoided Easily
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The [DS] is now in the process of removing [JB], he has become a liability and they will continue to pressure him and eventually as the truth and facts come out he will most likely start to lose it, he will then most likely be taken out by the 25th Amendment. Trump sends a message that we are on the brink of a nuclear war and it needs to stop and there is a very simple solution. The peace maker is throwing is hat into the ring to stop WWIII.
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- ← Ep 2987a – GND Is Backfiring, The [WEF] Goes All Out, Economic Indicators Flashing Red
- Ep 2988a – Top Biden Economic Aid Jumps Ship, Is Something About To Happen →
A long time till November 2024, I retire in 2030, I will be 70 yrs old. What will USA look like?
I am so glad you mentioned the truth about ron desantis. I have been telling people he should not run for potus. he’s doing a fine job for florida and that is exactly what florida needs. each state needs the best governor for their own state. Just bc one person is popular does not mean they should throw their hat in the ring. Love your videos btw…
It’s not working!
I see that , maybe , Xi does prefer Trump over Biden because of the threat of going to war with the deep state puppets in office . You say Biden is pro Chinese and everything China . It’s a little bit of conflicting information.
We shall see !
Where is 2987b ? It’s not on Rumble, it’s not available on website. I received an email, but it is not to be found. 2987a was available on Rumble. I watched it but could not find 2987b. Thanks for your help.
If you look it failed societies over thousands of years, they all have many things in common. They all collapsed as the art, view of diversity increased and corrupt leaders. The easiest way to see this is looking at the role of the female from beginning to end in their art. All started with the female madonna like and transgresses to nudes, debauchery and anything goes regarding the sexes.
So ask yourself this question. Did God intervene saying enough is enough? He did give all of humanity commandments and a free will. When the free will turned to depravity verses morality, their society collapsed.
Next question to ask. Where are we headed? Our country started with the female revered to the flappers to God only knows what since then. Is our society on a path to self destruction?
Is the hand of God going to wipe us out like Egypt? Egypt has never regained the power they once had. Same goes for the Greek’s and Romans. They all turned from God and his will for us. They all had prosperity which turned to greed, corruption, and enslavement of the populations they controlled. We are no better if than them who lost all.
We look to Trump to save us all, when we need to be turning to God to destroy the evil ones like the pharaohs of old, the emperor’s of old. JMO
You’re going to have to keep a very close eye on the DeSantis/Trump dynamic. Yikes! Careful, this is a mine field. Lots going on behind the scenes that we (and you) are not privy to. Just be careful Dave. You’re a great news-source. Keep it that way. Tread lightly until you know everything.
Once again, Dave, you completely underestimate the American people. Our Constitution gives us the means and authority to NOT be locked down for years and years. Who is pushing a fear based flawed narrative??? Oh, that would be YOU, DAVE! I would consider a course correction on this subject. There are too many variables for you to CONSTANTLY defend this very short sighted argument.
Stick to selling flashlights.
In my personal opinion, if a person has to take an oath to obey and protect the Constitution of the U.S. I feel they need to read the Constitution and, take a test of the Constitution and, pass this test of 90%, and, sign an affidavit that they understand the oath that they are taking. Once they are done with this process they need to be accountable for executing the Constitution of the U.S.
What’s amazing is 2-years later, after Trump left office on Jan 20, 2021, watch the NBC, CBS, ABC nightly shows with Fallon, Colbert, Kimmel, Meyers, Cordon, even SNL is still doing skits… EVERY SINGLE NIGHT these people start the “monologue” with Trump’s terrible because…
And they simply repeat the lies from all the Fake News stories. Even after the Fake News is proven a Malfeasant Lie… these shows simply move to the next Trump story the next night.
Just like Brokeback News… “We don’t know how to Quit Him”!
Oh, you’ll quit when Advertisers stop paying… and they’ll stop paying because you are no longer reaching the masses. Eventually… The Executives will have to come to grips with That’s OLD NEWS… move on!
Currently however they must stay on the Escalation Escalator so that their Pedophile Peers in Hollywood and Politics will like them!
We The People didn’t wait for Trump or anyone else to tell us that we were a free people!
The problem with ESA’s to follow the Child is the Federal Government MUST STOP FUNDING the public schools! If not, it INVITES corruption!
No, not the Teacher’s Union… the Parents! If they are getting an ESA to spend on the child, and the Public School is still FREE, the parent can keep the account and send the child for a free education and continue to perpetuate the Problem! Social Woke Agenda and Poor Educational Performance.
If no money is involved, and only a CHIT system of reimbursement, it may work. As long as their is a financial incentive, someone will figure how to scam it.
Look no further that the 20 Pandemic Funds set up that are just now getting scrutinized and accounted. ESA will be the new Pandemic Fund, except State level!
They forget that God said Trump wins. God has already chosen his leaders for the next twenty four years. They will be God centered and our laws will go back to those who will listen to and follow Gods direction, God is going to allow all crimes that have been hidden. All evidence that has been hidden or destroyed to come back and be revealed.
i was born 06/27/1945’, my first baby sitter was a Jewish Soldier and influencer was Was Marvin Dinner! My Father was MR Weld county colorado!
I am second important to DJT
grooming attempted on me in 1963 in college by Dean of Men. thank GOD i was saved by Jesus!!!
Where are the FBI Swat teams for Obama’s 30 million documents?????
I do hope that you are reading the comments that people leave …. It will give you more ammunition, for your pod casts, once your verify the truth ….
Here we go, the RED WAVE is coming!!!
where have we heard that before?
is dave controlled opposition?
I’m still confused by President Trump’s stand on the shot. I know he makes it very clear that it is our choice, but I still feel he leans towards it too much when you consider the danger I BELIEVE it proves to create. I was just wondering if you could touch on your thoughts a bit deeper than you have with the shot and President Trump.
I have heard that the deep state turkeys have had many many attempts at taking
DJT out of commission permanently ( like they did to JFK ).
DJT is obviously well protected by Eric Prince & his team. & the SS.